Zusammenfassung von How To Use L-Glutamine + Benefits | Weight Loss + Muscle Recovery + Gut Health | Nutricost - SummarizeYou (2025)

  • 00:00:00

    like you know some things will say

  • 00:00:01

    unflavored and you put it in water and

  • 00:00:03

    you're like

  • 00:00:04

    why do I taste something there's a

  • 00:00:06

    little tinch giving it takes their line

  • 00:00:09


  • 00:00:13

    hey Vibes welcome back to my channel

  • 00:00:15

    welcome back to another video if you're

  • 00:00:17

    new here welcome my name is Brooklyn

  • 00:00:19

    this is Vibe with Brooklyn and on this

  • 00:00:22

    channel we get into a ton of Fenty

  • 00:00:23

    Beauty 50 skin health tips hauls Chit

  • 00:00:27

    Chats and you know the list really just

  • 00:00:28

    goes on so if you like any of that stuff

  • 00:00:30

    don't forget to subscribe to the vibe

  • 00:00:33

    Squad I would love to have you we are

  • 00:00:35

    all A vibe here as you can see from the

  • 00:00:37

    title below we are talking of all things

  • 00:00:39

    L glutamine this has been a trend it is

  • 00:00:42

    on all the socials it is popping off

  • 00:00:45

    real real quick and it is something I've

  • 00:00:47

    been using for a long time this is the

  • 00:00:49

    brand that I have been seeing this is

  • 00:00:52

    what I always use I have had other

  • 00:00:54

    brands and there are definitely other

  • 00:00:56

    Branch trending well glutamine is an

  • 00:00:58

    amino acid it's like a protein food it's

  • 00:01:01

    really good for your muscles it's good

  • 00:01:03

    for the immune system cell recovery and

  • 00:01:07

    just things like that it does a bunch of

  • 00:01:09

    different things because it is an amino

  • 00:01:11

    acid it's a conditional Amino until your

  • 00:01:14

    body does produce some of this already

  • 00:01:16

    but when you're getting extra into your

  • 00:01:19

    system from either Foods or just like

  • 00:01:21

    powders like this

  • 00:01:22

    um you're adding more into your system

  • 00:01:25

    that your body didn't already create

  • 00:01:27

    sixty percent of your skeletal muscle is

  • 00:01:30

    actually made up of glutamine now

  • 00:01:32

    glutamine can be found in the in this

  • 00:01:34

    form which is a powder form a pill form

  • 00:01:36

    and then of course you can get it in

  • 00:01:38

    like eggs tofu milk broccoli turkey corn

  • 00:01:42

    I mean just Google it for a giant list

  • 00:01:44

    to pop up of where you can get this from

  • 00:01:47

    a more natural standpoint if you're

  • 00:01:50

    someone who has inflammatory bowel

  • 00:01:51

    gastrointestine we're all a really good

  • 00:01:54

    immune Health digestive

  • 00:01:57

    situation for lack of better words it's

  • 00:02:00

    going to help with all of that stuff

  • 00:02:02

    it's going to really coat the lining

  • 00:02:04

    it's going to make your system stronger

  • 00:02:06

    a lot of people have found that they

  • 00:02:09

    have had weight loss to treat like leaky

  • 00:02:11


  • 00:02:12

    ulcers increase any muscle waste that's

  • 00:02:15

    happening in your body as well it can

  • 00:02:17

    improve performance endurance I have

  • 00:02:20

    found it to definitely improve my

  • 00:02:21

    endurance so so so so much like I find

  • 00:02:24

    now when I'm going for my runs like my

  • 00:02:26

    endurance is like it's just up there

  • 00:02:28

    like before it was it wasn't anywhere

  • 00:02:31

    like I would just be winded in the first

  • 00:02:34

    five minutes and now I'm like

  • 00:02:36

    I'm running girl okay she's a runner

  • 00:02:38

    she's a track star at this point okay so

  • 00:02:41

    the list really really goes on while why

  • 00:02:44

    L glutamine is really good for the body

  • 00:02:46

    but why it's trending is because people

  • 00:02:48

    are saying that it's gonna make a little

  • 00:02:50

    belly fat go away so yes I do agree that

  • 00:02:54

    it can help with that that is paired

  • 00:02:56

    with a great diet a good exercise

  • 00:02:58

    routine I don't believe that anything

  • 00:03:00

    Works without those two working together

  • 00:03:03

    it's a simple just

  • 00:03:05

    nothing special a plain

  • 00:03:08

    white powder what do you know so it says

  • 00:03:11

    I'm about to take just one scoop a day I

  • 00:03:14

    do that um I think you want to have no

  • 00:03:16

    more than three

  • 00:03:18

    um two or take it two or three times a

  • 00:03:20

    day but of course consult your doctor's

  • 00:03:22

    positions all them people that's gonna

  • 00:03:24

    help you actually know what your body

  • 00:03:25

    needs for you I only take one

  • 00:03:28

    I respect life so there's that other

  • 00:03:30

    thing that I really like about this is

  • 00:03:31

    that it's unflavored I love an

  • 00:03:34

    unflavored moment

  • 00:03:36

    um I take almost everything unflavored

  • 00:03:38

    except for like certain greens and et

  • 00:03:40

    cetera Etc why because when I come home

  • 00:03:41

    from the gym I mix up my protein shake

  • 00:03:44

    and I throw every single unflavored item

  • 00:03:46

    in that shake and Shake It Up the shake

  • 00:03:49

    tastes fine and I go about my day now

  • 00:03:51

    you can pour this in water juice

  • 00:03:53

    anything that you want

  • 00:03:55

    um or you can do what I do and just

  • 00:03:56

    combine it into the things you're

  • 00:03:57

    already taking it is very easy there is

  • 00:04:00

    no no taste to it like you know some

  • 00:04:02

    things will say unflavored and you put

  • 00:04:03

    it in water and you're like

  • 00:04:05

    why do I taste something there's a

  • 00:04:07

    little tinch giving it to their line

  • 00:04:10

    this pretty much gives unflavored in my

  • 00:04:12

    opinion so it says that there's 50

  • 00:04:14

    servings in here this is a small bottle

  • 00:04:16

    I believe this bottle is about 15 I got

  • 00:04:18

    it on Amazon I'll leave it down below

  • 00:04:20

    you so you guys can click the link I

  • 00:04:23

    probably won't ever stop using it of

  • 00:04:24

    course I'm gonna get it in the natural

  • 00:04:26

    way of all my Foods the foods that have

  • 00:04:29

    it in it that is honestly gonna always

  • 00:04:31

    be the best way but when you're in a

  • 00:04:33

    hurry and you just grab something

  • 00:04:35

    this brand neutral cost like I've been

  • 00:04:38

    loving this brand and there is really a

  • 00:04:40

    reason why you guys have been seeing it

  • 00:04:42

    all over the place I wanted to come on

  • 00:04:43

    here and tell you that it's not just for

  • 00:04:45

    necessarily weight loss and that you

  • 00:04:47

    can't just take this and go about your

  • 00:04:49

    daily routine that is unhealthy and

  • 00:04:51

    think that you're gonna have any

  • 00:04:52

    benefits this stuff works when you're

  • 00:04:54

    encompassing your whole life in a more

  • 00:04:56

    healthier holistic way so that's what I

  • 00:04:59

    try to teach on my channel pass out pass

  • 00:05:02

    off to you guys so that you know you're

  • 00:05:05

    also viewing it in that way and just

  • 00:05:06

    understanding that that's how most

  • 00:05:08

    things work we keep it very real on this

  • 00:05:10

    channel okay so this is this is a safe

  • 00:05:13

    space if you are someone who has

  • 00:05:15

    questions comments concerns leave them

  • 00:05:17

    down below I am not a doctor any of

  • 00:05:19

    those things I Dibble and Dabble so with

  • 00:05:21

    that being said I hope you guys enjoyed

  • 00:05:23

    this video it was a little bit

  • 00:05:24

    informative because I know you've been

  • 00:05:26

    seeing the tea all over Instagram Tick

  • 00:05:28

    Tock and Etc so please like comment

  • 00:05:31

    share this video with any and everyone I

  • 00:05:32

    love you guys so so so so much I will

  • 00:05:34

    catch you guys in my next live video bye

Zusammenfassung von How To Use L-Glutamine + Benefits | Weight Loss + Muscle Recovery + Gut Health | Nutricost - SummarizeYou (2025)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 6323

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.