The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)

Tuesday. August 1972 THE EVENING SUN 1 1 Your Lucky Number Today and Always is Call this number NOW to Place your Classified Ad. A Friendly Ad Taker will be Happy to help you! 637-3736 TOY ipncot poodle for sale good with children, beat offer call 637-ixxx 0 SOLD Received about 15 calls 17 HOME SERVICE 9 Ml SC. SaLE 7-FEMALE HELP INTEREST! 9 MALE HELP INTEREST 9 MALE HELP INTEREST i MALE-FEMALE Classified Ads Classified AOs. Cancellation and Corrections taken dally from 8 A.M for the following day's McCOY STOP! TRAINEE VACUUM CLEANERS SERVICE on CLEARANCE ELECTRONICS CO.

fie nuVb ou Nortof Mm cXcS sales mD.Hr wmsit 1 New ant Needs Production Workers POLICE SneUing 4 SnelUng Emp for day and night shifts. A challenging position offering per-i cnM. rwwr ugVnrn m.u siune nwno. Past experience will be Wei- sonal nd waterproofing cars coined and duly compen- rjght man can progress to an i WAITER Waitress Full nart g. antiques etc Rear 113 Carlisle LUDWIG Drums; HP motors; New Oxford.

Pa 624-7124 1909 books and bottles, 8 Track car t-rrors not the fault of the adver Oser will be corrected and an extra insertion given only when notification is made before the PAINTING interior exterior SieSTST A SO Will do spraying. Phone 63l- cvclnDedias $9 95 Rail Rearine Rod spraying cyclopedias. $9.95, Ball Bearing Hod i tr or or sated. If you lack experience, "uai salary of The Hentage Barn g37-28iP9 you will be trained by high-! $0,3 4 5 COOKS HELPER Able to follow 4964. MATTHEW VLAHOS ly competent supervisors.

jfiH ancy accep 10 esabllshed menu in assisting cook Prepare meals for 100 patients and Reel: Zenith TV's; 18 Carat wedding PENT your camping supplies from bands: Gun scopes Polaroid cam-us PENT-ALL SERVICE, INC 633-1 GERRY'S SHOP', 77i, i FUNERAL DIRECTORS W. V. Kenworthy FUNERAL HOME 289 Frederick Hanover Dial 6117-6259 PAWN turn right at 613 Middle Hanover, Pa employees If you are a steady worker and of excellent character, call 624-8228 Monday thru Friday HELP WANTED To process sweet corn about August 10. at A. W.

Feeser Division, Run, Md. or Call 301-346-7121. Applt Stlvei 1 Run, Md. or Call 301-346-7121. E.

F. MIIJLER CO. AU types floor coverings Cabinets PUZZLE SAVER Strickler's Hob-3 Fair Avenue Phone 633-3290 by House. 512 Broadway. Open 9 to n.

i CONFIDENTIAL Uur wage and benefit pro- Inquiry May Be Made At The grams are excellent. Our HANOVER POLICE work surroundings are plea- DEPT, sant and dignified. 108 Railroad st. Apply in Person HANOVER INDUSTRIES needs the following SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced or we will train QUILTING MACHINE OPERATORS Day and night shift. Never any layoffs Busy all year round Great place to work.

Apply: HANOVER INDUSTRIES INC. 300 North Hanover. Pemna. BARMAID No experience necessary. 40 hour week.

$100 plus good tips. Good clientel and working con ditions. Write Box "Y-2" Th Evening Sun. NEEDED DESPERATELY Woman to live In and care for elderly shut-in woman. Write Box "C-3'' The Evening Sun.

1 AMBITIOUS HOUSEWIVES: Earn! $35 an evening demonstrating toys and gifts until Nov. Full color catalog. No experience. No investment, i No delivering. No collecting.

No I bookwork. Car necessary. Call 637-1349, York 845-3471 or write TOY LADIES PARTY PLAN, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 15904 9 daUy. Parking in rear FOR EXPEIUFNCFD 1 ANYONE with a car to pick up and OIL BURNER deliver Fuller Brush driers.

Call OIL BURNER TECHNICIANS PAID DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADS 1 Funeral Director 2 Card of Thank 3 In Memorian 4 Special Notice 5 Places To Go 6 Lost and Found 7 Female Help 9 Male Help 11 Male Female 13 Jobs Wanted 15 Instructions 16 Beauty Barber 17 Home Service 18 Business Service 19 Miscellaneous Sal 20 Wearing Apparel 21 Household Good 22 TV and Radio 1 13 Musical Items i 24 Sports Items 1 15 Business Equipmen. 28 Antiques 1 27 Food Fruit Vegetable 29 Plants Flowers jl Auction Sales 23 Buy and Ti ade Chicks Poultry 37 Livestock ,9 Farm Items tl Pets and Supplies 43 Financial Service 5 Money To Loan .6 Room And Board 47 Rent Real Estate Wanted To Rent gu--Homes For Sale jl Farms For Sale o2 Lots For Sale i3 -Business Opportunltiei 45 Want Real Estate 57 Car Service Parts Motorcycles Etc. 39 Trucks, Trailers 6U Mobile Homes 61 Cars For Sale UPHOI STERING in I BOUGHT OUT A SMALL DEPT. Ill Frederick Hanover. Pa 1 STORE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL.

Phone 637-2569 i Boys pants $129 and Young DONALD SMITH mens pants $2 98, $2 95 boys shirts ROOFING SERVICE L5S Boys knit shirts Large Business Mirror HOLIDAYS A VACATION LIBERAL GROUP INSURANCE COOK Full or part-time, also RETIREMENT PLANS cooks helper. Apply In person. Ram- Hanover Pa C. SCHUCHART INC, I bier Inn. Rt.

30, Thomasville. 9HAn6veRM PA '17 331' ESCORT for guiding tours. Must be EXPERT MOBILE C. McCOY ELECTRONIC CO. 632.2 1 nil lot Gerber baby bibs and pants half price.

All kinds of girls and FLAME BOTTLED GAS boys underwear on sale. $6.95 ladles SCHUCHART INC. Elm Ave. flare leg jeans $3 30: Long Sleeve Fast Convenient Economical. For mens shirts $198.

All finest brands information and service, a 1 Wrangler, B.V.D.. Big Yank. Etc. 637-2156. EISERMAN DISCOUNT STORE.

TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE 1217 Carlisle St. HANOVER CONCRETE COMPANY 1 10 15' OVAL POOL, complete. P.O. Box 156 637-2288 'Phone 637-3494 after 5 p.m. over 35.

Apply Lincoln Bus Lines, ESTABLISHED ROUTE OPENING 10 Elm Ave. $100 to start Benefits I With Commission $7,000 annually DEPT. MANAGERS Married man preferred FOR Apply in Person BOWMAN'S CLEANERS 505 Baltimore St MASS RETAILING ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Watts St. Mt. Holly Springs.

Pa. An equal opportunity employer" NOW Plant Manager MEN to do Tree Work, experienced FOR THE FOLLOWING: or inexperienced. Good opportunity Driio Dent MGR Phone 359-5531 for appointment. FY Domestics MGR. DENTON B.

BARNHART Electrical Wiring Residential, Commercial, Industrial R-l, Hanover Phone 39-4080 DON M. LOVELL'S Blacktopping. 'esurfacing. Installing Tar and Chips, patching. Sealing.

Free Estimates. 359-7295 BABYSITTER for three year old boy and boy in kindergarten. New Oxford-Abbottstown area, starting Immediate Opening for right person September. Phone 259-7001 after 6. to take IF INTERESTED In havng a toy) Full Responsibility party or taking absentee orders.

Of our WAREHOUSES and SHIP- BLUE LUSTRE not only rids car-jets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty Rent elctric shampooer $1. SHIRKS HARDWARE. 40 Broadway COAL all sizes, black top coating. asphalt roof coating. Scott's lawn Dri-ducts Plumbing, heating needs, pipe and fittings, plastic pipe and Genova pipe and fittings.

Yard and garden tools. STERNER'S HARDWARE, Heating 8c Plumbing. MAN wanted for permanent job on farm. Living quarters available. Call 301-252-1363 after 7 p.m.

Mens Wear MGR. Receiving Man. OUR MONTHLY SPECIALS will save you monev. Call PRINCESS CLOTHES CARE SFRVICES 637-1113 fUNtRAL DIRECTOR please call 359-5001. FEMALE SALES CLERK part time 24 hours per week, permanent position, five days per week, some evenings and Saturdays.

Apply to: SUPER SHOE STORE, 41 Carlisle Street. Hanover, Pa. EXTRA MONEY for your spare time. Earn up to $100 for three evenings a week showing QUEEN WAY FASHIONS. Phone 637-7251.

PING Department. iAN on Social Security to work as and other clerical positions, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AD- roadside stand every other Excellent benefits program includes l8 BUSINESS SERVICE VANCEMENT. Experience desired Orcharda0Hainover- Good starting wages but not a requirement. Abbottstown Highway. 637-6531.

Apply in confidence to (DRIVER Salesman for wholesale, 1 1 food route. Apply in person to L. E. H. ochuler Co.

aker Co" 461 High st-Hanover' I I I Forney Ave. Full ,3 of nidus-- Hanover try. $6200 to start. Call Shelly 633- ME. 7161, Snelling Snelling Agency.

BRAKE AND FRONT END CHANIC. We have immediate open- Company paid Life insurance Major medical Hospitalization Vacations Holidays Pension plan Birthdays off. plus other fringe benefits. Apply in person at Service Desk STORE KENNETH L. HARGET Plumbing Heating Electrical Back-Hoe Work R.D 2 Hanover.

Pa Ph BLACK TOP PAVING Repairing and Sealing All work guaranteed. LEWIS REINHART KOPPS COMPANY, INC. 624-8460 Wetzel Funeral Home Dennis R. Wetzel 549 Carlisle St. Phone 633-1242 MASON'S DEPT.

Hanover. Pa MALE OR FEMALE for full time employment. Call 624-8997 for FLAGSTONE. BIRD BATHS. WATER FOUNTAINS.

RICHSTINE NURSERY. R-2. New Oxford on Rt. 30 West. Phone 624-2793.

BUY at The Factory Store and Save. Bedspreads Quilts, Draperies, Mattress Pads. North St Chestnut Hanover. Lumber and Building Supplies Lineboro, Md. YHERE'S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT! Reach ready buyers for our business with a Classified Ad iial 637-3736 now! ing for person with experience in SANITARY ENGINEER Must be brake work and or front end Op- capable of designing small rnunici-Port unity for advancement Fringe pai treatment systems, collection systems and preparation of specifics BONUS PROGRAM IN ADDITION cation.

This person would be KE1SER FUNERAL HOME FRED F. FE1SER 302 Lincolnway West, New Oxford Phone 624-6261 SHRUBBERY spraying and trim ming SPRINGHILL GARDEN CENTER 637-9600. IF YOU LIKE TO HAVE FUN read Classified Ads for good Duy, aeh day 1 CRIB, mattress', wooden play pen, bassihte, baby tender (table to feed baby) small wooden rocker. Call 637-6801 after 5 p.m. 0 PAUL W.


632-0248 REINHARTS ASPHALT PAVING Driveways, lots. Free Estimates Ail work guaranteed. 624-8926 or 624-7129 in charge of all sanitary work. Also RODMAN-CHAINMAN for survey crew. Some office work involved Must have mathematical background and drafting ability.

Gettysburg Engineering Inc 40 East High Street Gettysburg, Pa. TeK 334-4016 Little Funeral Home RICHARD A. LITTLE 24 Maple Avenue, Littlestown Pa. Dial 359-4224 Porters Maids CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER, The residenial home for excepilnal children. desires wo able bodies lumen.

If vou are a seady worker and excellent character, call 624-8228 Monday thru Friday. MAN WANTED for work on Horse Farm. Call 637-9060. HAND MADE Toys Furniture 5P, Ma'in McSherrystown, Pa. Repair.

Smltty's Toy Shop, 500 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Quick, dependable aervice and pumping" JOHN D. GOULDEN 624-2805. WANTED THREE PRESSERS To press new dresses with steam electric iron. Will train. Starting Learners Pay $2.25 per hour next 6 week $2.75 after 12 weeks $3.09 an hour guaranteed on top pressing.

Steady job, easy work, all kinds of benefits. Union Shop. HANOVER DRESS CO. I 6 Centennial Hanover BUS BOY needed evening work and BOROUGH OF NEW OXORD is weekends. Apply Mark Stevens Mo- accepting applications for an audi tor Inn.

LEONARD B. HICKS FUNERAL HOME 501 Ridge McSherrystown, Pa. Phone 637-6945 -MISC. SALE tional full time policeman. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Borough office, 19 N.

Bolton St. or calling 624-2188. NEEDED Recent graduate with degree in accounting or business administration to assist controller in the New Oxford area. Send resume to Box "C-2 The Evening Sun. HEMODELINO Kltchens-Baths-Rec room, Roofing-Sldlng-Doors Wlndows-Awnlng T.

SHEPHERD Aluminum Product. 101 N. Forney Ave. Hanover, P. By JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK (AP) Right when tile nation's economic referees were about to con gratulate themselves on bringing order to the consumer price game, those incorrigible food prices are stepping out of bounds again.

Based on latest wholesale fig ures. supermarket prices could become the center of attention again. Meat, poultry, eggs, fruits and vegetables seem destined to go higher. And coffee prices too. The rise forecast in retail cof fee prices represents an unex pectedly diabolical blow from nature in the form of a freeze-die situation in the Brazilian coffee growing areas, where you must remember, it was winter in July.

The wholesale food price problem can be seen as especially irascible when it is con treated with the prices of other wholesale items which now ap pear to be conforming to ex hortations and expectations. Eliminate food prices from the Wholesale Price Index and it shows for July a rise of only two-tenths of one per cent, which makes a yearly average of 2.4 per cent, a figure that by modem standards is acceptable. Include the prices of agricul tunal goods, however, and the WPI rise comes out to eight-tenths of one per cent, a yearly average of 9.6 per cent, a rate that could bankrupt a family of hungry, growing children. The signals being sent out by this ominous turn are directed in sharp focus at: The Price Commission, which has been hesitant to tangle with farmers. The administration and its election advisers, who must know that consumer attitudes can become politicized in election years.

WANTED Man with Electrical and Plumbing installation experience to manage Retail Division Apply Montgomery Ward 34 Frederick Hanover. ANTIQUE Desk and chair $75, tu-dent type; Scotts Push Mower, paid $60. like new $30. Call 637-4817 after 5 407 Delone McSherrystown Sauter Funeral Home JOHN A. SAUTER i 73 N.

Main Spring Grove. Pa. Dial 225-1677 JOBS WANTED vT Elm Avt. or for sale. Apply 681 Call 637-8874.

BREAKFAST BAR 7 2 ft. Formica top, three stools, ideal for rec room. Call 633-4115 evenings. I CARD OF THANKS FULL TIME position available at I Hydra-Prest Concrete Co. Phone PROGRESSIVE Furniture store 637-0500.

needs good salesman with an eye I WE ARE LOOKING for a person to the future. Apply in own hand- experienced in form building and writing to Box A-3" The Evening concrete finishing. Excellent posi-Sun. tion tor qualified presons. Complete BUYER hospitalization and life insurance Degree in Food Management $9600 Write Box T' Call Connie 633-716.

Snelling Snelling Emp. Agency. This is great spot a EXPERIENCED CEMENT FINISHERS local employer, local work; NEED tires'. New Goodyear 8c B. F.

Goodrich tires. Guaranteed lower than store cost. All guaranteed. 637-3195 Dally 9-2, Sat. all day BICYCLES and bicycle parts tires and tubes.

NEIDERER'S REPAIR SHOP, R. ID Linden Hanover I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while I was a paUent in the Hanover General Hospital. Also, thanks to the doctors, nurses, Rev. Light and Rev. Hoi-n.

PAULINE SANDRUCK WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home in McSherrystown. RELIABLE PHONE 632-3998. COMPANION-Aide-Secretary (no nursing) Drivers license, excellent references. Room and board plus salary. Write Box D-3, The Evening Sun.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, experienced. shorthand or dictaphone, fast and accurate typist, excellent references. Write outlining position and salary to Box "E-3r The Evening Sun. STEWART'S LAWNMOWER SER VICE Authorized Jacobsen dealer Half mile north of Jefferson on Rt. 516 Phone 229-2228 several years employment to those who qualify.

Must have own tools. ALLIS Chalmers Riding tractoi? Snapper 8c Hahn Eclipse Mowers Pioneer Chain Saws. BAUMS Laws Mower Clinic Rt. 194 Abbottstov. 637-8468.

MEAT DEPARTMENT; male over 21 Apply in person at Sterners Super Market. See Mrs. Sterner. No phone calls please. Applv in person to Project Engineer, Mr.

Rov Studv, Field Office Trailer. Timeless Towns of the Americas. 4 miles south of Gettysburg on Business Rt. 13 MOWERS and Riding Tractors I Homellte at Bargain Prices. BANGE LAWN EQUIPMENT 3 miles N.

of Hanover 833-7419 I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors, friends, relatives and minister for the flowers, gifts, cards and prayers while I was a patient in The Hanover General Hospital. Thanks also to the nurses, doctors and therapy staff. MRS. EMMA HORNER FREE Hearing Test. Batteries, Coids, Repairs.

ALL Aid. Call Shears Cut Rate, 120 Carlisle St. 637-9252 or C. W. Blocher, 637-1859 BOLENS new and used Lawn and Garden Equipment.

SHEETS BROS. INC. Carlisle St. Extd. Hanover.

Pa. WILL keep children in my home in Baltimore Street, Hanover. Call 637- 9363. JANITOR needed for week days full time Monday thru Friday. 8: 39 to 4.

Also janitor needed for part PLANT MAINTENANCE time Saturday and Sunday. Apply Good ma.hinerv background $7200. in person. Mark Steven Motor Inn. Cgll Connie 633-7161 Snelling Snell-1080 Carlisle St jng jjnip.

Agency. Top Co. MODEL Railroading i Fun. Open evenings 8c Sunday afternoon. Paul's Model RR Shop.

New Oxford, Pa. DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! The Classified Adv. Department has a full time position open NOW. Requirements: Must be able to type; want to meet and work with people; have a car for local traveling. This position offer good starting pay; Insurance; Paid vacation; car allowances; and an opportunity to see what you have actually done.

Stop by the office to fill out an application or phone 637-3736 to arrange for an interview. Ask for Mr. Robert Krout. THE EVENING SUN 1 30 Carlisle Hanover, Pa. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES 20 WEARING APPAREL THE LUMBER YARD 318 Juniper Lne, Hanover.

Pa. AU kinds of lumber and building supplies. For aU your needs, call 637- 3974. If you would like to have your walls painted or paneled, ceilings tiled, bathrooms tiled or carpets laid, call 359-5001. Experienced men and free estimates.

TREE trimming and removal, also will do light hauling. Call 837-2989 or 637-8074 after 5 p.m. MODERN ACCOUNTING Colonial Financial Planners, Inc 47 E. Walnut Hanover 637-7966 KNAPP Shoe Store Hr. Mon.

8c Fri. 6:30 to 10:09 p.m. Set. 1:09 to 10:00 p.m. 1116 Balt.

St. CaU 837-882. PATTERN MAKER sales Apprentice, wood and metal A job Personable, aggressive, good; appea ir-with a future. ance. If you possess the qualities LI and want a future in sates with an Hortman rattern, Inc.

excellent company call Connie, 633- York St. Hanover. Pa 7i6i, $8,000. Snelling Snelling Emp BUS DRIVER for tour and charter Agency work. Must be over 21.

Apply, Lincoln Bus Lines, 10 W. Elm Ave. MALE HELP INTEREST RENT SHAMPOOER $1 with purchase of CAMPOO Kitchen Carpet Shampoo. Remove grease and food. MARKLE'S.

929 Baltimore St. 21 HOUSEHOLD GOODS MYERS DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE On The Square INSTRUCTIONS 5 PLACES TO GO EARL F. REDDING SON MONUMENTS 601 Locust St. 637-5341 EARN high wages, become heavy equipment operator or tractor trailer driver. AMERICAN TRAINING SERVICE, 845-1620.

GUARANTEED Used Magnavox Cob or TV. 18" and Walnut wood. One cabinet model, one on a cart. In excellent condition. $149.00.

RIDDLE'S, 134 Baltimore Hanover, Pa. Beer Pretzel Night HUFNAGLE'S HOTEL HANOVER Center Square Hanover Pa. 1 7 HOME SERVICE LET AGWAY take the burden off the garage and cellar with handy OUTDOOR STORAGE BUILDINGS. As attractive as they are conveninet and excellent protection for all out door valuables. AGWAY 201 E.

Park Ave. Phone 632-4176 Oailv Specials Take Out Orders PARKWAY RESTAURANT 946 Baltimore St. 637-6295 HARRY M. VON SAS Electric Wiring Service Hillside Drive, McSherrystown, Pa. 17344 Call 637-1531.

MECHANIC Experienced Excellent working conditions. Complete hospitalization and life insurance, company paid. A great opportunity to learn about construction equipment. Apply STEWART MARCH, INC. TOP SOIL far sale.

Contac Wayne Wantz, R-l Taneytown, or phone 756-8173 "Good Food Our Specialty Victory Restaurant 918 Carlisle St. Phone 632-3224 BABYSITTER needed. East Berlin area. Starting September 5th. Call 259-0876.

JACK'S REMODELING SERVICE Carpentry Work, phone Pa. 637-8696 or Md. 374-4152. HOME "REPAIRS OR IMPROVEMENTS We have all the materials vou need. I.

CROUSE SONS. 301 Lumber Littletown 369-4121. Sunday Dinners, Banquet Bar LINCOLN VIEW RESTAURANT 1U Miles E. of Abbottstown 239-0661 SECRETARY Well known local insurance firm has an opening for a mature secretary. Experienced in typing and bookkeeping.

Shorthand preferred. Pleasant working conditions. Replies confidential Write Box K-2, The Evening Sun, Hanover, Pa. Subs. Pizzas Daily Platters THE BRICK OVEN 126 Baltimore St.

837-1939 York, Pa. 1020 N. Hartley St. EARLY AMERICAN Sofa and Wing chair, green print; coffee table ana two end tables; two brass lamps. CaU Dan Sheffer, 833-2290 from 9 a m.

to 5 p.m. 22 cubic feet frostless SIGNATURE side by side refrigerator-freezer, Harvest gold. Phone 633-7503. PORTABLE DISHWASHER, place settings $65-; counter top stove, fits pre-way opening $65; wall hung refrigerator-freezer $78; wall oven 50; six snack bar stool $7 each. Phone 359-4692.

TROSTLE'S FURNITURE APPLIANCES Gettysburg Phone 334-2370 (Two Taverns-Barlow Road) Littlestown Phone Open Daily 9 to 9 Closed Wednesday DOCKLUNK-S GENERAL TRIC Main Street, McSherrystown. Used furniture appliances. New appliances with freight damage. Me-cnanicaUy guaranteed, best dealt in town. NEW Mini Washer Dryer $258 pair.

Back To School Bargains 89 cent Scotch tape. 1 price: Note Books and Binders all Va price; All other Shcool Supplies 1-3 off; Hund reds of damaged Fall Dresses 98 cents to $1 59; Girls brush Denim jeans Boys Mayo Spruce briefs and T-shirts 69 cents; Boys Orion socks 39 cents. EISERMAN'S 905 Carlisle Hanover. Pa MALE BASSETT HOUND with papers, $60. Westinghouse electric stove, $50.

Regulation JuniOT High gym suit, size 10. $5. Phone 637-9351. Dailv Specials Carry Out Service PENN VILLA RESTAURANT-BAR Frederick St. 633-5253 SMITH SANITARY SEPTIC We will clean your septic tank and no a real good job.

If you are having problem give us a eall. We promise fast efficient service at all times. CaU 637-9960 or 637-563(1 6 LOST AND FOUND LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE CENTER. The residential home for exceptional children has two newly creaed positions for LPN. If you have experience and can meet high standards of service, please call 6248228 Monday thru Friday.

JANITORIAL work cleaning, over 18 years of age Apply in peron al Sterner's Super Market. See Mrs Sterner. No phone calls please LOST Blue Tick female BEAGLE Hound. about 2j years old, lost two weeks ago. If found, please call 633-91(17.

REWARD for dog or information of dog R-NDY WHITE: Custom work, cabinets, Formica, paneling, general remodeling. Call after 5 p.m. 1021 eith Drive 637-277. Construction For FREE estimates on Grading. Excavating.

Back Hoe Work. Septic Systems Installed, Building or Remodeling call: 637-3148 or 624-2784 ARE YOU A FIXER? Then advertise in the "Business Service" directory of the Classified Ads SUMMER CLEARANCE 16" Sidewalk bike with coaster brakes $17 95, Tackle boxes 39c. aluminum horseshoe sets S3. 99, one gallon thermos jugs $1.49. Tire swings $1.99.

plastic wheel barrels $1.99. air conditioner filters 10c, Excellent opportunity We need a qualified operator to work in our computer section. Applicant must be responsible and eager to work; We will train the right person. Salary will be determined by applicants qualifications. For appointment, call Miss Staub, 637-3874.

SYLVAN I A SHOE CO. South McSherrystown NEW Full Size Automatic washer some sizes of porch blinds price. drVer $299 pair. EISERMANS 'Cail MR HAGERMAN 637-6678 CERK typist to Elementary Supervisor; Ability to perform all secretarial skills Shorthand is preferred but not necessary. Year-round, interesting, diversified anc challenging positions with extra benefits.

Please call Friendship Elementary School for an application and interview (235-1166). T. GRANT CO. North Hanover Mall 1110 Elm Ave. 15 INSTRUCTIONS 1 5 INSTRUCTIONS NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS: Joos are arranged under male and female classifications for the convenience of our reader.

This is done because most jobs generally appeal more to persons of one sex than the other. Various laws and ordinances, local state and federal, prohibit discrimination in employment because ol sex unless sex is a bonaflde occupational requirement. Unless the advertisem*nt Itself specifies one seS or the other, job seekers should assume that the advertiser will consider applicants of either sex in compliance with the lews aginsl liiscnminatlon. GENERAL OFFICE Filing, typing are requirements. Salary review every six months $4100 with advancement opportunities.

Call Oonnie 633-7161 Snelling Snelling Emp. Agency. SECRETARY Sharp and mature judgement. Good office background. $4100, in really great office.

Call Shelly 833-7161 Snelling St Snelling Emp. Agency. 9 MALE HELP INTEREST 7-FEMALE HELP INTEREST Tt is nearly too much to believe or bear, but while the na tion still wrestles with inflation, albeit while enjoying benefits of a sturdy expansion, some econ omists are talking about recession. This dismal outlook may have something to do with the psychology or the politics of the forecaster. Some economists are by nature as dour as their subject; ntost economists, like others, lean to the left or right in politics.

Whatever the reason for the recession talk, this is the rea soning: The country is overspending. Well have a three year federal budget deficit of more than $80 billion. Everyone knows that deficits are inflationary. Nobody knows this more than the Federal Reserve Board. The Fed, therefore, will be goaded into action.

It will seek to restrain the economy by restricting the money supply. And down goes the economy, into a corrective recession, in the lat ter part of 1973. Pay, Price I nits Plan Joint Meeting WASHINGTON (API The Pay Board and the Price Com mission plan a joint meeting next Monday amid indications that lowering of the 5.5 per cent wage increase standard will be discussed. Changing the 5.5 per cent standard has been openly discussed several times by Nixon administration officials, but the Pay Board has never set down an intensive discussion on the wage limit. Several recent factors, including a substantial increase in the low wage exemption from $1.90 to $.75 and a sharp increase in productivity, may have a big impact on the boards decision.

The 5.5-per cent standard is based on an assumption that productivity increases on the average 3 per cent a year and prices, 2.5 per cent. 61 WANTED driver salesman for 'daily juice products. For appointment call 624-8482 Hampton, Pa WANTED IMMEDIATELY! "EARN HIGH WAGES" become a TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER OR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPROVED FOR VETERANS TRAIN FULL TIME OR PART TIME. Job Guidance Correspondence and Residence. For Inlonna don CaU: YORK 845-1620 Or send name, address, and pnoae number to: AMERICAN TRAINING SERVICE of Cherrv Hill, N.J.

P.O. BOX 3233. YORK. PA. 1740S WOMEN truck drivers fond of animals $2.50 per hour.

Write Box "Z- The Evening Sun. WOMAN for general housekeeping living quarters furnished. Write Box The Evening Sun PLANT SANITATION SUPERVISOR A well established food processing company located in Hanover, Pa. is looking for an energetic, capable person to fill the position of Plant Sanitation Supervisor. The primary responsibilities of this position are to direct and coordinate activities concerned with maintaining cleanliness of tho establishment.

The work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday. An interesting challenge awaits the right person. Please send resume with your qualifications to; BOX "X-2" Tho Evening Sun DELIVERY BOY, warehouse man and outside salesman Write Box 1 F-3" The Evening Sun. MAN to work on fruit farm, year around work. Apply Brtnton Orchard Hanover-Abbottstown Highway.

Ph 637-6531 NEED Baby sitter for two children. and Sat. $20 weekly. Call 633-9243. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES D8tR USED FURNITURE 114 Locust Thurf.

Fri. 11-9, 4-9, Sat. 9-4. Philco and Gibson Air Conditioners Sales- Installation- Service ROSCOE A. HORNER Ciearview Shopping Center Doily 9 to 9 637-1809 KITCHEN AIDE DISH WASHERS REVONAH HOME SUPPLY 100 Carlisle Street 637-4568 NEGLEY'S USED FURNITURE 202 Charles Avenue.

Hanover Pa. Open dally 1-9 p.m Sat. 10-5 p.m i'srd Furniture Appliances WALTERSDORF FURNITURE 219 Baltimore St Phone 637-5936 8 8c JS USED FURNITURE 111 High Hanover. Pa Open Daily 11-9 Sat. 9-4.

TIPTONS USED FURNITURE 633 Frederick Hanover, Penna. Open daily 11 to 9 Sat. 9 to 4. THREE ROOMSOF FURNITURE, $350 $350 Includes Two-piece Uvtng room suite, two eno table one coffee table, pair of lamp, five-piece dinette et. six piece bedroom luit with mattre and box springy Thrifty 'T" Furniture Daily 1.6; St.

9-5; Closed Wed. Free Delivery. Free Parkin 228 Chestnut St. 632-4171 MUMMERTS USED FURNITURE 40 Bowman Rd Hanover, Pa a mile below South Western High School. Open 3 to 8 p.m.

All day Saturday Call 637-7933 Ucd Appliance O. J. MYERS Furniture Ac Appliances 29 W. Chestnut Pa. Phone 637-6225 ii.W I'SFD FURNITURE "AND APPLIANCES.

2 Filbert open Wed St Thurs. 6 to Sat. 9 to 5 p.m. 632-4228. 17 HOME SERVICE 17 HOME SERVICE 11 MALE-FEMALE 11 MALE-FEMALE 4 SPECIAL NOTICES H.

A. CRAMER. JJ has not been sold and will continue! Ho operate in the future the same las it has the past 19 years by the owner: I h. A. CRAMER.

INC.) 950 Baltimore St, Hanover JANITORIAL SERVICE Our SPECIALITY is floors, windows, carpets, etc. We are a TOTAL JANITORIAL Service for home and business. HANOVER GENERAL MAINTENANANCE FULLTIME AND PART-TIME CHECKOUT CASHIERS SALESPEOPLE Employment Opportunities at NORTH HANOVER MALL Full time 5 day week openings. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Part-Time, Daytime Hours.

Openings in several departments. We will train APPLY at personnel office at grants Mon. -Fri. Hi A M. -Noon; 1 P.M.

5 P.M. (NO Phone Calls) 637-7472 Phone 632-3269 or 9.

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.