Schedule 4 - Design Standards (2024)


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Subdivision, Development & Servicing Bylaw No 7900

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Schedule 4 - Design Standards (1)

Last Updated:

June 14, 2024

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (2)

This latest update of Schedule 4 of Bylaw 7900 - City of Kelowna Design Standards is based on theMunicipal Infrastructure Design Guidelines 2014 as prepared under the auspices of the MasterMunicipal Construction Document Association (MMCDA), which is an association of British ColumbiaMunicipalities, Regional Districts, Contractors and Consultants. The purpose of the Design Standards isto provide a standardized set of guidelines to be utilized by consultants, contractors and City staffinvolved with design and construction of municipal infrastructure. Users of this Schedule should notethe following:

  • These Standards are considered a “living document” and will be updated on a regular basis toreflect evolving industry advancements, new materials, improved methods and best practices.
  • The contents of this manual are intended to complement the following documents:
    • MMCD Specifications and Standard Detailed Drawings.
    • City of Kelowna Schedule 5 –Supplementary Specifications and SupplementaryStandard Detailed Drawings.
    • Policy 265 (Engineering Drawing Submission Requirements).
    • Approved Products List.
  • Delegation of Authority for Approved Products List and Engineering Drawing SubmissionRequirements: Provided that all necessary prerequisites of the Community Charter, the Local Government Act, other applicable federal and provincial enactments, City bylaws, and Citypolicies have been met, the General Manager, Infrastructure is assigned the authority to approveand amend the Approved Products List and the Engineering Drawing SubmissionRequirements on behalf of the City.
  • Links to other documents have been provided to augment the material included in theseDesign Standards.

This manual is not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge and experience. It isthe designer's responsibility to exercise professional judgment on technical matters in the best interestsof the owners and users of the infrastructure. Standards contained herein are provided to assist inmaking these judgments, but should not be used as a substitute. Since the standards are general, theydo not, and cannot, cover all particular cases.

This manual is not intended to be used as a basis for establishing civil liability.


0. General Design Considerations

1. Water Distribution

2. Sanitary Sewers

3. Stormwater Management

4. Transportation

5. Roadway Lighting

6. Traffic Signals

7. Landscape and Irrigation

0.0 General Design Considerations

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0.1 General

This latest update of Schedule 4 of Bylaw 7900 - City of Kelowna Design Standards is based on theMunicipal Infrastructure Design Guidelines 2014 as prepared under the auspices of the MasterMunicipal Construction Document Association (MMCDA), which is an association of British ColumbiaMunicipalities, Regional Districts, Contractors and Consultants. The purpose of the Design Standards isto provide a standardized set of guidelines to be utilized by consultants, contractors and City staffinvolved with design and construction of municipal infrastructure. Users of this Schedule should notethe following:

  • These Standards are considered a “living document” and will be updated on a regular basis toreflect evolving industry advancements, new materials, improved methods and best practices.
  • The contents of this manual are intended to complement the following documents:
    • MMCD Specifications and Standard Detailed Drawings.
    • City of Kelowna Schedule 5 –Supplementary Specifications and SupplementaryStandard Detailed Drawings.
    • Policy 265 (Engineering Drawing Submission Requirements).
  • Links to other documents have been provided to augment the material included in theseDesign Standards.

This manual is not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge and experience. It isthe designer's responsibility to exercise professional judgment on technical matters in the best interestsof the owners and users of the infrastructure. Standards contained herein are provided to assist inmaking these judgments, but should not be used as a substitute. Since the standards are general, theydo not, and cannot, cover all particular cases.

This manual is not intended to be used as a basis for establishing civil liability.

0.2 Sustainability and Asset Management

Development of appropriate design guidelines for municipal infrastructure involves consideration of theprinciples of sustainability and asset management. These principles include the following:

  • Improve and enhance quality of life.
  • Minimize negative impacts on health, safety and the environment.
  • Investigate the impacts of potential actions to manage and mitigate risk.
  • Consistently make informed long-term infrastructure decisions.
  • Minimize overall life cycle investment.

Some of the above principles involve conflicting priorities, for example, undue concentration onfinancial economies may have adverse impacts on environmental protection and life cycle costs ofinfrastructure.

A balanced approach to design of municipal infrastructure requires careful consideration of all of theabove principles.

0.3 Independent Utilities

Independent utilities are those not normally supplied by municipal or regional authorities and are notincluded in these guidelines. Independent utilities include:

  • Electrical power
  • Communications (telephone, data, fibre optics and cable)
  • Gas

Design of municipal infrastructure must include consideration of the above utilities. Design of theseutilities is normally carried out by the utility owner and coordinated for conflicts by the municipaldesigner and/or the local authority.

In new urban developments, all wiring is generally to be underground as per Policy 101 –Conversion ofOverhead Power Lines to Underground Installation. This excludes electrical transmission lines, whichare normally located in separate rights-of-way.

0.4 Utility Rights-of-Way

Utility right-of-way locations should be selected to avoid environmentally sensitive areas, such as,watercourses, wetlands, wildlife migration corridors and forested areas, as outlined in the OfficialCommunity Plan (OCP).

Where the location of a municipal utility in a right-of-way is approved by the City, the minimumdesirable right-of-way widths are as follows:

Table 0.4 Right-of-Way Widths
Service TypeRight-of-Way Width
Single ServiceTwice the depth from surface to the crown of the pipe plustrench width (4.5 m minimum width).
Two services within the same trenchTwice the depth from surface to the crown of the deeperpipe PLUS trench width (5.5 m minimum width).
Two or more services adjacent to oneanother but in separate trenchesCumulative widths for single services (noted above) PLUSany difference to provide the required separation (6 mminimum width).
When the service is within a road allowance, and the distance from the property line to the centre ofthe service is less than one half of the width indicated above for a single service, the difference shouldbe provided as right-of-way on the adjacent property.
The rights-of-way noted are desirable but in some cases may not be practical and alternativecombined right-of-way corridors may be required as approved by the City Engineer.

In all cases, the width of rights-of-way should be sufficient to permit an open excavation with sideslopes in accordance with the WorkSafeBC Requirements for excavation and trenching safety, withoutimpacting on or endangering adjacent structures.

Where required, sanitary trunk and interceptor sewers should have rights-of-way wide enough forfuture widening and/or twinning. The width of the right-of-way should be the required separationbetween pipe centrelines plus 2 times the depth to the crown of the deeper sewer.

The designer should provide cross sections indicating the minimum safe distances to adjacent buildingfootings based on a safe angle of repose from the limits of the excavation.

Where a utility is located within a right-of-way, and valves, valve chambers, manholes, or otherappurtenances which require maintenance are located within a right-of-way, maintenance road accessfrom a public road must be provided. The maintenance access must be sufficiently wide and structurallyadequate to support the maintenance vehicles for which the access is intended.

0.5 Utility Separation

Requirements for separation of sanitary or storm sewers from water mains are as follows, unless otherwiseindicated by Interior Health (IH).

0.5.1 Horizontal Separation

At least three (3) metre horizontal separation (pipe wall to pipe wall) should be maintainedbetween a water main and either a sanitary sewer or a storm sewer.

In special circ*mstances where 3.0 m separation is not possible, a smaller separation than 3.0 mmay be permitted upon approval from Interior Health.

The designer shall obtain Interior Health approval for all water main designs prior tocommencement of construction.

0.5.2 Vertical Separation

Where a water main crosses a sanitary sewer or storm sewer, the water main should be abovethe sewer with a minimum clearance of 0.45 m and installed in accordance with Interior Healthrequirements.

0.5.3 Sewers in Common Trench

In special circ*mstances when typical separation cannot be reasonably achieved (i.e. hill sidedevelopment, rock excavation), storm and sanitary sewers may be installed in a commontrench provided that the design has taken into account:

  • Interference with service connections,
  • Stability of the benched portion of the trench,
  • Conflict with manholes and appurtenances.

The horizontal clearance between sewer pipes should be not less than 1.0 m. Separationbetween manholes should be not less than 0.3 m.

0.6 Trenchless Technologies

Installation or rehabilitation of pipelines using trenchless methods may be indicated. The MMCDSpecifications Section 33.05.23 Trenchless Sewer Pipe Bursting; and MMCD Specifications Section 33.5.24 Cured in Place Pipe Liners are two examples of trenchless applications. Circ*mstances favouring trenchless installation include:

  • Installation or rehabilitation in heavily built-up areas,
  • Stream crossings,
  • Railway crossings,
  • Highway crossings.

Available technologies include the following:

  • Slip-lining
  • Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP)
  • Pipe bursting
  • Horizontal directional drilling (HDD)
  • Micro-tunnelling
  • Pipe jacking

0.7 Seismic and Geo-hazard Design Standards

Underground utilities are at risk of damage caused by seismic events, soil liquefaction and land slides.The most significant seismically-triggered geo-hazard that underground utilities are exposed to ishorizontal ground displacement from landslides and soil liquefaction induced lateral grounddisplacement. Seismic design standards must be considered in seismically active zones with a potentialfor landslide or soil liquefaction. This becomes even more critical when considering a shared fire flowand potable water distribution system, which, during a severe seismic event, is required to remainfunctional if it is to be relied upon to provide fire suppression throughout the community.

The design shall consider the stability of the soils present, as well as establishing the site’s susceptibilityto lateral ground displacement during seismic activity.

This section does not cover seismic design considerations of larger size chambers (typically in excess of10 m2 in footprint), pump station structures, storage tanks, reservoirs and similar large components ofthe water and sanitary systems. These structures, along with seismically resistant pipe connections,shall be individually assessed by civil, geotechnical and structural engineers using the latest edition ofBC Building Code and Application of the Seismic Guidelines for Government to meet post-disasterrequirements and other specialty seismic standards applicable to buried and above ground structures.

0.8 Referenced Standards

All referenced standards contained within (i.e. AWWA, BC Building Code, Water Supply for Public FireProtection, etc.) are to be the most recent version unless specifically noted otherwise.

0.9 Record Drawings and Operation and Maintenance Manuals

Record drawings are to be prepared and submitted in accordance with Policy 265 (Engineering DrawingSubmission Requirements).

Operation and Maintenance Manuals are to be prepared and submitted for pump stations, lift stations,PRVs, reservoirs, valves, air valves and appurtenances as described below:

  • Supply two (2) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy of operating and maintenance manuals prior tosubstantial completion.
  • Bind contents in a three-ring, hard covered, plastic jacketed binder with the name of the facility to beembossed onto binder cover and spine.
  • Each section shall be separated from the preceding section with a plasticized cardboard divider with atab denoting contents of the section.
  • Contents to include:
    • Title sheet, labelled “Operation and Maintenance Instructions”, and containing projectname and date.
    • List of contents.
    • Reviewed shop drawings of all equipment.
    • Equipment list showing all model and serial numbers.
    • All equipment manufacturers manuals.
    • Record drawings of all mechanical, electrical, control and alarm installations.
    • Full description of system operations including: design points, designed pump and systemcurves, ultimate capacity, area served and any relevant design criteria relevant to theoperation of the system.
    • Full description of entire mechanical, electrical and alarm system operation.
    • Names, addresses and telephone numbers of all major sub-contractors and suppliers.
    • Commissioning report showing pressures, flows, current drawings for all possible operatingconditions.

0.10 Kiosks/Laminate Wrapping Requirements

All electrical kiosks to be wrapped with anti graffiti vinyl wrapping. Wrap material shall be a cast vinylthen laminated with a high gloss laminate. The wrap is to be visually pleasing and compliment the areait would be situated in considering the landscape, geography, or general theme of the specific area. Artwork to have a high degree of contrast so as to be more impervious to graffiti vandalism and not tobe for commercial advertising. All artwork to be approved before installation.

0.11 Interpretation

If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of these Design Standards and theStandard Drawings the Design Standards shall govern.

1.0 Water Distribution

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1.1 General

These guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge and experience.Water distribution system designs should be prepared under the direction of a design professional whohas the appropriate experience and is registered with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia.

Water for Kelowna is provided by the City of Kelowna Water Utility and three other water purveyors:

  • Black Mountain Irrigation District
  • Glenmore Ellison Improvement District
  • Rutland Water Works District

These design standards apply to the City of Kelowna Water Utility with the following exceptions:

  • Section 1.5 Fire Flows is applicable to Subdivision or Development within the City.
  • The location of all water infrastructure within City Rights-of-Ways shall be inaccordance with these standards and those in Section 0.4 Utility Rights-of-Ways.
  • The design of community water systems should be consistent with the most currentedition of the Design Guidelines for Drinking Water systems in British Columbia,published by the BC Ministry of Health.

While these design standards are in general conformance with the other three major water purveyors,individual purveyor’s requirements may differ in some instances; it is the responsibility of the ConsultingEngineer to confirm with the applicable water purveyor regarding their specific requirements.

1.2 Metering

Water meters tend to reduce per capita water demand and are required as per the City of KelownaPlumbing Bylaw, Water Use Regulation Bylaw and Water Purveyors bylaw(s).

1.3 Per Capita Demand

Use the following per capita demands for future residential requirements:

  • Average annual daily demand (ADD): 900 litres per capita per day (L/c/d)
  • Maximum day demand (MDD): 1800 litres per capita per day
  • Peak hour demand (PHD): 4000 litres per capita per day

Design population density:

  • Single Family 3.0 people/dwelling
  • Multi-Family 2.0 people/dwelling

For calculating residential design population for the determination of Design Flow (see Section 1.6), thenumber of dwelling units is to be based on the maximum permissible number of units allowed under theZoning Bylaw for the lots being serviced by the proposed water system, including the potential formultiple units, secondary suites, or carriage houses. Use Multi-Family per capita demand for ground-oriented infill housing.

For assessing adequate water quality (i.e, water age, chlorine residual, etc.), the anticipated number ofdwelling units based on the intent of the proposed development should be used to estimate an expectedinterim and ultimate average day demand. The number of dwelling units may require adjustment basedon expected occupancy conditions within phased developments to ensure adequate water quality ismaintained for initial users and at full build-out.

1.4 Non-Residential Demand

Commercial, industrial and institutional demands should be determined using specific data related tothe development or zoning. In the absence of such data, or municipal regulations, use the following formaximum day demands for single story buildings (MDD):

  • Commercial or institutional: 22,500 litres per hectare per day
  • Industrial: 100,000 litres per hectare per day

Note: the above rates do not include outdoor irrigation and assume that all connections are metered.

1.5 Fire Flows

Available Fire Flow is defined as the minimum flow of water able to be reliably delivered to a nodeof a community water system for firefighting purposes for a defined minimum duration at aminimum pressure of 140 kPa (20 psi) and a maximum velocity of 4 m/s during a period ofMaximum Day Demand on the water system. Available Fire Flow is allocated for public andprivate use in accordance with Council Policy No. 383 Water Supply Level of Service for the City ofKelowna water supply area.

Required Fire Flow is defined and calculated in accordance with the current edition of “WaterSupply for Public Fire Protection,” published by Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS). Needed Fire Flowcalculated in accordance with the current edition of “Guide for Determination of Needed FireFlow,” published by Insurance Services Office (ISO) is considered an acceptable alternativemethod for determining Required Fire Flow for the purposes of this section.

The design of proposed system required to deliver fire flow must be informed by hydraulicinformation from water model results provided by the City or other water purveyor.

1.5.1 Subdivision Requirements

  • a) The Available Fire Flow in a proposed or existing system servicing a new subdivision issubject to the following minimum requirements based on the general land use andassociated building type to be serviced:
Table 1.5.1 Minimum Available Fire Flow by Building Type @ 140 kPa (20 psi)
Building Type or Zone CategoryMinimum Fire FlowMinimum Duration
Simple Residential (Part 9)160 L/s1.5 hrs
Complex Residential (Part 3)1150 L/s2.0 hrs
Commercial & Mixed Use150 L/s2.0 hrs
Institutional150 L/s2.0 hrs
Industrial225 L/s3.0 hrs

1 Residential Part 9 and Part 3 Buildings are as defined in the BC Building Code.

  • b) The Available Fire Flow of a proposed system must be sufficient to meet the calculatedRequired Fire Flow of the theoretical highest demand building type allowable under theZoning Bylaw for all proposed lots within the service area.
  • c) Where the Available Fire Flow of an existing system is insufficient to meet the RequiredFire Flow of the theoretical highest demand building type allowable under the ZoningBylaw for a proposed lot, the existing system must be upgraded to provide an AvailableFire Flow exceeding the anticipated maximum Required Fire Flow.
  • d) Where a proposed lot has a calculated anticipated Required Fire Flow greater than theAvailable Fire Flow from an existing water system and where, in the opinion of the CityEngineer, increasing the Available Fire Flow of a supply or distribution system is not viableand the overall fire risk of the neighbourhood is low, the Approving Officer may issueSubdivision Approval if both of the following are satisfied:
    • i. All projections and exterior walls located within 5.0 m of a property line on allproposed lots are covenanted to be constructed to meet the technicalrequirements for non-combustible cladding and unvented soffits under the BCBuilding Code; and
    • ii. The Minimum Available Fire Flow corresponding to the proposed building type asoutlined in Table 1.5.1 is provided to all proposed lots

1.5.2 Development Requirements

  • a) All new buildings to be serviced by a community water system shall be provided with anadequate water supply for firefighting.
  • b) Adequate water supply for firefighting must be provided to the subject property at allstages of building construction as required by the City of Kelowna Fire and Life SafetyBylaw No. 10760 and the BC Fire Code.
    • i. Where a Fire Safety Plan in accordance with the BC Fire Code relies on acommunity water system for public fire protection, adequate water supply forfirefighting shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.5.2.d) or asotherwise determined by the Fire Chief and City Engineer or representative fromthe applicable water purveyor.
  • c) Buildings that are sprinklered throughout with a sprinkler system or have a standpipesystem conforming to the requirements of the BC Building Code are deemed to haveadequate water supply for firefighting.
  • d) Non-Sprinklered Buildings serviced by a community water system with an Available FireFlow exceeding the subject building’s calculated Required Fire Flow are deemed to haveadequate water supply for firefighting, provided that adequate hydrant coverage isavailable in accordance with Section 1.15 Hydrants.
  • e) Where a non-sprinklered building has a calculated Required Fire Flow greater than theAvailable Fire Flow from an existing water system,
    • i. the building must be modified to reduce its Required Fire Flow below theAvailable Fire Flow, or
    • ii. the existing system must be upgraded to provide an Available Fire Flowexceeding the Required Fire Flow.
  • f) Where a non-sprinklered building has a calculated Required Fire Flow greater than theAvailable Fire Flow from an existing water system and where, in the opinion of the CityEngineer, increasing the Available Fire Flow of a supply or distribution system is not viableand the overall fire risk of the neighbourhood is low, the Building Official may issue aBuilding Permit if both of the following are satisfied:
    • i. All projections and exterior walls located within 5.0 m of a property line on allproposed lots are constructed to meet the technical requirements for non-combustible cladding and unvented soffits under the BC Building Code; and
    • ii. The Minimum Available Fire Flow corresponding to the proposed building type asoutlined in Table 1.5.1 is provided to all proposed buildings.

1.6 Design Flows

Unless otherwise indicated by the City Engineer, system design flows should be based on the ultimatepopulation and fully developed non-residential land as anticipated in the Official Community Plan (OCP).

Total design flows (Qdesign) are to be the greater of the following:

  • Qdesign = MDD+FF Maximum Day Demand plus the Fire Flow, or
  • Qdesign = PHD Peak Hour Demand

1.7 Water Pressure

The water system must be designed to provide domestic water at the building main floor elevation oneach Parcel as follows:

  • Maximum allowable static pressure 830 kPa(120 psi)
  • Minimum static pressure 275 kPa(40 psi)
  • Minimum system pressure at Peak HourDemand (PHD) 275 kPa(40 psi)
  • Minimum pressure in system during design
  • Maximum Day Demand and Fire Flow (MDD+FF) 140 kPa(20 psi)

For large lot and hill side development the designer shall be responsible to identify suitable buildingelevations for all buildings based on available hydraulic pressure. Determination of pressure limitsshould include consideration of property elevations relative to street level. Designer to note propertieson service cards and record drawings where pressure at service connection exceeds 75 psi.

Where the maximum pressure exceeds 515 kPa (75 psi), design must identify service connections thatmust be individually protected by pressure reducing valves located in the buildings being served.

1.8 Hydraulic Design

Where there is an existing hydraulic network in place, the City will provide any available information forassistance in designing changes to the network. Depending on the complexity and extent of theproposed distribution system, the City may require a hydraulic analysis design showing flows andpressures.

Use a proven network analysis computer model based on the Hazen-Williams formula:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (3)

Q = Rate of flow in L/s
D = Internal pipe diameter in mm
S = Slope of hydraulic grade line in m/m
C = Roughness coefficient (Table 1.8)

Pipe MaterialC Factor
Cement Lined Ductile Iron, CementLined Steel, Asbestos Cement120
Cast Iron100

It should be noted that the values listed in the above table are for pipe losses only and do not includelosses associated with fittings, tees and valves which also require design consideration.
The maximum allowable design velocity shall not exceed the following:

  • Pump Supply, Reservoirs and Trunk Mains 2.0 m/s

Distribution Lines

  • At Peak Hour Demand (PHD) 2.0 m/s
  • At Maximum Day Demand (MDD) plus Fire Flow (FF) 4.0 m/s

Designers are responsible for assuring that surge and transients pressures are accounted for in theirdesign.

When water mains cross railroads, major regional roads including Provincial highways, or watercourses,a steel casing pipe must be provided and must be designed to all applicable static, dynamic and seismicloadings and all other requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. The water main must beconstructed with the appropriate spacers to support the pipe and prevent sagging or uplift (floating)inside the casing pipe. The water main inside the casing must be joint restrained. Service connectionscrossing highways and railroads are not recommended and require approval from the City Engineer.

1.9 Minimum Pipe Diameter

Distribution mains: 200 mm*
Fire hydrant connections: 150 mm
Service connections: 19 mm CU / 25 mm PE

Service diameter for buildings with sprinklers to be determined on a case by case basis based on fireflow demand.'
* Subject to approval of the City Engineer, distribution main minimum diameter in residential areasmay be reduced to 100 mm provided that the main terminates in a short residential cul-de-sac, has alength less than 80 m, serves no fire hydrants or fire sprinkler systems and where no further extension isplanned.

* In separated water systems where irrigation and fire flow are separated from domestic (potable) water, the minimum pipe size for the domestic water system may be 100 mm.

For commercial/industrial/institutional areas, the minimum allowable water main size shall be 200 mmdiameter.

1.10 Dead Ends

Water mains must be looped wherever possible. Where dead ends are unavoidable, and approved bythe City Engineer, blow-offs shall be provided (see Section 1.16 for sizing).

The maximum length of any permanent non-interconnected water main is 200 m. All mains exceeding200 m in length, unless it is a temporary situation, must be looped.

Where the water system network is deficient, installation of additional water main capacity may berequired and may necessitate the provision of rights-of-way in favour of the City.

1.11 WD Minimum Depth of Cover

The cover over any water main must not be less than 1.5 m from pipe crown to surface. U-bends shouldbe used to avoid conflict and maintain minimum depth of cover. Rigid insulation may be used toprovide protection to the water main from freezing for short sections of water main (< 4 m) withapproval from the City Engineer, as per manufacturer’s recommended guidelines for Utility lineinsulation (ex. DOW Tech Solutions 602.0 Styrofoam Brand Highload Insulation for Buried Utility lines).

1.12 Grade

Water mains must be designed with a rising grade wherever possible, to minimize high points in themain. Grades should be straight lines between defined deflection points. Elevations should be recordedon record drawings.

The minimum grade of water mains shall be 0.1%. Grading should be designed to minimize the numberof high points and maintain continuous grade.

When the slope exceeds 15%, provide anchorage, joint restraints, trench dams and trench drainage asper standard MMCD drawing G8. Provide geotechnical engineering report where appropriate thatassesses slope stability.

1.13 Corrosion Protection

Where there is a potential for encountering corrosive soils, a geotechnical corrosion analysis on thealignment of any proposed metallic water main or metallic appurtenances shall be conducted todetermine the corrosiveness of the native soils and the suitability of metallic pipe and appropriatecorrosion protection measures. One example is MMCD Specification Section 26 42 13, CathodicProtection.

Regardless of soil condition, all metallic pipe shall be installed with poly-wrap as per the manufacturersrecommended procedures.

Petrolatum tape and paste shall be used to wrap all nuts and bolts on buried metallic fittings and jointrestraint fasteners.

Metallic water main with less than 400 mm diameter are not permitted.

1.14 Valves

In general, valves should be located as follows:

  • In intersections, either in a cluster at the pipe intersection or at projected property lines to avoidconflicts with curbs and sidewalks:
  • 3 valves at "X" intersection;
  • 2 valves at "T" intersection;
    • Or as directed by the City Engineer, in order to allow for the isolation of specificsections of the main, minimize service disruption and/or facilitate network operationand maintenance.
  • Not more than 200 m apart (except on trunk mains greater than 300 mm diameter, wherespacing can be increased upon approval of the City Engineer). Where possible avoid the useof inline valves.
  • In locations and at a frequency so that not more than two hydrants are out of service when asection of the main is turned off. An isolation valve is required for each hydrant, typicallyflanged to the hydrant tee.
  • Not more than 20 service connections isolated.

In order to permit the use of pigging cleaning methods the valve sizing and type selection should be asfollows:

  • The valves shall be the same diameter as the water main.
  • All valves shall be gate valves. Butterfly valves with appropriate chamber sized formaintenance and replacement may be used in special circ*mstances for water mains greaterthan 400 mm with approval from the City Engineer.

1.15 Hydrants

Fire hydrants shall be spaced in accordance with "Water Supply for Public Fire Protection - A Guide toRecommended Practice" (latest edition), published by Fire Underwriters Survey, subject to the followingminimum spacing, as measured along road centreline:

  • Not more than 150 m apart in rural single family residential or agricultural areas;
  • Not more than 120 m apart in suburban, urban, or infill residential areas;
  • Not more than 100 m apart in high density residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional areas.

Fire hydrants should be located in general at street intersections and as follows:

  • Hydrant locations as per BC Building Code for all buildings.
  • 1.0 m back from curb or 0.5 m back of sidewalk to centre line of hydrant.
  • Minimum 1.0 m clear of any other utility structure in all directions.
  • Minimum 3.0 m clear in direct line with hose connections.
  • At property lines in mid-block locations.
  • SRW required where open cut excavation to base of hydrant assembly extends into private property
  • Bollards or concrete barriers for hydrant protection may be required at the City Engineer’sdiscretion.

Hydrants shall not be located on sidewalks. Where this is not possible and with approval from the City
Engineer, a minimum distance of 1.0 m must be maintained between the centre line of hydrant and theback of curb.
On arterial highways with, or designated to be constructed with, a raised median, fire hydrants shall beinstalled on both sides of the highway with each side treated exclusively for spacing requirements.

1.16 Blow Offs and Blow Downs

Blow-offs shall be provided at the terminal ends of all water mains whether permanent or temporary tofacilitate scouring velocities during flushing. Blow-off sizes are:

  • 50 mm dia. for 100 mm dia. water mains (see Drawing SS-W8A)
  • 100 mm dia. for 150 mm dia. and larger water mains (see DrawingSS-W8B)

Where practical, and approved by the City Engineer, a hydrant may serve a secondary role as a blow-off.

On all mains greater than 300 mm diameter, install blow downs at the lowest point in the water mainprofile between the line valves.

1.17 Test Points

Test points shall be installed on all water mains in order to provide for the ability to collect watersamples in accordance with AWWA C651 – Disinfecting Water Mains.

1.18 Air Valves

Combination air valves shall be installed at the summits of all mains. Air valves may not be required onwater mains 200 mm diameter and smaller upon approval by the City Engineer for the following:

  • • Where active service connections are suitably located to dissipate entrapped air,
  • • Where the difference in elevation between the summit and valley is less than 600mm and it canbe shown that air pockets will be carried by typical flows.

Air valve sizes, subject to design analysis, are as follows (Table 1.18):

Table 1.18 Typical Air Valve Sizes
Water Main SizeValve Size
100mm to 300mm25mm
350mm to 600mm50mm
Larger than 600mmSpecial Design

Air valves must be vented to an appropriate secured above-grade location to eliminate any potential forcross connection in a flooded or contaminated chamber.

1.19 Thrust Restraint

Cast in place concrete thrust blocking and/or adequate joint restraining devices must be provided atbends, tees, wyes, reducers, plugs, caps, valves, hydrants and blow-offs. Bends at 5-degreesmay notrequire thrust blocking and/or joint restraining devices provided they are properly engineered.

The restraint system must take into account potential future excavations in the vicinity of the watermain. Design calculations must be based on fitting type, water pressure and soil conditions.

Precast thrust blocks are not permitted except in combination with joint restraints as approved by theCity Engineer.

When required, provide the City Engineer with calculations for the thrust block/joint restraint design.

1.20 Chambers

Chambers or manholes should allow adequate room for maintenance, including headroom and sideroom. Access openings must be suitable for removing valves and equipment and permitting inspectioncameras and pigging equipment. The chamber is to be provided with a drain to a storm sewer or ditch,complete with backflow prevention, to prevent flooding of the chamber. Rock pits may be consideredsubject to suitable soil and groundwater conditions and subject to approval by the City Engineer. Apumping system may be required for drainage.

Adequate venting should be provided. The City Engineer may require provision of forced ventilation,lighting, heating and dehumidification. Access and ventilation details must comply with WorkSafeBCrequirements.

Insulation to prevent freezing should be provided where necessary.

1.21 Service Connections

Service connection size should align with the BC Plumbing Code for proposed Developments, or becalculated on the basis of the designated land use including sprinkler systems or on-site hydrants, whereapplicable in the case of Subdivision. The minimum size is outlined in Section 1.9 - Minimum PipeDiameter. Standard permitted sizes and materials are provided in the Approved Products List.

All service connections to be made with service saddles at water main

Multiple corporation stops must have a minimum spacing of 1.0 m.

The curb stop at the end of each service pipe must be located as per SS-W2. Where such locations willconflict with other services, the location may be revised with the approval of the City Engineer.

Each connection of 100 mm or larger shall be installed with tee and isolation gate valve on the service atthe water main. The designer may choose to add an additional valve at property line to facilitatetesting and tie-in procedures.

Services and curb stops must have a minimum depth of cover of 1.5 m and curb stops must be nodeeper than 2.0 m. Valve boxes shall be used for curb stops greater than 50 mm diameter.

1.22 Alignments and Corridors

On straight roads, water mains should have straight alignments with uniform offsets betweenintersections.

For curved roads and alignments, where approved by the City Engineer, design joint deflections shall belimited to half the maximum deflection specified by the pipe manufacturer or through the use of 5-degree bends. Pipe alignment to be at a parallel offset with an established road right-of-way orproperty line.

Metallic marking tape labeled WATERWORKS is to be placed above all pipes at a depth of 0.45 m belowfinished grade in statutory rights-of-way or irregular alignments.

Water mains on new roads must be located as indicated in the applicable Standard Drawing typicalcross-section.

Where a water main crosses private land, right-of-way requirements are as indicated in Section 0.3,General Design Considerations – Utility Rights-of-Way.

Clearance from sewer is as indicated in Section 0.4, General Design Considerations – Utility Separation.

1.23 Reservoirs

The following reservoir design standards apply to the City of Kelowna Water Utility and are in generalagreement with the other four water purveyors in Kelowna. The designer should consult with theapplicable water purveyor for specific design details.

1.23.1 Preliminary Design

Reservoir design shall include a preliminary design which is to be approved by the City Engineerbefore the detail design begins. Preliminary designs should cover the following issues:

  • Site layout,
  • Design standards
  • Volume,
  • Shape,
  • Number of cells,
  • Geotechnical report on foundation conditions,
  • Appearance.

1.23.2 Reservoir Capacity

Reservoir capacity must not be less than the greater of the following:

  • One-day average annual consumption for the service area.
  • Total Storage Volume = A + B + C

A = Fire Storage (from Fire Underwriters Survey guide)
B = Equalization Storage (25% of Maximum Day Demand)
C = Emergency Storage 25% of (A + B).

Fire Storage shall be the greater of:

  • 1,080 cubic meters,
  • the volume as determined in accordance with the Fire Underwriters Survey guide for thetheoretical highest demand building type allowable under the Zoning Bylaw for all lotswithin the reservoir service area, and
  • the minimum volume outlined in Table 1.5.1 for the highest future land use or buildingtype within the reservoir service area.

1.23.3 Reservoir Structural Design Codes

Design in accordance with the latest edition of the BC Building Code and one of the followingspecialty codes:

  • ACI 350/350R: Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures,and Commentary.
  • PCA: Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing.
  • ACI 350.3/350.3R: Seismic Design of Liquid Containing Concrete Structures, andCommentary.
  • AWWA D11O: Wire and Strand-Wound Circular Prestressed-Concrete Water Tanks.
  • AWWA D115-06 Tendon-Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks.
  • AWWA 0100-11 Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage.
  • AWWA D103: Factory-Coated Bolted Steel Tanks for Water Storage.

1.23.4 Reservoir Design Features

  1. Seismic Loading: Design for the following:
    • Watertight structure and fully operational mechanical equipment, following a 475 yearreturn period earthquake.
    • Repairable damage and no uncontrolled release of water following a 2475-year returnperiod earthquake.
  2. Two cells, each containing one-half of total required volume and capable of being drainedand filled independently.
  3. Reservoir to be below ground, unless approved by the City Engineer.
  4. Each cell is to have an access opening and hatch in the roof for cleaning and maintenancewith minimum dimension 900 mm x 900 mm. Opening to be located so that the overflowpipe is clearly visible inside the reservoir, when viewed from the opening.
  5. For all access hatches, a survey mark inlaid inside showing the geodetic elevation is to beprovided.
  6. Finished elevation of the top of the hatch when closed to be 0.6 m above the finishedelevation of the reservoir roof.
  7. Access hatch(es) to have the following:
    • Aluminium 1/4" tread plate
    • Perimeter drain
    • Perimeter sealing gasket
    • Slam lock with aluminium removable sealing plug and opening tool
    • Flush lift handle
    • Gas spring assist cylinder
    • 90-degree hard open arm
    • Flush fitting padlock tang
  8. The hatch must be reinforced for 1,465 kg/m² (300 lbs./sq.ft.) complete with hatch alarm.
  9. All fasteners for the hatch to be made of 316 stainless steel.
  10. Ventilation pipes or openings sized to handle appropriate intake and exhausting volumes ofair for filling and drawing the reservoir. Ventilation pipes outlets to be screened.
  11. Reservoir floor to slope to drain sump.
  12. Drain sump to be a minimum of 1000 mm X 1000 mm X 400 mm, invert of drain pipe to beflush with sump floor, grating to be installed over sump.
  13. Sub-drain under floor to collect and drain any leakage (may be connected to overflow pipeprovided suitable measures are incorporated to prevent surcharging).
  14. Overflow drain to be provided and sized to transmit the maximum pump discharge with allpumps running.
  15. A stainless steel interior wall ladder is required from roof access to floor. All ladders to meetWCB regulations, supply attachment points for fall arrest equipment.
  16. Top rung of the ladder to be the same elevation as the finished elevation of the reservoirroof.
  17. Where public access could be gained to reservoir, install appropriate fall prevention railings.
  18. Re-chlorination may be required based on demand forecasts. Chlorine residual analyserrequired.
  19. All pipework within the reservoir to be PVC or fiberglass except overflow fitting which maybe stainless steel to AWWA standards.
  20. All metal parts within the reservoir including bolts, nuts, screws, anchors, ladders etc. to be316 stainless steel. All welded stainless steel components located in the reservoir to beappropriately passivated.
  21. Reservoir inlet pipe to terminate with a diffuser positioned opposite the reservoir outlet and a distance of ¾ the length of the reservoir from the outlet. Diffuser to cover ¾ the walllength.
  22. Ports in diffuser pipe to be engineered to produce circulation within the reservoir during fillcycle.
  23. Diffuser to incorporate removable end caps.
  24. Backup high and low level control balls for each cell set at 40% and 95% levels, (not tocontain lead or mercury).
  25. The reservoir must be cleaned, disinfected and leak tested to AWWA and local authorityrequirements.
  26. Gated black chain link perimeter fencing is required to address security and safety issues.
  27. Landscaping acceptable to the City is to be provided including irrigation.
  28. In special circ*mstances, at the request of the City Engineer, vehicle access road to the topof the reservoir roof to be provided.
  29. Manuals to be supplied as per Section 0.8.

1.23.5 Reservoir Valve Chamber

Reservoir to incorporate valve chamber containing:

  1. Chamber to include all valves associated with the reservoir operations.
  2. Design in accordance with seismic codes noted above.
  3. Entrance at grade large enough to permit safe removal of largest single piece of equipment.
  4. Lifting beams and hoists where necessary to enable removal of equipment or components.
  5. Floor drains and drainage system.
  6. Separate inlet and outlet piping including check valves to separate inlet and outlet flows.
  7. All inlet and outlet piping to incorporate a ¾ inch sampling port with isolating ball valve.
  8. A 19 mm Schedule 80 PVC sample line with isolating ball valve for each cell terminating inthe middle of a cell wall at the 50% level and extending 25% towards the centre of thereservoir.
  9. A 50 mm 316 stainless steel schedule 80 pipe with isolating ball valve extending into eachcell for connection of cleaning hoses.
  10. A 19 mm stainless steel pipe with isolating ball valve extending into each cell connected to apressure transmitter for level sensing.
  11. Minimum 30 amp, 120 VAC electrical service.
  12. Heat, light and ventilation to meet WCB requirements and to maintain minimum 5-degreeC on coldest day. Insulate interior walls and ceiling as required.
  13. All control wiring junction boxes.
  14. A PLC control system to current Pump Operations standards.
  15. Chlorine residual analyzer.
  16. Interior and exterior of all steel piping to be coated to AWWA standards, or use 316stainless steel.
    • Inlet piping – Mid Blue
    • Outlet piping – Dark Green
    • Drain piping – Gull Grey
    • All other piping – Mid Blue
    • Include flow direction arrows where appropriate.
  17. Check valves to show direction of flow with white painted arrows.
  18. PLC controlled modulating inlet valve where more than one reservoir serves a single zone.
  19. PLC control to City of Kelowna SCADA system, including:
    • Security switches
    • Discharge and suction pressure transmitters
    • Temperature sensor
    • Flowmeter
    • Uninterruptable power supply
    • Radio or hard wire modem
    • External antenna
    • Operator interface panel
  20. The modulating inlet valve shall:
    • Have non-contact 0 - 100% valve position indicator with 4-20 mA output.
    • Be hydraulically operated with pressure tank (minimum 40 psi) sized to operate valvefor 3 cycles during power failure.
    • Be complete with a hydraulically operated diaphragm actuated globe or angle.
    • Pattern valve of 'Powertrol type'.
    • Pilot system to be protected by single continuous flow 100 micron filter.
    • Space for safe and convenient operating and maintenance access to all valves, piping,equipment and instrumentation.
    • Manuals to be supplied as per Section 0.8.

1.24 Pump Stations

The following Pump Station design standards apply to the City of Kelowna Water Utility. Thedesigner should consult with the applicable water purveyor for specific design details.

1.24.1 Preliminary Design

Pump station design must include a preliminary design report which is to be approved by the City Engineer before detailed design proceeds. Preliminary designs should include the followingissues:

  • Location
  • Capacity
  • Number and type of pumps
  • Preliminary piping layout
  • Type and appearance of structure
  • Foundation conditions
  • Maintenance requirements and access
  • Energy requirements
  • Standby power
  • HVAC
  • Controls and monitoring

1.24.2 Capacity

Pumping capacity should be designed to suit the particular circ*mstances. In general, capacityshould meet maximum day demand with the largest pump out of service and balancing storageonline. If balancing storage is not on line, pumping capacity should meet peak hour demandwith the largest pump out of service. Stand-by power should be provided, where sufficientreservoir storage does not exist, to allow the greater of maximum day demand plus fire flow orpeak hour demand (MDDD+FF, or PHH) during a power outage.

1.24.3 Design Features

  1. Structure, piping and mechanical systems designed in accordance with seismic codesfor post-disaster structures.
  2. Located above 200-year flood level or 1.0 m above highest recorded flood elevation.
  3. Reinforced concrete, blockwork or brick construction, aesthetically pleasing.
  4. Access doorways sized so that the largest single piece of equipment may be safelyremoved and replaced. Lifting hooks or rails with pulley blocks as required.
  5. Adequate HVAC with filtered air inlet.
  6. Standby power.
  7. Adequate lighting.
  8. Housekeeping pads for MCC’s.
  9. Electric motors to be premium efficiency.
  10. Motors to have thermal protection.
  11. Motors 200 hp and above to have analogue vibration recording and protection.
  12. All pilot, air relief discharge to be piped to floor drains to avoid standing water.
  13. Air relief valves and pilot lines to be piped to floor drains.
  14. Hydraulically operated pump control valves with isolation valves.
  15. Flow meter and totalizers.
  16. Spring return ‘silent” check valves.
  17. High pressure and surge relief valves with isolation valves.
  18. Suction and discharge pressure gauges for each pump with isolation valves.
  19. Mechanical pump seals.
  20. Lockable roof hatches for motor and pump removal.
  21. Water quality sampling ports.
  22. Off road vehicle parking.
  23. Landscaping to City Parks Department specifications.
  24. Interior and exterior of pipework to be coated to AWWA standards. Exterior colours tobe:
    • Inlet piping – Mid Blue
    • Outlet piping – Mid Blue
    • Drain piping – Gull Grey
    • All other piping – Mid Blue
    • Include flow direction arrows where appropriate.
    • Check valves to show direction of flow with white painted arrows
  25. Pump system to be PLC controlled and connected to City of Kelowna Pump OperationsSCADA system.
  26. Control system to include but not limited to:
    • Security switches
    • Discharge and suction pressure transmitters
    • Temperature sensor
    • Uninterruptable power supply
    • Radio or hard wire modem
    • External antenna
    • Operator interface panel
    • Power meter without outputs to PLC
    • Phase loss protection
    • 5 spare fuses for all fuse holders
    • Current copy of PLC and MMI program to be left in control enclosure
    • (see Pump Operations Department for current standards).
  27. Motors to be 600volt, 3 phase.
  28. Hour meters and ammeters for each pump.
  29. Power factor correction if required by Power Authority.
  30. MCC, breaker boxes, receptacles to be labelled.
  31. Station to be cleaned and dust free.
  32. Separate or isolated room required for electrical.
  33. Noise attenuation to suit the location and local authority.
  34. Manuals to be provided as per Section 0.8.

1.25 Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Stations

The following PRV design standards apply to the City of Kelowna Water Utility. Designer shouldconsult with the applicable water purveyor for specific design details.

PRV station design parameters should be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer before detaileddesign proceeds. PRVs are to be above ground stations housed in a suitable kiosk. Above groundinstallation to be located outside of road ROW or in approved location.

1.25.1 Preliminary Design Parameters

  • Design Flows: peak hour, maximum day plus fire.
  • Continuous, emergency or fire flow operation.
  • Location.
  • Kiosk details: structure and access, controls and monitoring, HVAC.

1.25.2 Design Features

  • PRV to be above ground including electrical kiosk.
  • Minimum chamber size: 4 m x 2 m x 2 m (inside dimensions).
  • Minimum 30 amp, 120 VAC service.
  • External kiosk and antenna.
  • Forced air ventilation, heat and light.
  • Isolating valves.
  • Parallel pressure reducing valves sized for peak hour and maximum day plus fire flows.
  • Air release valves.
  • Water quality sample points.
  • Sump drain to storm.
  • Hatch as per Reservoir section.
  • Off road vehicle parking.
  • Manuals to be provided as per Section 0.8.
  • Landscaping.
  • Basket strainers upstream of each control valve.
  • Upstream and downstream pressure gauges.
  • Flowmeter.
  • Interior and exterior of pipework coated to AWWA standards, or use stainless steel.
  • PLC-controlled with connection to City SCADA system, including:
    • Security switches
    • Discharge and suction pressure transmitters
    • Temperature sensor
    • Flow meter and transmitter
    • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
    • Radio or hard wire modem
    • External antenna, height designed for communication connection (min. 6 m)
    • Operator interface panel.

1.26 Facility Site Requirements

Paved vehicular access must be provided to all reservoirs and pump stations. The minimum standardmust be for an emergency access road as shown in the Standard Drawings, with drainage provisions asmay be required.

Provision shall be made for vehicle turn-around and crane access.

Provide site grading and landscaping plans that identifies drainage issues, retaining walls and sitesafety issues.

2.0 Sanitary Sewers

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2.1 General

These guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge and experience.Sanitary sewer system designs shall be prepared under the direction of a design professional who hasthe appropriate experience and is registered with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia.

Sanitary sewers are intended to convey wastewater only as specified in the Sanitary Sewer/Storm DrainRegulation Bylaw.

These guidelines apply to City of Kelowna sewage collection system only.

2.2 Per Capita Flow

In absence of sanitary sewer flow data, sanitary sewer design shall be based on an average daily dryweather flow (ADWF) of 300 litres/capita/day, except when used for the analysis of older areas (pre-1980), where a ADWF = 420litres/capita/day shall be used.

For system design in undeveloped areas, ADWF shall be estimated based on current zoning as follows:

Table 2.2 Flow Values for Undeveloped Residential Areas
ZoningPopulation / Hectare (gross)Population / Unit
Single Family24-303
Multi-Family Low652
Multi-Family Medium120 (3 storey)2
Multi-Family High320-960 (4-12 storey)2
Mobile Home402

For calculating design population density in order to determine ADWF, the number of dwelling units is tobe based on the maximum permissible number of units allowed under the Zoning Bylaw for the lots beingserviced, including the potential for multiple units, secondary suites, or carriage houses.

2.3 Non-Residential Flows

Average dry weather flows (ADWF) for non-residential areas should be based on specific data related tothe development. In the absence of such data, use the following flow values which are based on zoningdesignations (Table 2.3):

Table 2.3 Flow Values for Non-Residential Areas
Land UseEquivalent Population / Hectare (gross)ADWF* (L/ha/day)

*ADWF calculated at 300 Litres per day per capita

2.4 Peaking Factor

The peaking factor is the ratio of peak dry weather flow (PDWF) to the average dry weather flow(ADWF). Where possible, the peaking factor should be based on locally recorded flow data from similardevelopments. It is recommended that if possible residential equivalents not be used but that eachcustomer type calculates peak flows independently. When using hydraulic modelling software it isrecommended that diurnal patterns be used that reflect varying time of day flows from each customerclass. In the absence of such data, the peaking factor is to be calculated using the design residentialpopulation and non-residential equivalent population, with the formula indicated below:

The ADWF is multiplied by the Peaking Factor to determine PDWF The Peaking factor is calculated asfollows:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (4)

2.5 Infiltration

Design flow should include an infiltration allowance to cover groundwater infiltration and systeminflows. For urban, suburban or commercial areas, the allowance should be based on the gross tributaryarea and the following:

  • New system with pipes above groundwater table: 0.06 L/s/ha (5,184 L/d/ha)
  • Old system (pre-1980) and/or pipes below groundwater table: 0.12 L/s/ha (10,368 L/d/ha)

The above values are based on systems where roof leaders and foundation drains are not connected tothe sanitary sewer.

For older systems it is recommended that the above value be confirmed with flow monitoring since, insome systems, this value can be substantially higher.

For low density areas with large lots (>90 m frontage), or spaces between developed areas, theinfiltration allowance should be based on the total sewer system pipe sizes and lengths, including sewermains, service connections and building sewers, and the following:

  • New system with pipes above groundwater table: 0.45 L/mm dia./100mlength/hour
  • Old system(pre-1980) and/or pipes below groundwater table: 1.0 L/mm dia./100m length/hour

2.6 Design Flow

Design flow Q = PWWF = (population and equivalent) x (per capita flow) x (peaking factor) + (infiltrationallowance).

2.7 Pipe Flow Formulas

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (5)

Pipes shall be designed so that the sewer flow does not exceed d/D=0.67 for pipes 250mmdiameter and less, or d/D=0.75 for pipes greater than 250mm diameter. (d=flow depth andD=pipe diameter).

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (6)

2.8 Flow Velocities

Minimum design velocities:

  • Gravity sewers: 0.60 m/s
  • Force mains: 0.75 m/s

Where steep grades result in velocities exceeding 6.0 m/s, sewer design must consider measures toprevent pipe and manhole erosion, movement and the effects of dynamic loading. Pipe anchors shallbe installed on steeper grades in accordance with MMCD standard drawings.

2.9 Alignment

Except as indicated for Curved Sewers (Section 2.12), horizontal and vertical alignments should bestraight lines between manholes for gravity sewers, and between defined deflection points for forcemains.

Force main line and grade requirements are as indicated for water mains. Air release valves are requiredat high points.

2.10 Minimum Pipe Diameter

  • Residential: 200 mm.
  • Commercial and Industrial: 250 mm except for the upstream section where future extension isnot possible, in which case 200 mm is acceptable provided it has a grade of 0.6% or greater.
  • Service connections: 100 mm
  • Sewage force mains: 100 mm.

Gravity sewer mains shall be designed so that the sewer flow does not exceed d/D = 0.67 for pipediameters of 250 mm and less, or d/D=0.75 for pipe diameters greater than 250 mm. (where d=flowdepth and D=pipe diameter).

2.11 Minimum Grade

Minimum grades of gravity sewers are as required to obtain the minimum velocity of 0.60 m/s. If thecalculated design flow is not expected to produce a velocity of at least 0.6 m/sec., then the minimumgrade shall be calculated on the basis of the pipe flowing 35% full at a theoretical velocity of 0.6 m/sec.

Force main grades are as indicated for Water section of these design standards.

2.12 Curved Sewers

Where permitted by the City Engineer, horizontal and vertical curves may be formed using pipe jointdeflections as follows (no deflection along the pipe barrel permitted):

  • Minimum radius = 60 m.
  • Constant radius throughout curve and constant offset to road centreline where possible.
  • Joint deflection not to exceed 75% of maximum recommended by pipe manufacturer.
  • Minimum design velocity = 0.9 m/s.
  • Only one horizontal and/or vertical curve allowed between manholes.
  • Curve locations to be accurately recorded on record drawings

2.13 Depth

Sewers should be of sufficient depth to:

  • Permit gravity service connections to basem*nts on both sides of the road.
  • The minimum depth of the sewer main (from the surface of the road or ground to the top ofpipe) is normally 2.0 m.
  • Prevent freezing. Minimum depth is 1.2m (measured from the surface to the top of pipe).
  • Allow for future extension(s) to properly service all of the upstream tributary lands for ultimatedevelopment.
  • Clear other underground utilities.
  • Prevent damage from surface loading.
  • Maximum cover depth: 4.5 m, except under special circ*mstances and with the City Engineer’sapproval. Pump services shall be used on low side where maximum cover would be exceeded.

2.14 Manholes

2.14.1 Manholes are required at the following locations:

  • Every change of pipe size.
  • Every change in grade, except as indicated in the Curved Sewers section.
  • Every change in direction, except as indicated in the Curved Sewers section.
  • Upstream and downstream end of curvilinear sewer mains.
  • Every pipe intersection except for 100 mm and 150 mm service connections (see Section 2.16).
  • Upstream end of every sewer line.
  • Every future pipe intersection.
  • All terminal ends, except as noted in section 2.14.3.
  • 150 m maximuspacing.

Sanitary manhole rim elevation shall not be located in a low point that may be subject to ponding orstorm water infiltration and shall be designed to be:

  • Above the adjacent storm manhole rim and catch basin elevations.
  • Above the surrounding ground elevation when the manhole is located off road to preventinflow from ponding.

2.14.2 Hydraulic Details

Crown elevations of inlet sewers not lower than crown elevation of outlet sewer. When connectinga collector sewer main to a trunk sewer 300 mm or greater, the invert of the collector main mustnot connect lower than 0.75D (¾ of the pipe diameter).

Minimum drop in invert elevations across manholes:

  • Straight run: 10 mm drop
  • Deflections up to 45-degrees: 25 mm drop
  • Deflections 45 to 90-degrees: 50 mm drop.

Drop manhole and ramp structures should be avoided where possible by steepening inlet sewers.Where necessary, provide drop structures as follows (table 2.14):

Table 2.14 Drop Structures
Invert DifferenceStructure
Up to 0.45mInside Ramp
0.445 to 0.90mOutside Ramp
Greater than 0.90mOutside Drop*
*Inside drop may be used if specifically approved by the City Engineer.

Drop manholes and outside ramps must be installed in accordance with standard drawings.

The maximum deflection angle created in a junction is 90o.

Force main discharges should be directed into the receiving manhole outflow pipe. Manholebenching should be extended a minimum 200 mm above the force main crown. If a manhole dropcannot be avoided, an inside drop pipe is required as approved by City Engineer.

2.14.3 Temporary Clean-Outs

Temporary clean-outs may be provided at terminal sections of a main provided that all of thefollowing conditions are met:

  • Future extension of the main is proposed or anticipated within 3-years.
  • The length of sewer to the downstream manhole does not exceed 45.0 m.
  • The depth of the pipe does not exceed 2.0 m at the terminal point.

2.15 Odour Control

Odour control shall be considered in all sanitary sewer systems designs. Of particular importance areareas where sewage has the potential to go septic. This typically occurs within pump station wet wellsor sanitary force mains where sewage age exceeds 4 hours. Once the sewage has gone septic odourscan be released not only from the pump station but also from the air release valves on sanitary forcemains and the discharge manhole. In this situation odour gasses can be released and cause a significantpublic nuisance. Hydrogen sulphide is also toxic and explosive and can pose a risk to human health.

By properly designing a sewer system, odours can be reduced and where they can't be avoidedtechnologies exist to reduce or eliminate odour and dangerous gases.

The following criteria must be met in all sanitary sewer systems

  • Dissolved sulphide maximum limit at any point in the system is to be 0.5mg/l.
  • Odour Criteria:
    • o At 10 m from any gravity main, force main, manhole and lift station or other sewerfacility (summer conditions, winds between 2-10 km/h), 1.0 odour units.
    • Where sewer facilities are close to houses, parks or walkways, 0.0 odour units.
  • Analysis for odour and sulphides may be required.
  • Odour Control provision shall be designed to accommodate both at25%buildout and at 100%buildout.
  • All lift station designs to include odour control or the provision for future odour controlfacilities.

When selecting the appropriate odour control technologies, the designer shall consider operatingvariables such as flow rates, power and consumables. It should be recognized that estimating the pre-treatment hydrogen sulfide gas concentrations is critical in evaluating the various technologies. AllOdour Control treatment designs to be approved by the City Engineer.

2.16 Service Connections

Every legal lot and each unit of a residential duplex shall be provided with a separate service

Lots are allowed one service connection per property. In special circ*mstances where the servicing ofall buildings on existing Industrial or Commercial properties is not feasible, two services may bepermitted if authorized by the City Engineer.

Service connections shall not be extended at an angle that exceeds 45o from perpendicular to the main,and in no case shall a service connection be placed so that it extends in front of any property other thanthe one being serviced.

Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, connections are to service all plumbing by gravity.Building elevations should be established accordingly. Pumped connections may be permitted ifapproved by the City Engineer prior to sewer design. Pumped connections shall be considered as anoption to eliminate mains in rear yard rights-of-way.

2.16.1 Size

  • Pipe size is to accommodate peak design flow.
  • Service connection size should align with the BC Plumbing Code for proposed Developments.
  • Minimum pipe size is 100 mm diameter for residential services servicing up to 4 units and 150mm for all other services.
  • Standard permitted sizes are provided in the Approved Products List

2.16.2 Location and Depth

Connections to large lots are to be located at the lower portion of each lot. For urbandevelopments, locate connections in accordance with standard drawings. Service connectionsmust be installed at least 0.5 m horizontally from the water service and a minimum of 1.5 m fromany side lot line.

Service connections shall not be extended at an angle that exceeds 45° from perpendicular to themain, and in no case shall a service connection be placed so that it extends in front of any propertyother than the one being serviced.

The minimum depth of a service at the property line must be 1.5 m provided that gravity service tothe Minimum Building Elevation is available.

2.16.3 Grade
Minimum grade from property line to sewer main:

  • • 100 mm diameter pipe: 2.0%
  • • 150 mm diameter pipe: 1.0%
  • • Larger sizes: Grade based on minimum velocity of 0.75m/s.

2.16.4 Details

Use standard wye fittings for connections to new mains. For connections to existing mains, use wyesaddles or, where approved by the City Engineer, insertable tees may be used. The serviceconnection centreline must not be below the sewer main centreline.

Service connections may be permitted into manholes provided:

  • The connection is not oriented against the flow in the main.
  • The connection enters the manhole so the service invert is no lower than the sewer main crown.
  • Manhole hydraulic requirements are met.

Inspection chambers (IC) are required for all service connections unless the service is less than 2.5 m
long and ties into a manhole. Service boxes are to be installed on every inspection chamber.

Inspection manholes are required on all industrial connections. Inspection manholes will berequired for commercial connections at the discretion of the City Engineer. Inspection manholesshall be installed on private property as close to property line as practical to allow for access by theCity.

Manholes are required at the main on service connections in accordance with standard drawing.

The maximum length of any service connection is 30 m. Connections exceeding 30 m in length willbe treated as mains.

2.17 Locations and Corridors

Sanitary sewers to be located within roadways, preferably along the centerline, as shown in theapplicable standard road cross-section drawings. Manhole covers to be located outside of wheel path.

For curved roads and alignments, where approved by the City Engineer, pipe alignment to be at aparallel offset with an established road right-of-way or property line.

Servicing from roadways is required unless a depth of greater than 4.5 m would be required to providegravity service. Rear yard sewers are to be avoided, and advance approval is required from the CityEngineer.

Where the main may exceed 4.5 m depth of cover to provide a gravity service, the City Engineer maypermit a design based on sewer pumps. Ideally, main floors should be designed for gravity service.

Where a sewer crosses private land, right-of-way requirements are as indicated in Section 0.3 -UtilityRights-of-Way.

Clearance from water mains as detailed in General Design Considerations Section 0.4.

Common trench with storm sewer per General Design Considerations Section 0.4, may be approved atthe discretion of the City Engineer.

2.18 Lift Stations

The use of sanitary lift stations is to be discouraged. Any proposed use of lift stations must receive priorapproval from the City Engineer. Sanitary lift stations should normally be located within a right-of-wayoutside the required road dedication.

This section covers both dry well and submersible sewage lift stations. Larger capacity sewage liftstations or lift stations with special design or siting requirements may require additional assessmentand review of criteria.

Preliminary design must be approved by the City Engineer before detailed design proceeds.

2.18.1 Preliminary Design Requirements

System layout: Select location(s) to minimize the number of sewage lift stations and avoid liftstations wherever practical.

Capacity: The lift station must be designed to handle the ultimate flows of the designatedcatchment. Design must consider short, intermediate and long-term future flows.

Location and Layout: The location and layout of a lift station must include an assessment of thefollowing basic design considerations:

  • Type of station and impact on neighbours.
  • Construction dewatering requirements.
  • Access for construction.
  • Access for maintenance.
  • Aesthetics, noise, odour control and landscaping requirements.
  • Security against vandalism and theft.
  • Flood elevations. Station uplift design must be based on maximum load level.
  • Proximity of receiving sewers, water mains, and adequate power supply.
  • Minimizing energy requirements.
  • Standby power and its compatibility.
  • Soils. Geotechnical investigations must be undertaken prior to site approval.
  • Convenience of operation and maintenance.
  • Safety for operators and public.
  • Capital and operation and maintenance costs.
  • Radio Path assessment on existing and proposed building line of sight.
  • Off street Parking (5 m x 7 m) shall be provided for pump maintenance.
  • Fenced perimeter with 1.8 m high black chain link fencing. Fencing to MMCDstandards.
  • Above ground valve chamber with no ladder or platform requirement for maintenanceaccess.

2.18.2 Design Features

Lift stations should be designed with a minimum of two pumps, each capable of handling themaximum flow condition. A mixer should be provided, or one pump equipped with an automatic flush valve.

Where the design flow exceeds the capacity of a single, commonly available pump, use three ormore pumps with capacities such that there is always one pump available for standby.

  1. Pump requirements:
    • Capable of passing solids up to 75 mm in size.
    • Equipped with appropriately rated stainless steel chain and connecting rings.
    • Equipped with hour meters.
    • Easily removed for maintenance.
    • Maximum motor speed: 1750 RPM.
    • Explosion proof.
    • Operate on a 347/600 volt electrical source (pump motors between 5 hp and 75 hp (max)and to be 600 volt 3 phase type).
    • Able to operate alternately and independently of each other.
    • Able to meet maximum flow condition with one pump in failure mode.
    • Designed so that each motor does not cycle more than 4 times in one hour undernormal operating conditions. For example, in a duplex pump station that is designed toalternate the pump starts, each motor can have a maximum of 4 starts in an hour whichcould result in a total of 8 motor starts per hour for this station.
    • All pumps must be factory tested prior to installation.
    • Wet well storage shall be sized assuming pump is fully submersed and willaccommodate design flow with no storage in the pipe network.
    • All internal piping and fittings shall be 316 stainless steel (Victaulic style) as perApproved Products List.
    • Pump start water level to be set above the top of the pump casing to prevent buildupon pump and reduce level monitoring issues.
  2. Motor cables, power cables, etc., must be continuous from within the pump station towithin the kiosk unless an adequate exterior pull pit and junction box is installed.
  3. Levels to be controlled by ultrasonic level transmitter with emergency high and low levelballs. A radar level transmitter is required when lift station service is in an area thatproduces large amounts of “foam” or “steam” e.g. a laundry facility. Level transmitters tobe accessible at the top of the wet well to be serviced without entering into the lift station.
  4. All auxiliary equipment and control panels must be mounted in a suitable kiosk adjacent tothe station. The kiosk must be located a minimum of 3.0 m from the station lid.
  5. The control kiosk must be designed to contain all control and telemetry equipment on thefront panel and all power equipment on the rear panel.
  6. Check valves must be ball lift check valves. All valving to be installed in an above groundkiosk.
  7. All stations require an explosion-proof exhaust fan which can be activated by manualswitch, and which meets WCB requirements for ventilation in a confined space.
  8. The entrances to all stations must be waterproof and be provided with a suitable lock. Theaccess must be a minimum 900 mm x 900 mm in size. The access hatch shall have:
    • An aluminum ¼" tread plate
    • A perimeter drain
    • A perimeter sealing gasket
    • A slam lock with an aluminum removable sealing plug and opening tool
    • A flush lift handle
    • A gas spring assist cylinder
    • A 90-degree hold open arm
    • A flush fitting padlock tang.
    • The hatch must be reinforced for 1465 kgs/m² (300 lbs./sq.ft.). All fasteners to be made of316 stainless steel.
    • The entrance must be above ground level where feasible but, in no case, more than 300 mm
      above the ground.
  9. All wiring must be explosion-proof, Class 1, Division 2, and electrical design and installationis subject to the acceptance of the Provincial Safety Inspector. Metal stations must beprotected by impressed current cathodic protection.
  10. All stations must provide an automatic generator for standby power in case of powerfailure. Provision for a telemetry system must be included for connection into theMunicipality’s Telemetry System. For small lift stations with an ultimate capacity less than100 units, emergency storage may be considered in place of standby power; emergencystorage is to be based on 8 hours of average day flows.
  11. All equipment must be CSA approved and have at least a one year guarantee for parts andlabour.
  12. Designer is to provide three copies of Operating and Maintenance Manuals (see Section0.8).
  13. Wet well to have above ground valve chamber that houses the ball check and isolation plugvalves for each pump as well as the air relief valve and flow meter. Valve chamber to have ata minimum 50 mm of insulation, 1000W intrinsically safe baseboard heater, door seals,floor drain back to the wet well with p-trap and the air relief drain ports piped to the ValveChamber floor drain. A plug valve is required on the influent line and on each pumpdischarge. The valves must be outside the station and be complete with square operatingnut and nelson box. Gear box on plug valves in the ground to be designed for submersion. Mixer to be provided only when required for the purposes of odour control (no automaticflush valves).
  14. If a lift station is authorized, by the City Engineer, to be constructed in an area that may besubject to vehicle loads, the roof and cover of the pump station should be designed towithstand a loading of H-20 (highways standard). Roof design to also allow for fall arrestassembly on the roof (2X’s the max arresting force, typically 1800 lbs).
  15. Provision(s) must be made for standby pumping from an external source. An adaptorflange ("Kamlock") complete with a quick coupling and lockable cap will be required.
  16. The area around the station and all associated equipment or building must be asphalted.The size of the area to be determined by the requirements for maintenance.
  17. Stations to be fiberglass unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer The surfaces ofall steel components and fibre glass stations must receive at least two coats of twocomponent white epoxy enamel. Concrete wet wells are discouraged but where approved,must be designed and constructed to prevent sulphide corrosion, and the concrete surfacemust be coated with at least 2 coats of blue epoxy and then an additional 2 coats of whiteepoxy. All steel piping and components to be 316 stainless steel.
  18. The wet well bottom must be sloped to direct all solids into the pump suction. The influentline must be located tangent to the wet well to encourage scouring of the wet well.
  19. The station shall be complete with an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) to serve allalarms and controls.
  20. Separate starter enclosures must be provided for each pump.
  21. PLC control to be based on City of Kelowna standards.
  22. Station communication to be provided via radio transmission compliant with the City’stelemetry system, and an antenna must be installed on a suitable mast or pole to ensurereliable transmission.
  23. An hour meter must be built into the panel for each pump.
  24. An amp meter must be provided for each pump.
  25. Minimum storage between the high level alarm and the start of overflow under the morecritical of:
    • Minimum 1 hour in wet well at average wet weather flow.
    • Minimum 1 hour in wet well and influent pipes at peak wet weather flow.
  26. Ensure operating level is above the top of the pumps to keep the pumps submerged (Minimum1 m separation between the inlet pipe invert and pump stop level).
  27. Station to have a magnetic flow meter located in above ground valve chamber.
  28. Station to allow removal of pumps using hoist truck with 1.8 m (6’) boom.
  29. Perimeter fencing is to be provided. The fence must be made of black chain link andinstalled with privacy slats. Fence to be minimum 1.8 m high with minimum 5 m wide openingfor vac truck access.
  30. Landscaping, acceptable to the City, is to be provided including irrigation.
  31. Noise control may be required when criteria in Section 2.16 is exceeded.
  32. Odour control may be required when criteria in Section 2.17 is exceeded.
  33. Minimum barrel size must be 2440 mm (8’) in diameter

2.19 Force Main

As part of the lift station design, the following criteria must be noted in the design of force mainsystems: Design computations for force mains must be made using a 'C' factor of 120 (for PVC pipe)and then re-calculating the system curve using a 'C' factor of 145 to ensure adequate motor horsepowerand pump characteristics. Show pump and system curves on design drawings.

2.19.1 Velocity

At the lowest pump delivery rate anticipated to occur at least once per day, a minimumcleansing velocity of 0.75 m/sec should be maintained. Maximum velocity should not exceed 4.0m/s.

2.19.2 Air Relief Valve

An automatic air relief valve must be placed at high points in the force main to prevent airlocking when the difference in elevation between the invert of the summit and the invert of thevalley is greater than the diameter of the pipe. The air relief valve must be located in a chamber,complete with adequate and environmentally safe drainage and odour control, unless a suitableinjected odour control agent is used at the Lift Station. Air valve must be vented and drainedinto the gravity sanitary sewer system at a manhole, where possible.

2.19.3 Termination

Force mains should enter the gravity sewer system so that the force main invert is not morethan 200 mm above the crown of the pipe in the receiving manhole. A smooth, turbulent freetransition must be incorporated. If the receiving manhole design does not allow this, then amanhole drop structure in accordance with the standard drawings is required.

2.19.4 Size

The minimum size for force mains is 100 mm diameter.

2.19.5 Materials

Force mains must generally meet the standards specified for water mains and in accordancewith Schedule 5, however there are specific requirements for force mains that may supersedewater main standards, as follows:

  • Force main pipe must be identifiably different than water main pipe. Refer to supplementalspecifications 5.1 Section 33 34 01S.
  • Valves used on force mains, pigging ports or cleanouts shall be lubricated full port plugvalves size on size sufficient for long term use in a corrosive environment. Plug valve gearboxes installed in the ground must be designed for submersion conditions.

2.19.6 Loads and Transient Pressures

All force mains must be designed to prevent damage from superimposed loads. Must also bedesigned to prevent damage from water hammer or column separation phenomena. Transientsurge and cyclic surge analysis must provide at least a 75-year life of the pipe.

2.19.7 Corrosion and Odour

Corrosion and odour control is required when limited daytime flows, or long force main lengths cause the pumped sewage to remain in the force main for longer than 45 minutes.

2.19.8 Pigging Port

A “size on size” pigging port that is convenient for the City Operations to use and maintainmust be incorporated in the force main outside of the Lift Station.

2.20 Noise Contro

Noise levels for facilities must not exceed 65 dB at property line or 20 m away whichever is closer.

2.21 On-site Sewage Disposal (Septic systems)

On-site sewage disposal systems will only be considered for properties that are:

  • Not near or adjacent to the City’s sanitary sewer system, and
  • Greater than 1 ha in size.

Where permitted, site conditions and on-site sewage disposal systems shall meet the BC Public HealthAct “Sewerage System Regulation” and Ministry of Health Special Conditions for placing septic systemswith Environmental Control Zones. The City Engineer’ approval is required for on-site sewage disposalsystems.

2.22 Low Pressure Sewers

Low pressure sanitary sewer systems servicing a group of properties is discouraged and requiresapproval from the City Engineer. Preliminary design must be approved by the City Engineer beforedetailed design proceeds.

3.0 Stormwater Management

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3.1 General

The City stormwater system integrates surface water flows collected through the City’s infrastructureand the natural watercourses that flow into Okanagan Lake. Proper integrated stormwatermanagement practice mitigates impacts with the goal of maintaining Okanagan Lake as a high qualitywater source, with an abundant water supply, and with a balanced ecosystem. While urban, agriculturaland natural areas all benefit from Okanagan Lake, drainage impacts from our systems must bemitigated, as well as be resilient to flood hazard and a changing climate.

The presence of an existing stormwater management facility does not imply that there is adequatecapacity to receive the design flow, nor does it imply the facility is necessarily acceptable to the City.Where required, stormwater facilities must be upgraded to accommodate the appropriate flow asspecified in this standard.

3.1.1 Outcomes

With respect to stormwater, the City’s goals are to:

  • Improve and protect water quality from creek flows, outfalls and groundwater enteringOkanagan Lake.
  • Reduce the risk of health hazard, life, and damage to property and infrastructure fromflooding, and provide strategies to attenuate peak flows and volumes.
  • Preserve and protect aquatic and riparian habitat and provide opportunity for restoration.
  • Minimize risks to the Okanagan Lake drinking water source.
  • Increase the resiliency of our watersheds to climate change impacts.

This stormwater management standard applies the latest Best Management Practices (BMP) andprocesses in use in British Columbia. New systems and development within the City are to use thepractices described within this Section as a minimum standard.

All flows must be routed through sewer pipe, ditching, water courses, riparian areas, or roadallowances with the required capacity and right of way access for operation and maintenance. TheCity requires that major system flows must be safely routed downstream to an adequately sizedmunicipal drain or natural watercourse without impacting private property.

3.1.2 Regulations

Stormwater management designs must conform to this standard, City of Kelowna bylaws,regulations and policies; in addition to federal and provincial statutes where applicable. Theseinclude but are not limited to the following: Supplementary Design Criteria

  • Existing Master Drainage Plans,
  • Local Government Act
  • Fisheries Act of BC
  • Water Sustainability Act
  • BC Water Act
  • Navigable Waters Protection Act
  • Canada Wildlife Act
  • Migratory Birds Convention Act
  • Dike Maintenance Act
  • Standards and Best Practices for Instream Works(Canada/BC)
  • Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat(Canada/BC)
  • Urban Runoff Quality Control Guidelines for British Columbia
  • National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (Canada)
  • Canadian Dam Association Dam Safety Guidelines

3.1.3 Climate Change

The City accepts that climate patterns are changing, and that its customers are impacted by creekflooding, lake rises, temperature fluctuations and fire. The design standards for infrastructureoutlined in this bylaw are to be considered a minimum expectation. The City requires that designprofessionals consider impacts of climate change, through potential changing weather patterns orwater levels when implementing a design; particularly in components where critical and long termdesign decisions are being made, or in areas where the consequence of failure is high.

To account for a changing climate, the capacity of storm works will include an additional 15 percent(15%) upward adjustment, and applied to the rainfall intensity curve stage (IDF) in Section 3.7.2. Thisis consistent with recommendations in EGBC (2018): Legislated Flood Assessments in a ChangingClimate in BC.

The design professional will be required to consider debris flow and flow management as a result ofhigher peak flows.

On larger projects, basin characteristics are required elements of the Stormwater Management Plan(See Section 3.2.1). Developers will need to anticipate this form of analysis as part of their overallcost strategy.

3.1.4 Hillside Areas

Hillside areas or areas of poor infiltration conditions have been identified by the City in Drawing SS-S58.

  • For development in Hillside Areas, the City focus is on safe conveyance of water. Roof orsite drainage must discharge directly to the storm system. This focus is to not allowinfiltration to ground except for foundation drainage. Where storm drains are not availableor not considered feasible, minor system designs (see 3.2.a below) will require ahydrogeological review provided by a qualified Professional (P.Eng. or P.Geo.) to ensurethat site infiltration is possible while not exceeding pre-development conditions, notimpacting slope stability or off-site seepage, or not directly impacting downhill properties.The terms of reference of the review must be confirmed by the City Engineer and approvedas a condition for obtaining a Development Permit.
  • For new development where Groundwater Recharge is designated Not Suited, the City willnot permit minor systems (see Item 3.2a) to infiltrate to ground.

3.2 Stormwater Flow Control

The City’s Stormwater Management system consists of three main components:

  • The Minor System consists of sewer pipes, gutters, catch basins, driveway culverts, open channels,watercourses and storm water management BMPs designed to capture, convey, treat or modifyflows up to a 5-year return design event as directed by the City.
  • The Major System consists of surface flood paths, roadways, roadway culverts, channels and stormwater management facilities designed to capture, convey, treat or modify larger flows up to a 100-year return design event. A piped minor system may be enlarged or supplemented toaccommodate major flows. Major roads and arterials, bridges and creek protection armouring areto be designed for the 1 in 200 year event. This is discussed further in Section 3.10.
  • The Natural System consists of all natural lakes, rivers, creeks, streams and ephemeral drains thatflow naturally downstream ultimately to Okanagan Lake. Natural system capacity and waterquality can be impacted negatively by incoming Minor or Major systems

3.2.1 Stormwater Management Plan

Stormwater Management Plans are required for all municipal development. A plan should includethe following:

  • a) Tributary areas in the catchment which identify existing and potential land uses or currentdevelopment.
  • b) References to applicable Area Stormwater Drainage Plans.
  • c) Details indicating how the proposed site relates to the Master Plan and itsrecommendations. Contours at 0.5 m elevation intervals.
  • d) Conceptual lot grading patterns.
  • e) Existing watercourses, including environmental classifications and/ or fish presenceinformation, if available.
  • f) Layouts of existing and proposed drainage systems.
  • g) Major flow paths to a municipal drain or natural watercourse without impacting privateproperty.
  • h) Proposed control features to meet the water quantity and quality targets identified in theapplicable Master Plan
  • i) Locations, sizes, design flows, volumes, and capacities of all existing and proposed works.
  • j) Capacity assessment of receiving downstream works, or reference to the applicable MasterPlan demonstrating adequate capacity. The City will provide the required stormwater areaplans upon request.
  • k) Minor and Major hydraulic grade line elevations on profiles for all proposed works.
  • l) Proposed service connection locations and their associated minimum building elevations(MBE). Pre and post development flows both entering and leaving the subject lands.
    • i. Pre development is defined as the natural condition prior to any developmentchanges, including those resulting from past development activities.
  • m) The City may exempt plan requirements for development in rural or agricultural areas uponrequest or determination by the City Engineer.

3.3 On-Site Stormwater Management and Practice

3.3.1 Storm Effluent Limitations to City Storm System

  • a) For structures designed or constructed above the proven high groundwater table,intermittent stormwater pumping will be permissible to the City stormwater system whereapproved by the City Engineer. All operations and testing must be consistent with therequirements in Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Regulation Bylaw 6618.
  • b) Where structures are designed or constructed below the proven high groundwater table,permanent groundwater pumping will not be permitted to discharge to the storm system.The City will approve designs that include provisions for eliminating groundwaterpenetration into the structure, while addressing buoyancy concerns. These design aspectsmust be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
  • c) Refer to the latest BC Building code for drainage discharge requirements in parkades.

3.3.2 Water Quality

Whether water is routed through creeks, pipelines or infiltration into ground, the City will requireconsideration for treatment, emergency management and maintenance of the stormwaterinfrastructure and water quality. Stormwater designs on private property must meet or exceedminimum water quality guidelines prior to entering the City storm system. Water quality for a minorsystem flow (50% of the 1 in 2-year) must meet minimum BC Ministry of Environment RecreationalWater Quality Guidelines and as per Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Regulation Bylaw 6618.

3.3.3 Construction Sites

The City storm system can be used for temporary site water management provided the waterquality exiting the property meets BC Ministry of Environment Recreational Water QualityGuidelines. This temporary use must be approved by the City prior to issuance of the DevelopmentPermit and/or Building Permit, following a confirmation of capacity within the downstream system,and adequacy of the quality of storm effluent. There must be no discharge to the sanitary sewersystem.

3.3.4 High Density Residential, Commercial and Industrial Storm Systems

  • a) A control manhole is to be installed within 3 metres of the property line, and downstream ofany water quality enhancement system. The manhole will include provision for isolatingrunoff into the City Storm system.
  • b) The City requires access to the structure in an emergency and inspection. An SROW isrequired. Provisions must be considered for response to emergency toxic spills on site. Anycosts associated with emergency response are the responsibility of the property owner.
  • c) Water quality enhancement systems such as oil/grit separators, fuel/water separator(where required), naturalized storm ponds or other approved systems are the responsibilityof the site owner, and must be maintained on a regular basis. The City can request regularmaintenance records.
  • d) Minor system flows must meet water quality guidelines described above prior todischarging to a creek or city storm system.
  • e) On industrial sites where perforated storm systems or dry wells are used, the design mustinclude provisions to manage emergency spills on site and minimize ground water impacts.

3.4 Runoff Analysis

Storm drainage design should be carried out using one or both of the following methods. Calculationsare to be submitted with designs.

  • a) Rational Method: To be used only for hydrologically simple and uniform areas withcontributing area less than 10 Ha.
  • b) Hydrograph Method: Applicable for all larger areas or more hydrologically complexcatchments, or where stormwater management systems require more than basic conveyances.Use SWMM based models or approved equivalent to analyze these processes. Each modelmust include a level of complexity dependent on the watershed and the hydrologic processesthat need to be considered (e.g., detention, groundwater recharge and infiltration,evapotranspiration, continuous simulation, etc.).

For all modelling, use the rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves found in standard drawingSS-S56. Both historical data as well as climate change information must be incorporated into the runoffanalysis.

3.5 Site and Lot Grading

Grading is to comply with the BC Building Code and the following:

  • a) Swales and site drainage must be constructed to prevent ponding within lots, with runoffrouted, where possible, to storm services in public streets or other appropriate stormwatermanagement system for the site.
  • b) Grade lots to drain to an approved City drainage system or roadway. Use 1% minimum grade.Grading directly to a natural drainage path must include adequate erosion control and waterquality improvement measures.
  • c) Avoid drainage across adjacent lots. Where cross-lot drainage is unavoidable, provide adequatemeasures such as channelling, swales, inlets or piped connections to direct flow appropriately.A statutory right of way in favour of the City or private easem*nt is required for unobstructedaccess.
  • d) Positive drainage is required for buildings and foundations.
  • e) Set building elevations above the hydraulic grade line (HGL) of the major drainage system asper Minimum Building Elevations (MBE) guidelines below.

3.6 Minimum Building Elevations (MBE)

The MBE applies to the elevation of the lowest floor slab in a building or the underside of the floor joistswhere the lowest floor is constructed over a crawl space. Crawl space is defined as the space between afloor and the underlying ground having a maximum height of 1.2 m to the underside of the joists andnot used for the storage of goods or equipment damageable by flood waters.

The MBE is to be at least 0.60 m above the storm sewer service connection invert and 0.30 m above themajor drainage system hydraulic grade line (HGL), whichever governs except where permissible onHillside development where:

  • foundation drains are disconnected from the storm main; or
  • intermittent foundation pumping has backflow prevention.

For developments within close proximity to the Okanagan Lake shoreline, the MBE is elevation343.66m. Further consideration shall be given to wind and wave action when setting the required MBE.

For sites near a watercourse where a floodplain elevation has been established through flood mapping,the MBE is to be a minimum of 300mm above the 200-year return period peak flood elevation or as perCity of Kelowna Mill Creek Flood Plain Bylaw No. 10248. Where a flood elevation has not beenestablished, setbacks are to be as per the Provincial guidelines or 1.5 metres above the naturalboundary of any watercourse, lake, marsh or pond.

3.7 Rational Method

The Rational Method for calculation of peak flows is as follows:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (7)

Factors for use in the Rational Formula are indicated below.

3.7.1 Runoff Coefficients (C)

The following runoff coefficients are for use with the Rational Formula. These coefficients are forgeneral application only. Design values are subject to verification by the designer and approval bythe City. Higher values may be applicable in those areas which experience rainfall during the winterwhen the ground is frozen.

Table 3.7.1 Runoff Coefficients (C)
Land UsePercent ImperviousC
Minor Storm (1:5 Year)Major Storm (1:100 Year)
Residential - Suburban Residential (Lots > 0.4 ha)20%0.350.40
Residential - Low Density (Single Family)40%0.500.55
Residential - Medium (Multi-Units Detached)65%0.600.65
Residential - High Density (Multi-Units Attached)90%0.850.90
Institutional (e.g. Schools)80%0.750.80
Parks / Grasslands20%0.200.30
Cultivated Fields30%0.300.40

Runoff Coefficient Adjustment Factor (CAF)
An adjustment factor is to be applied to the runoff coefficient to reflect variations in soilpermeability and slope.

Table 3.7.2 Runoff Coefficient - Soil Adjustment Factor (CAF)
Soil Type and SlopeCAF
Sandy soil with flat slope (up to 5%)0.9
Sandy soil with steep slope (over 5%)1.0
Clayey soil with flat slope (up to 5%)1.0
Clayey soil with steep slope (over 5%)1.1

Note: The above runoff coefficient adjustment factors are subject to verification by thedesigner. The product of C and CAF can not exceed 1.0.

3.7.2 Rainfall Intensity (I)

Rainfall intensity for use in the Rational Method should be determined using the rainfall IDF curve instandard drawing SS-S56 for the City of Kelowna. This curve was developed from the AtmosphericEnvironment Service recording station located at the Kelowna international Airport. To account forclimate change, as noted in Section 3.1.3, a 15 percent increase (15%) will be applied to theintensity derived from the IDF curve. The duration is equal to the Time of Concentration (Tc), ascalculated below.

Time of Concentration (Tc)
The time of concentration is the time required for runoff to route from the most remote part ofthe catchment area under consideration to the design outlet node. The time of concentrationcan be calculated using the following formula:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (8)

Inlet or Overland Flow Time (Ti)

Typical inlet times for urban areas, assuming BMP's are not applied, are as follows:

  • a) Single Family Lot 10 minutes
  • b) Multi-Family Lot 8 minutes
  • c) Commercial/Industrial/Institutional 5 minutes

For relatively flat areas, the inlet time for larger areas can be calculated using the "AirportMethod" as follows:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (9)

Travel Time

The travel time for routing in sewers, ditches, channels or watercourses can be estimated usingthe Modified Manning formula:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (10)

3.7.3 Design Summary Sheet

All design calculations are to be tabulated and shown on the design drawings, or in a report andsummarized on design drawings.

3.8 Hydrograph Method

Analysis using the Hydrograph Method requires computer modeling capable of analyzing thehydrologic characteristics of the watershed and generating runoff hydrographs.

For City applications, SWMM based models are appropriate. The City of Kelowna must be consultedbefore selecting a more specialized software program.

3.8.1 Modelling Procedures

Modelling results are to be calibrated using observed historical rainfall and flow data from the designwatershed. Sensitivity of the model predictions to variations of key parameters should be testedand the findings used to develop a realistic and conservative model.

At a minimum, post-development hydrographs are to be generated at key points of the drainagesystem for a 5-year and 100 year design storm with durations of 1, 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours for eachdevelopment condition. A different range of storm durations may be appropriate, subject to Cityapproval. This will identify the critical storm event to be used in designing the system component.Note that the storm durations that generate the critical peak flow may be different from thedurations that generate the critical storage volume.

Systems with a number of interconnected ponds or with restricted outlet flow capacity may require amore detailed analysis for sequential storm events or modelling with a continuous rainfall record.

Detailed designs should include hydraulic grade lines (HGLs) of the minor and major systems plottedon profiles of the minor system components and compared with MBE to demonstrate floodprotection.

3.8.2 Submission of Modelling Results

Modelling results are to be submitted to the City in a report or drawing containing at least thefollowing information:

  • a) Stormwater Control Plan as defined in Section 3.2,
  • b) Name and version of modelling program(s)
  • c) Parameters and simulation assumptions.
  • d) Design precipitation details.
  • e) Pre-development and post-development hydrographs.

3.9 Minor System Design

The minor system includes all drainage works that collect, convey, detain, divert and intercept designstorm runoff. The minor design event must be the 5-year design storm.

3.9.1 Pipe and Channel Capacity

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (11)

3.9.2 Flow Velocities

  • a) Pipes/Culvert Flow
    • i. Minimum design velocity for pipes flowing full or half full: 0.60 m/s.
    • ii. Where grades are greater than 10%, measures are required to prevent pipe erosionand movement such as control structures and/or tie-backs and anchor blocks.
    • iii. Where a storm sewer discharges into a watercourse, provide riprap bank protectionand, if necessary, energy dissipation facilities. Avoid discharge perpendicular tostream flow.
  • b) Conveyance channels must be armoured and sized for a 1:100-year event. For riprap designchart see standard drawing SS-S57.
  • c) Road Ditches
    • i. Maximum road ditch velocity is 0.5 m/s without armouring.
    • ii. Ditch Inlets -Ditch inlets to storm sewers must include wing wall structures, safetygrillage for large pipes (>600 mm diameter), debris screens and sedimentationbasins.

3.9.3 Alignment

Except as indicated for Curved Sewers, horizontal and vertical alignments are to be straight lines
between manholes.

3.9.4 Minimum Pipe Diameter

  • Storm Sewers 250 mm
  • Culverts crossing roads 450 mm
  • Culverts crossing driveways 300 mm
  • Catch Basin Leads 200 mm
  • Double Catch Basin Leads 250 mm

Downstream pipe sizes are not to be reduced unless the downstream pipe is 600 mm diameter orlarger and increased grade provides adequate capacity. Detailed hydraulic analysis is required. Themaximum reduction is one standard pipe size.

3.9.5 Minimum Grade

Minimum grades of storm sewers are as required to obtain the minimum velocity of 0.6 m/s at designflow except for catch basin leads and service connections, for which minimum grades are as indicatedin Section 3.9.12, Service Connections.

3.9.6 Curved Sewers

Where permitted by the City, horizontal and vertical curves may be formed using pipe joint
deflections as follows:

  • a) The radius of the curve is to be no less than the recommended manufacturer’s minimumradius of curvature at a constant radius.
  • b) Horizontal curves must be parallel to the centre line of road at a constant offset.
  • c) Only one horizontal curve is permitted between manholes, unless the mainline is installedand appropriately anchored outside the road on a steep hill slope requiring multiple verticalcurves.
  • d) Where the pipe curve does not have a consistent offset from a road centre line, the offsetsmust be properly referenced on Record Drawings.
  • e) Subject to City Engineer approval, curved storm sewer systems larger than 600 mmdiameter may include deflections formed by mitred bends to a maximum mitre of 45°.

3.9.7 Depth

The minimum depth of the sewer must be sufficient to provide all service connection piping with aminimum cover of 1.2m to the top of the service, anywhere within the finished right-of-way. In noinstance shall the cover over the crown of the sewer main be less than 1.2m when installed intravelled areas. The depth of course can be reduced to 1.0m when installed outside of travelledareas.

  • a) The maximum depth of cover must be 4.5m, except under special circ*mstances and withpermission of the City Engineer.
  • b) For catch basin leads, the minimum depth of cover is 0.90m.

3.9.8 Pipe Joints

All pipe joints are to be watertight.

3.9.9 Perforated Storm Pipe

  • a) The City will only consider the installation of perforated storm sewers and/or dry wells todischarge water back to the ground where soil conditions, slope and water table elevationare suitable. The perforated pipe system design must be designed to provide surchargeconditions.
  • b) Perforated pipes can only be installed in areas of the City described as “Possibly Suited” inthe Ground water Recharge Suitability Map in Standard Drawing SS-S58 and confirmed by ahydro-geotechnical site investigation.

3.9.10 Manholes

  • a) Manholes are required at:
    • i. Every 150m orless.
    • ii. Every change of pipe size.
    • iii. Every change in grade, except on curvilinear pipe alignments.
    • iv. Every change in direction, except on curvilinear pipe alignments.
    • v. All terminal sections.
    • vi. Every sewer main intersection.
  • b) Placement of manholes in existing or future wheel paths must be avoided.
  • c) Manhole sizes must be in accordance with the Standard Drawings: Manhole connectiondetails asperMMCDS3& S4, or City of Kelowna supplemental standard drawing SS-S1a”.
  • d) Hydraulics: Crown elevations of inlet sewers not lower than crown elevation of outlet sewer.When connecting a collector sewer main to a trunk sewer 300 mm or greater, the invert ofthe collector main must not connect lower than 0.75D (¾ of the pipe diameter).
  • e) Minimum drop in invert elevations across manholes:
    • i. Straight run: 10 mmdrop
    • ii. Deflections up to 45 degrees: 25 mmdrop
    • iii. Deflections 45 to 90 degrees: 50 mm drop
  • f) Drop manhole and ramp structures should be avoided where possible by steepening inletsewers. Where necessary, provide drop structures as follows (table 3.9.10):
Table 3.9.10 Drop Structures
Invert DifferenceStructure
Up to 0.45mInside Ramp
0.45 to 0.90mOutside Ramp
Greater than 0.90m

Outside Drop*

*Inside drop may be used if specifically approved by the City Engineer

  • g) Drop manholes and outside ramps must be installed in accordance with standarddrawings.
  • h) Hydraulic losses are to be calculated for manholes with significant change of grade oralignment. For high velocity flows, particularly for pipes 600 mm or larger, detailed analysisis required using the Froude number, or utilizing appropriate computer models. TheManning's equation should not be relied on for pipe slopes above 10%. For low to moderatevelocities and smaller pipes, use the following formula:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (12)

Where benching is used, the minimum drops listed above are applicable for velocities below 1 m/s.Where flows exceed 1 m/s, HL should be specifically computed and used as the drop across thejunction.

3.9.11 Catch Basins

  • a) Catch basins are required at regular intervals along roadways, at intersections and at lowpoints to:
    • i. Prevent overflows to driveways, boulevards, sidewalks and private property.
    • ii. Avoid interference with crosswalks.
    • iii. Avoid low points in curb returns at intersections.
  • b) Catch basin leads are minimum 200 mm diameter.
  • c) Minimum grade of a catch basin lead is 1%.
    • i. Catch basin leads require a 0.9 m minimum cover. If 0.9 m is not available, designto protect from freezing and traffic loads; design calculations must be provided.
  • d) Spacing is to provide sufficient inlet capacity to collect the entire minor flow or major flow,where required, into the sewer system.
  • e) Local suppliers are required to provide rating curves for available catch basin grates. As ageneral rule, space catch basins to drain maximum impervious areasof:
    • i. 500 m2 on roads with grades up to4%,
    • ii. 400 m2 on roads with grades greater than 4% at 100 mmaximum.
  • f) Lawn basins are required on boulevards and private properties where necessary to preventponding or flooding of sidewalks, boulevards, driveways, buildings andyards.
  • g) Double or twinned catch basins must not be connected directly together, rather one basinwill be wyed into the lead of the other. Maximum lead length to the mainline must be 30meters and be minimum 250mm diameter. Each CB will have a trapping hood (standarddrawing SS-S54).
  • h) Double or twinned catch basins are to be provided at all sag points or sump locations as aminimum. Inlet calculations are required where the major storm needs to beaccommodated, such as downhill cul-de-sacs or where there is potential for excessiveponding or overflow onto private property.
  • i) Oversized grates and/or secondary emergency inlets must be considered where leavesand/or debris collection is anticipated.

3.9.12 Service Connections

Service connections to the City storm system are required for all multi-family, commercial, industrialand institutional land uses.

Single Family Residential service connections to the City Storm system are required in instanceswhere site conditions do not provide for safe infiltration or dispersal of storm water on site. The safeuse of infiltration is to be confirmed by a qualified Professional.

  • a) Service connection requirements:
    • i. The minimum storm service diameter for any property is150mm.
    • ii. Inspection chambers (ICs) are required to be installed as per SS-S7 and SS-S9.Where this is not possible, identify offset on the record drawings and service card.An IC is not required on residential connections where the service is less than 2.5 mlong and connected directly into a manhole.
    • iii. Refer to Drawing SS-S50 for all service connection requirements to a stormmainline.
    • iv. All storm services 200 mm and larger require a manhole either on the stormmainline or on the storm service at the property line. The service manhole must beoffset from the property line a sufficient distance to ensure replacement will notimpact private property.
    • v. Flow control manholes are to be installed on the private side of the property line asper Drawing SS-S55.
    • vi. Service connections are permitted into manholes as per DrawingSS-S1a.
    • vii. Depth to be minimum 1.2 m.
    • viii. Minimum grade from property line to storm sewer main is 2%.
    • ix. Wye fittings are preferred for service connections into proposed City storm sewers.Insertable tees are permitted into 250mm or larger existing mains.
  • b) Roof Leaders (drains):
    • i. Where permissible and not in Hillside Areas, roof water is expected to be containedon site as part of best management practices to meet requirements for pre-development storm rate. Acceptable best management practices include splash-pad onto green space, rain harvesting systems or appropriately sized rock pitswhere soil infiltration parameters permit.
    • ii. Roof leaders are not permitted to be directed to any infiltration device or soakaway pit near to or part of an engineered retaining wall or reinforced earthstructure.
    • iii. Roof leaders or inlets from downward sloping driveways in Hillside Areas must beconnected to the City storm sewer.
  • c) Perimeters Drains
    • i. Perimeter drains for buildings are required as per the British Columbia BuildingCode.
    • ii. Discharge may be to the surface or a soak away pit.
    • iii. Foundation perimeter drains are not permitted to be directed to any infiltrationdevice or soak away pit that impacts an engineered retaining wall or reinforcedearth structure.
    • iv. Foundation perimeter drains can be routed by gravity through a storm service tothe storm sewer provided that:
      • the elevation of the basem*nt/crawlspace floor is at least 600 mm abovethe MBE (Section 3.6), or
      • 600 mm above the anticipated or known high ground water table,or
      • 600 mm above the 100 year hydraulic grade line within the sewer main atthat point, whichever is higher.
    • v. Where a sump pump is required, a backflow prevention device must be installed aspart of the mechanical configuration to prevent backflow into a basem*nt from theCity Storm sewer.
    • vi. As per Section 3.3.1, permanent groundwater pumping is not permitted to Citystorm sewers.

3.9.13 Perforated Sub-Drains

Perforated subsurface drainage systems designed for the purpose of permanent groundwater levelreduction are not permitted to be connected to the City Storm sewer system.

3.9.14 Locations and Corridors

Wherever possible, storm sewers and service connections should be located within the public roadright of way. Side or rear yard easem*nts should be avoided where possible. Where it can't beavoided, statutory right-of-ways will be required for permanent City access.

3.10 Major System Design

The major drainage system includes all drainage pathways that convey, detain and/or intercept flowsin excess of the capacity of the minor system. Its primary purpose is to provide flood protection forthe 1:100 year return event. The major system generally includes surface flow paths such as ditches,swales, sewers, roadways, plus roadway culverts and watercourses.

3.10.1 Surface Flow Routing

All surface flows should have specially designed routes that are preserved and protected byright-of-ways and are accessible for maintenance. Design criteria include:

  • a) HGL is to be at least 600 mm below the MBE of adjacent buildings.
  • b) Maximum flow depth on roadways: 300 mm. Boulevards and intersecting driveway profileswill need to be set such that roadway surface flows are contained within the public right-of-way.
  • c) One lane, or a 3.5 m width at the crown of each roadway, is to be free from flooding.
  • d) Where a roadway is used as a major flow path, the road grades are to be designed toaccommodate and control the flow at intersections.
  • e) Flood routing is not permitted on to private property except in engineered flow channels orsewers protected in a statutory right-of-way.
  • f) Overflow routes are required at all sags and low points in roadways and other surface flowroutes.
  • g) Major flood routes are required to exit down-slope in cul-de-sacs with Statutory Rights of Way established.

3.10.2 Surface Flow Capacity

Flow capacity of road surfaces and swales can be calculated using the Manning formula, presentedin Section 3.9.2, Time of Concentration. Typical values of the Manning Roughness Coefficient "n"are:

  • a) 0.018 for paved roadway
  • b) 0.03 for grassed boulevards and swales
  • c) 0.04 to 0.10 for irregular or treed channels.

Design detail is to include consideration of flow velocities and the potential requirement for erosioncontrol measures. Ditches should be designed using a low n-value to determine velocity and providethe basis for stable channel design and a high n-value to determine ditch capacity and free board toprevent flooding or submergence of adjacent roadway subgrades.

3.10.3 Piped System

As noted in Section 3.2.1, the minor drainage system may be enlarged or supplemented toaccommodate major flows in special circ*mstances. Modifications to the design criteria must beincluded in Stormwater Management Plan. Design considerations include:

  • a) Provision of adequate inlets to accommodate major flows. Capacity calculations are to beprovided in the Stormwater Management Plan.
  • b) The requirement for surface overflow routes at potential surface ponding locations.
  • c) Flow depth and velocity.
  • d) Where applicable, design in accordance with minor drainage system guidelines.

3.10.4 Culverts and Bridges

The following service levels are to be used for design:

Road ClassDesign Flood Frequency for Bridges and Culverts
Arterial and Collector1:200 Year Flood
Local1:100 Year Flood + provision for overflow ifon major channel

The fishery value (aquatic classification) of the watercourse will establish the design requirementsfor the crossing. Particular designs will apply if fish passage is needed. Approvals are required underthe BC Water Act and the Federal Fisheries Act, and may be required under the federal NavigableWaters Protection Act.

Culvert design is to be in accordance with the procedures outlined in an applicable design manualincluding but not limited to:

  • a) American Concrete Pipe Association - Concrete Pipe Design Manual
  • b) Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute -Handbook of Steel Drainage and Highway Construction
  • Products.
  • c) Standards and Best Practices for ln-stream Works -Culverts, Province of British Columbiaand DFO.

Inlet and outlet protection is required for all major system culverts. Design considerations are toinclude inlet control and outlet control conditions, energy dissipation and erosion control measures.

The City requires all municipal channel culverts 500mm or greater to be constructed with headwalls,end-walls and safety grillage as per Standard Drawings.

3.10.5 Watercourses

Natural watercourses are integral components of both the major drainage system and the ecologicalsystem. Riparian areas are to be preserved and/or enhanced to sustain habitat for aquatic and otherwildlife as well as convey storm runoff.

Increases in peak storm flows and volumes to major watercourses and receiving waters shall beminimized. Consideration must be given to fish bearing streams and to streams presently atcapacity.

Designers must consider all federal, provincial and municipal laws, regulations and guidelines notedabove, and must obtain comments and approvals from the appropriate agencies.

Runoff Controls
Runoff controls are required to meet the objectives indicated previously. The controls may include:

3.10.6 Detention Storage

Detention storage is used to capture and store water on site to assure that storm releases are limitedto the pre-development release rate for a 1 in 5 year storm. Drainage Basin Plans are available uponrequest to the City Engineer.

As a guideline, detention storage is not required on any lands west of Richter Street betweenBernard Avenue to the north and Wardlaw Avenue to the South unless approved by the CityEngineer. Where peak flow rates or volumes are increased and will cause detrimental impacts,provisions for downstream improvements must be provided in order to mitigate the impacts.

Detention storage options and design guidelines include the following:

3.10.7 Parking Lot Storage

  • a) Requires detailed lot grading design to ensure proper drainage, pedestrian safety andconvenience, and major flow paths .
  • b) Maximum ponding depth: 300 mm outside vehicle stalls, 150 mm within vehicle stalls,however, also with consideration to frequency of ponding and impact to users of theparking lot.

3.10.8 Underground Storage

  • a) Facilities include tanks and oversized pipes, with outlet controls.
  • b) Tanks, fencing and graded slopes to be constructed off-line and on-site.
  • c) Cross sections and inlet and outlet locations should be designed to minimize maintenancerequirements.
  • d) Structural design to accommodate traffic loads and ground water pressure.
  • e) Maintenance access provisions required.

3.10.9 Dry Detention Ponds

  • a) Intended to provide storage only during severe storm events.
  • b) May be on-line or off-line, although off-line is preferred. Fencing and graded slopesrequired.
  • c) May accommodate active recreational uses.
  • d) Overflow elevations to be coordinated with MBEs.
  • e) Emergency overflow spillway to be constructed for 1:100yr storm event.
  • f) Design details, other than discharge rates should be in accordance with currenttechnologies as outlined in Land Development Guidelines for Protection of Aquatic Habitat(Canada/BC).
  • g) Provide warning signage indicating facility is a stormwater detention structure subject toflooding or rapid water level changes. Signs to be posted at all public access points or roadfrontages.

3.10.10 Wet Detention Ponds

  • a) Intention is to provide on-line detention storage and maintain a permanent minimum waterlevels.
  • b) Catchment area must be large enough to provide sufficient base flow to ensure wet storageand is sustained without becoming stagnant (based on local hydrologic characteristics).
  • c) Generally located off-site, and must include fencing and graded slopeson-site.
  • d) Can provide a public amenity within a passive park.
  • e) Overflow elevations to be coordinated with MBEs.
  • f) Design details, other than discharge rates, should be in accordance with currenttechnologies as outlined in Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of AquaticHabitat (Canada/BC), and related documents.
  • g) Provide warning signage indicating facility is a stormwater detention structure subject toflooding or rapid water level changes. Signs to be posted at all public access points or roadfrontages.

3.10.11 Subsurface Disposal / Infiltration Systems

  • a) These systems are intended to promote stormwater retention and ground water recharge.
  • b) Suitable for high permeability soils with low groundwater elevation. Geotechnicalinvestigation is required.
  • c) Design details should be in accordance with current technologies as outlined in Infiltrationsystems guidelines in land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic habitat(Canada/BC), and related documents.
  • d) Stormwater infiltration basins planned for Hillside Areas must be designed by a qualifiedProfessional with experience in hydrogeology. The design must be reviewed and confirmedby the City Engineer. See Section 3.1.4.

3.11 Outlet Controls

Outlet controls for storage facilities may be designed using the standard orifice and weir equations:

Orifice Equation:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (13)

Weir Equation:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (14)

Larger storage facilities are to include provisions for discharges at rates greater than the designrelease rate (i.e., major storm event and emergency conditions). Rapid drawdown of the water levelmay be necessary for emergency purposes or to restore the available storage to accommodatesubsequent storm events. Simple reducers are permitted on smaller facilities.

Orifices shall be fixed and designed to pre-development outflow rate. Adjustable mechanisms such asslide gates or removable orifice plates are not permitted unless approved by the City Engineer.

Design of inlet and outlet structures is to include consideration of energy dissipation and erosioncontrol. Safety grates are required over all inlet and outlet openings larger than 500 mm diameter.Locks for access hatches are required.

The following is an introductory list of some runoff controls focused on water quality treatment.

  • a) Bio-filtration Swales and Constructed Wetlands
  • b) Intended to provide bio-filtration and sediment removal.
  • c) May be designed to provide on-line detention storage as well as quality treatment.
  • d) May be located on-site or off-site.
  • e) Qualified professional required for design.
  • f) Design requires consideration of climatic conditions.

3.11.1 Oil and Grit Separators

Oil and Grit Separators are required:

  • a) On site with parking for 50 or more vehicles (does not apply to parkades).
  • b) On all industrial zoned properties, unless it can be proven that there is no risk of stormwater contamination.
  • c) Supplier design details are required.

Design criteria for Oil and Grit Separators must include:

  • a) Devices must have a current Canadian Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) or ISO14034 ETV verification.
  • b) A target Total Suspended Solids removal of 60% of the ETV Particle SizeDistribution.
  • c) Performance predictions for all proposed units.
  • d) A maintenance plan and commitment from all Owners. This will be included in the businesslicense renewal.
  • e) A location on-site, including a Statutory Right of Way or covenant on title should the Cityneed to inspect the unit.

3.11.2 Oil/Water Separators

  • a) Required for gas stations, vehicle service areas and storage areas for highway vehicles andconstruction equipment.
  • b) Design details in accordance with current technologies as outlined in Urban Runoff QualityControl Guidelines for British Columbia.

3.12 Drainage Pump Stations

Drainage pump stations are not commonly used in the City. Where drainage pumping is required, thedesigner must review the design concept and proposed guidelines with the City, submit a pre-designreport and obtain approval of the City before proceeding with design. At a minimum, the pre-designreport should include the following:

  • a) Delineated catchment area map
  • b) Estimated flows and HGL
  • c) Pump station location
  • d) Connection to existing infrastructure.

3.13 Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC)

All construction projects in the City require an Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan approved by
the City. Storm water runoff from construction sites commonly contains significantly higher
contaminant concentrations than storm water from developed sites. Poor construction practices and
lack of attention to detail are contributors to sediment transport, in turn impacting both downstream
infrastructure, aquatic habitats and Okanagan Lake.

Erosion and Sediment Control will be managed as a separate process with a cost identified as a
separate line item in the development planning process

The following policies will be administered:

  • a) No Person may cause, or permit another Person to cause, sediment or sediment-laden water todischarge into the storm system, with concentrations greater than 75 milligrams per litre (ppm)of total suspended solids (TSS). A sample measuring greater than 60 nephelometric turbidityunits (NTU) will be the trigger point where the sample must also be sent to the lab for analysis.
  • b) A Security Deposit for ESC Works equal to 3% of the Consulting Engineer’s opinion of probablecosts of civil earthworks and infrastructure will be added to the ServicingAgreement.
    • i. The Security Deposit submitted is to secure the full and proper compliance with theprovisions of the By-law. In the event, that the Owner, Developer, or PersonResponsible has not complied with the provisions of this By-law, the necessary fundsfrom the security deposit may be drawn down, at the City’s option, and the money usedeither by the City or its agents to protect the storm system from sediment or sedimentladen water in adherence with the terms and conditions of this By-law.Notwithstanding, the City is under no obligation to initiate or complete remedial worksin or under the Land.
    • ii. If the amount of the security deposit is insufficient for the City to complete the ESCFacilities, the Owner and Developer jointly and severally will pay any deficiency to theCity on demand.
  • c) The Owner must retain a Qualified Professional (P.Eng, RPBio, P.Ag, AScT, CPESC, CISEC orCESCL) responsible for inspecting and monitoring the ESC Facilities weekly and after any rainevent which exceeds the intensity of 25mm of total rainfall depth in a 24-hour period. Allrecords and data must be made available to the City upon request. Should a site be determinedto be non-compliant, the Professional will be responsible for submitting notification andpresenting a remediation plan to the City within two days of the event.
  • d) The ESC will include a construction plan and site management plan ESC features must beinstalled before any clearing, excavation, or soils mobilization takesplace.
  • e) The fundamental approaches to effective ESC include:
    • i. reduce clearing and grading and preserve natural vegetation as much as possible;
    • ii. phase construction to limit soil exposure at any one time, particularly in wet seasons;
    • iii. stabilize exposed soils as quickly as possible, whether temporaryor permanent;
    • iv. protect slopes and cuts;
    • v. prepare the site to limit soil tracked off-site by haul vehicles;
    • vi. sweep off-site streets when dirt is tracked;
    • vii. filter runoff water before it leaves the site;
    • viii. install filters or barriers to protect downstream drains andinlets;
    • ix. adjust ESC plan to suit changing weather and construction phasing;
    • x. assess ESC practices after rain event; and
    • xi. maintain the works throughout construction.

Ideally, practices and features are put in place to prevent erosion from occurring in the first place, butrealistically some degree of erosion and sediment transport will occur. When it does, other practicesand features are to intercept and capture the sediment before reaching vulnerable areas. As such, thefollowing sub-sections introduce ESC practices in two core categories; erosion control and sedimentcontrol.

3.13.1 Erosion Control

Rainfall and wind can aggressively displace and transport soil, although rainfall tends to be the moredamaging in BC climates. The soil composition has a significant bearing on its erosion potential. The first line of defense is to either maintain or provide protective cover to the soil. Ideally, naturalvegetative cover is maintained for areas that do not need to be disturbed. Where soils do need to beexposed or stockpiled, temporary covers should be applied when rainfall events are imminent.

For exposed site areas, straw mulch is the most common form and can be effective with low cost.However, it is commonly not applied thick enough or replenished frequently enough. It is importantthat a uniform blanket be provided and refreshed as the straw decays or is displaced. For the mostpart, bare soil should not be visible.

For steeper slopes, or for areas exposed and inactive for considerable time, manufactured erosioncontrol blankets may be most appropriate. There are many products available and local suppliersshould be consulted for the selection of the appropriate one. While they have a higher purchasecost, with proper selection and installation they will provide longer and more effective service withfar less maintenance than straw mulch.

For soil stockpiles, poly tarps should be applied when the stockpile is inactive, including shortovernight periods if there is any threat of precipitation. If inactive for considerable time, othermeasures such as temporary seeding, mulching, or matting may be considered.

Once disturbance to an area is complete, permanent cover practices should be established as soonas possible. Top dressing the area with topsoil having high organic content in itself can be asignificant benefit; a minimum of 100 mm should be applied for purposes of erosion control. Greaterdepth is often required to meet landscape growing medium and hydrologic management needs. Sodding, broadcast seeding, hydro-seeding, and drill seeding are acceptable methods to re-establish a blanket of vegetative.

Aside from maintaining good quality ground cover, there are a number of other techniques that canbe applied as erosion control, including the following, but not necessarily limited to those below. They should be selected based upon the specific conditions and requirements of the site.

Construction of stable haul roads for transport vehicles coming and going from the site is required.

At a minimum, haul roads include 200 mm of a coarse granular running surface, but strongconsideration for underlying filter fabric, and potentially geogrid reinforcing in weak soils, should begiven;

  • a) Intercept trenches on the upstream edges of the working area to redirect runoff;
  • b) Terracing steeper slopes;
  • c) Scarifying the soil surface;
  • d) Bio-engineered protection of very steep slopes;
  • e) Rip-rap with appropriate underlying filter.

3.13.2 Sediment Control

Silt fences can be an effective barrier to contain soil, but are not an effective filter of sediment ladenrunoff. Their permeability is insufficient to allow water to pass through, and therefore morecommonly act as a dam which is then often undermined or circumvented by the flow of water. Whenused appropriately as a soil containment barrier, they must be sufficiently installed and maintained.Design criteria include: stakes should be > 7.5cm in diameter and > 1.5m long and driven > 40cm intothe ground; stakes should be < 2.4m apart unless wire backing is used; and bottom should be buriedin a trench > 20cm.

  • a) Storm drains and catch basins potentially receiving site runoff are to be protected withfilters.
  • b) Straw bales and gravel berms are to be used within flow paths to slow water and promotetrapping of coarse sediment. Note that these are less effective for fine sediment.
  • c) Dust control is required at all times.
  • d) Soil transport from vehicles coming and going from the site must be controlled. Where awheel wash facility is constructed, wash water must be appropriately contained and treatedprior to release off-site.
  • e) Sediment ponds (or basins) are generally applied to larger construction sites (> 2 hectares)to settle suspended sediments larger than 0.02mm. The outlet should consist of aperforated riser pipe with a gravel jacket. Internal gravel baffles are to be installed to createindividual cells to reduce velocities and prevent short circuiting of flow to the outlet. As adesign guideline, ponds should be sized to accommodate 125 m3/ha of site area. Of thisvolume, at least 20% should be dedicated to a forebay. The remainder, as a permanentpool, should measure 1.3-1.8m in average depth, and not exceed2.4m.
  • f) Sediment traps are similar to sediment ponds, but designed for small sites. Generally fed byswales, these facilities are located on the low-side of the site to receive site runoff water andallow settling of solids before discharge off-site.

4.0 Transportation

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4.1 General

This Bylaw shall be used for the design of transportation infrastructure required to support the policiesand objectives of the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP). Transportation infrastructure includesroads, lanes, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, active transportation facilities, transit facilities, and allother infrastructure necessary to support the movement of people and goods located within the roadright-of-way, along Active Transportation Corridors, or within City-owned properties. This includesinfrastructure necessary for pedestrians, cyclists, or other human powered modes, transit, passengervehicles, emergency vehicles, and commercial or industrial vehicles.

Transportation infrastructure within the City is to be comfortable, convenient, safe, accessible, andattractive for everyone, regardless of age or ability. Complete streets elements such as traffic calming,accessible design, sidewalks, crossings, active transportation, transit infrastructure, and landscapingshall be incorporated within the road right-of-way as appropriate to support adjacent land uses andtravel demand. The design of transportation infrastructure shall optimize ease of maintenance,longevity, and life cycle costs while meeting the above objectives.

4.1.1 Transportation Design Standards

The design of transportation infrastructure is context specific, and the application of goodengineering judgment shall be appropriately employed in each design to address mobilityobjectives, in addition to the standards contained in this Bylaw. The establishment of appropriatedesign standards may require consultation and direction from the City Engineer where theprovisions of this Bylaw do not adequately address mobility objectives in the context of unique orcomplex situations.

This Bylaw is not a substitute for sound engineering judgement and discretion is afforded the CityEngineer to adapt the standards prescribed herein to suit individual designs on a case-by-case basisin consideration of site constraints, applicable mobility objectives, and City policies. In exercisingdiscretion, the City Engineer may require the Consulting Engineer to submit supporting engineeringanalysis, including completion of a written Design Brief or Transportation Assessment, forconsideration. Transportation designs shall be prepared under the direction of a ConsultingEngineer with appropriate and relevant transportation experience, registered with Engineers andGeoscientists of British Columbia.

Where not otherwise specified in this Bylaw, design direction should be taken from the mostcurrent versions of the following standard guides, regulations, and legislation:


Provincial / Regional


  • City of Kelowna Official Community Plan Bylaw 123000 (OCP);
  • City of Kelowna Zoning Bylaw 12375;
  • Transportation Master Plan (TMP);
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan;
  • Linear Parks Master Plan;
  • Council-Adopted Urban Centre Plans

4.2 Road Classifications

Road classifications are identified within Map 13.1 Functional Road Classification of the City’sOCP. Refer to Section 4.3 –Cross sections and todetermine the cross-section requirements based on the classification assigned to a road. Not all Collector roads, Local roads, laneways, public pathways, and emergency accesses necessaryto facilitate development are shown on Map 13.1 Functional Road Classification. Newconnections may be required as directed by the City Engineer or the Approving Officer

The road classifications, shown in Table 4.2.1: Road Classifications below, consider both a road’sfunction within the transportation system network and the mix of trips it services (land usecontext).

Table 4.2.1: Road Classifications
Land Use ContextRoad Type
Neighbourhood Street NetworkMajor Road Network
LanewayLocalCollectorMinor ArterialMajor ArterialProvincial Arterial Highway
RuralRural LanewayRuralLocalRuralCollectorRuralMinor ArterialRuralMajor ArterialMOTI Jurisdiction (see description below)
HillsideHillsideLanewayHillsideLocalHillsideCollectorHillsideMinor ArterialHillsideMajor Arterial
SuburbanSuburbanLanewaySuburbanLocalSuburbanCollectorSuburbanMinor ArterialSuburbanMajor Arterial
IndustrialIndustrialLanewayIndustrialLocalIndustrialCollectorIndustrialMinor ArterialIndustrialMajor Arterial
Core AreaCore AreaLanewayCore AreaLocalCore AreaCollectorCore AreaMinor ArterialCore AreaMajor Arterial
Urban CentreUrban CentreLanewayUrban CentreLocalUrban CentreCollectorUrban CentreMinor ArterialUrban CentreMajor Arterial

4.2.1 Road Types

Road types are described as follows:

Neighbourhood Street Network

  • Laneway: A laneway, or alley, is a road that provides access to residences and businesses, oftenin higher density areas, and can be used to manage/control access to the Major Road Network. A laneway needs to consider operational functionality and accessibility. A laneway is narrowand accommodates small to mid-sized vehicles and parking is not facilitated. Typically,industrial laneways are not supported. Traffic volumes and speeds are low.

Laneways are classified based on the land use context of the surrounding road network shownwithin OCP Map 13.1 - Functional Road Classification.

  • Local Road: Local roads operate with the primary function to provide direct land access and arenot intended to carry through traffic. Typically, Local roads include on-street parking and trafficvolumes are less than 1,000 vehicles per day in residential areas, and less than 3,000 vehiclesper day in mixed-use areas.
  • Collector Road: Collector roads provide direct land access but with more emphasis onaccommodating mobility as compared to Local roads. Typically, Collector roads are used forshort distances and movement between Arterial roads and Local roads. Vehicle speeds tend tobe low and on-street parking and driveways are present but managed.

Major Road Network

  • Minor Arterial Road: Minor Arterial Roads provide the primary function of traffic mobility withsome land access allowed. Minor Arterial Roads provide links between town centres, and on-street parking is rare. The desired traffic volume range may overlap with Collector Roads; withthe key differentiators being that Minor Arterial Roads have a greater emphasis on mobility(longer trips at higher speeds with less direct land access).
  • Major Arterial Road: Major Arterial Roads provide a continuous route primarily for longer tripsfor through traffic, with limited land access. Typically, no on-street parking is allowed.
  • Provincial Arterial Highway: Provincial Arterial Highways fall under the authority of the BCMinistry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI). MOTI jurisdiction includes the ProvincialArterial Highway, including the curb return from the Highway onto the City Road Network. Dueto the Provincial Arterial Highway's critical role in Kelowna’s Road Network, Provincial ArterialsHighways are included within the system despite being under provincial authority. Anywherethe City has a role in managing areas along, approaching, or within Highways (such as frontagerequirements from the curb to the property line), guidelines for the Provincial Arterial Highwayin Table 4.3.1 Road Cross Section Summary, shall apply. Road design to be accepted by MOTI,as per the BC Supplement to TAC and the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.

4.2.2 Land-Use Context
The land-use context helps understand the potential character and urban form of an area plusmovement and activity patterns, including the type and expected number of users. In atransportation context, land use often indicates the amount of pedestrian, bicycle, and transitactivity that can be expected on the corridor and informs the types of vehicles that should beaccommodated. The land use types are described, from a transportation perspective, as follows:

  • Rural: Rural land use is primarily agricultural or industrial. Properties are larger with loweraccess frequency but with larger vehicles. The primary mode is vehicle, and typically no parkingor urbanization is provided.
  • Hillside: Hillside land use is typically lower density single family residential. Typically, vehiclefocused with basic active transportation facilities. Often constrained corridors due togeography that result in narrow, winding roads.
  • Suburban: Suburban land use is typically lower density single family residential. Typically,vehicle focused with basic active transportation facilities.
  • Industrial: Industrial land use supports a range of modes and primarily vehicles withaccommodation for heavy vehicles. Active transportation facilities should be considered inareas with uses with high customer/employment numbers and as part of the larger network.Roads may allow on-street parking.
  • Core Area: Core Area land use is higher density with residential, commercial, and mixed uses.More pedestrian, cycling and transit activity is expected. Therefore, vehicle and activetransportation are accommodated with higher emphasis on pedestrians and bicycles comparedto the Suburban land use.
  • Urban Centres: Urban Centres land use has the highest density of development with elevatedlevels of street level activity. Streets often provide a secondary function as public spaces. Manytrips are internal and completed on foot or bicycle. While access to the area is important, thespeed of vehicles through the area is a lower priority, with a greater emphasis on pedestrians.

4.2.3 Network Overlay Maps
Network Overlay Maps have been developed to identify transportation elements that apply acrossmultiple classifications (type and land use), and therefore require a consistent application. Thefollowing OCP Network Overlay Maps to the Functional Road Classification are:

  • OCP Map 13.2 – Transit Overlay: The Transit Overlay identifies key corridors for existingand future transit infrastructure. Most transit trips begin and end with walking, so it isimportant that these streets have good sidewalks, pedestrian network connectivity andconvenient places to cross streets and catch the bus. Special attention is necessary toaccommodate the larger transit vehicles along these routes and additional space may berequired for specialized infrastructure, such as shelters or benches. Implemented as perSection 4.13 Transit Facilities, 4.5 Intersections and Standard Drawings SS-59 - UrbanTransit Stop Layout and SS-60 - Urban Transit Stop Shelter Pad Details.
  • OCP Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay: The bicycle overlay identifies the existing and futureprimary (All Ages and Abilities) network and secondary (supporting) network. It showsstreets where additional space is typically needed to separate people biking from vehicletraffic. Primary Bike Routes are intended to accommodate people of all ages and abilitieswith physical separation from traffic. These have site-specific designs, generally guided byDevelopment Cost Charge Bylaw (DCC) project design, for which prior consultation withthe City Engineer is required. Where a Primary Biking Route is identified on OCP Map 13.3Bike Overlay Map, up to 2.0 m of additional ROW may be required. Secondary Bike Routesare usually bike lanes that connect people to the primary routes and their destinations.These should be implemented as per standard cross section drawings. All bike facilitydesigns require consideration of current design practice as outlined in Section 4.12 CyclingInfrastructure, with priority given to user safety.
  • OCP Map 13.4 – Truck Route Overlay: The Truck Route Overlay identifies the truck routesand industrial areas where trucks are expected. Special attention is necessary toaccommodate larger vehicles along these routes, particularly at intersections. See Section4.5 - Intersections as well as Section 4.17 - Pavements Structures.
  • OCP Map 13.5 – DCC Project Overlay: The DCC project overlay shows places wheretransportation projects are planned to support sector growth. These projects have specifictransportation objectives to meet the needs of our growing community. They may not beimplemented as per standard cross sections; designs that interact with this overlay maprequire prior consultation with the City Engineer and often require DCC Design Reports.

4.2.4 Linear Park Trail Classifications:
The trails of Kelowna vary with their context, level of use, and specific location. To capture thehierarchy, the trails have been classified into six types. The Linear Parks Trails shall follow thelocations identified in Map 10.1 – Linear Corridors of the City’s OCP. The determination of whichtrail class to use in which location is determined by the standards and use requirements below.

  • Class 1 – Major Urban Promenade: A hard surface promenade designed to withstand ahigh level of use in an urban setting. These major City-wide routes are within, between oradjacent to popular destination points such as City-wide parks. They receive a variety ofuses including walking, jogging, cycling, wheelchairs, roller blades, general passage by allages, and maintenance vehicles. They are typically in town centres and prominent, such asthe waterfront.
  • Class 2 – Major Urban Multi-Use: A hard surface pathway designed for shared users andmultiple directions. These are major routes through the City that are designed for bi-directional travel and multiple user types including walking, jogging, cycling, wheelchairswhere possible, general passage by all ages, and maintenance vehicles. These aresometimes linkages between other trail types and are on occasion along rural roads.
  • Class 3 – Major Rural Multi-Use: An aggregate or asphalt millings surface trail designed formajor City-wide routes. These will accommodate multiple user types such as walking,jogging, cycling, wheelchairs where possible, equestrian, general passage by all ages andmaintenance vehicles. Typical locations are parks, creek corridors beyond the RiparianManagement Area and irrigation flumes.
  • Class 4: Standard Multi-Use: An aggregate or asphalt millings surface trail alongsignificant routes through parks, neighbourhoods, secondary routes, creek corridorsbeyond the Riparian Management Area, irrigation flumes and natural parks for moderateuse and bidirectional travel. These will accommodate walking, jogging, cycling, wheelchairswhere possible, and equestrians in some locations. They shall have a width and gradient toaccommodate a maintenance vehicle and specialized fire suppression equipment.
  • Class 5: Narrow Multi-use: An aggregate or asphalt millings surface trail along routeswhere a Narrow Multi-Use Trail is required to accommodate topography, through parks,neighbourhoods, secondary routes, creek corridors beyond the Riparian Management Areafor low or moderate level of use. These will accommodate walking, jogging, and mountainbiking.
  • Class 6: Nature Trails: A natural ground trail, with aggregate cover as required, forlocations in natural parks and creek corridors with locations of steeper terrain, intendedprimarily for single track travel, for low to moderate levels of use. Steps may be needed invery steep sections. Lower use locations. These will accommodate walking, mountainbiking, and hiking.

4.3 Cross Section Elements

4.3.1 General
Refer to and Section 4.2 –Road Classifications toidentify the applicable road classification and standard cross section for a road. Cross sectionrequirements are identified within .

Details include:

  • Pavement width is measured from lip of gutter to lip of gutter, or edge of pavement to edgeof pavement.
  • Lane widths are measured from:
    • Centre of pavement marking to centre of pavement marking;
    • Centre of pavement marking to face of curb; or
    • Centre of pavement marking to edge of pavement (where there is no curb).
  • • Rights-of-way and pavement widths are identified in Table 4.3.1: Road Cross sectionSummary and may necessitate increases, as is warranted by engineering analysis andattributable to the proposed subdivision or development, or to achieve largertransportation objectives, to accommodate:
    • Special purpose lanes (turning lanes, passing lanes, climbing lanes, parking/loadinglanes, or bus lanes, etc.)
    • Transit facilities (queue jumper lanes, bus bays/pullout, transit stops, transit shelter,transit infrastructure, etc.) in accordance with OCP Map 13.2 – Transit Overlay;
    • Active transportation facilities (bicycle lanes, protected bicycle lanes, multi-usepathways, space for queuing, and turning at intersection etc.) in accordance withOCP Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay; and
    • For operational or constructability considerations related to roadways beingadequately supported, protected, or drained.

Note that the objectives of the Standard Road Cross Sections, as detailed in Table 4.3.1: RoadCross section Summary and the Standard Drawings, are the clear and intended goals on all roadswithin the City. Table 4.3.1: Road Cross section Summary is intended to provide guidance formost design scenarios. Designs for more complex or unique developments require consultationwith the City Engineer, as outlined in Section 4.1.1 – Transportation Design Standards.

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (15)

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (16)


  1. Refer to Map 13.1 - Functional Road Classification within the OCP.
  2. Additional width maybe required to accommodate active transportation corridors, transit facilities or by special purpose lanes at intersections. Refer to Map 13.2 – Transit Overlay, Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay, Map 13.4 – Truck Overlay, and Map 13.5 – DCC Project Overlay of the City’s OCP. Special purpose lanes are required as per site conditions, projected traffic volumes and TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.Where a primary Biking Route is identified on OCP Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay up to 2.0 m of additional ROW may be required. Where a Rapid Transit or Frequent Transit Network is identified on OCP Map 13.2 –Transit Overlay up to 3.0 m of additional ROW may be required on Local, Collector, and Minor Arterial roads and up to 6.0 m of additional ROW may be required on Major Arterial roads.
  3. Raised medians and boulevards shall be planted as per Landscape and Irrigation, Schedule 4, Section 7 of this Bylaw.
  4. Parking and bicycle lane width measured from centre of pavement marking to face of curb.
  5. Where existing dedicated ROW exceeds the standard cross section ROW identified, additional space shall be allocated at the discretion of the City Engineer to best achieve transportation objectives.
  6. If an Industrial Laneway is required, it shall be designed to accommodate the anticipated design vehicle.
  7. Surface stormwater management is by inverted crown.
  8. Border includes width for ditch. Border for MUP included in MUP width.
  9. Alternating between parking bays and boulevard.
  10. Provincial Arterial Highway designs to be accepted by MOTI, as per BC Supplement to TAC and the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.
  11. Subject to Section4.9.
  12. Core Area Lanes to be 6.0 or 7.6m wide, based upon the following:
    • a. 6.0 m Right of Way and asphalt surface along the length of the laneway if the current or proposed land use is Single-Family, Infill and/or Townhouse (including MF1 and MF2), or Parks, as identified by theZoning Bylaw.
    • b. 7.6 m Right of Way and asphalt surface along the length of the laneway if the current or proposed land use is Apartment (including MF3), Health District, Village Centre, Commercial and/or Core AreaCommercial Zone, as identified by the Zoning Bylaw.

4.4 Alignments

4.4.1 General
Alignment values shall be in accordance with the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, unless otherwise noted herein. This Bylaw addresses typical conditions found in the City ofKelowna are not necessarily suitable for high-speed design considerations (i.e., 70km/h or greater).Any high-speed design shall be in accordance with TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads and undertaken in consultation with the City Engineer.

In addition to this section, please refer to Section 4.19 – Hillside Standards.

4.4.2 Grade
Normal grade limits shall be as shown in Table 4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines.

The use of the maximum grades shall be restricted to cases where:

  • The desired maximum grade cannot be obtained due to topographical constraints alongaccepted alignments; or
  • The geometric design of intersections can be improved by increasing the grade on the minorroad to avoid compromising the design of the major road.

Driveway grades shall be designed according to Standard Drawing SS-R58 – Driveway Grade

4.4.3 Vertical Curves
Vertical curve limits, as shown on Table 4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines and Table 4.4.4 : K-Valuesare defined by the K-Value. The K-Value is the ratio of the curve length in meters to the algebraicdifference in percent grades.

Use of K-Values below the limits shown in Table 4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines and Table 4.4.4 : K-Values shall be restricted to cases justified by topographical constraints and are subject to approvalby the City Engineer, who shall consider the adequacy of the resulting sight distances for anyproposed reduction in K-values.

At road intersections, the minor road and/or cul-de-sac shall be constructed with an approach gradeof not greater than 3% for a distance of not less than 15 m from the adjacent edge of asphalt of themajor road.

4.4.4 Cross-Slopes
Standard roads shall have a centreline crown. The location of offset crowns shall be located on thelane line or the centre of the lane. Under adverse topographic conditions, and with approval of theCity Engineer, offset crown or non-standard cross-slope may be used. An inverted crown (centrelineswale) may be used for lanes.

The standard cross-slope is 2.0%. Superelevation introduction, transition, and usage shall followguidelines within the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, and as shown in Table4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines.

At intersections, the cross-slope of the minor street shall be varied to suit the profile of the majorstreet.The maximum rate for changing cross-slope at intersections shall be as follows:

  • Arterial: 3% in 30 m
  • Collector: 4% in 30 m
  • Local: 6% in 15m

Additional provisions for adequate drainage across roadways may be warranted in areas of cross-slope transition.

4.4.5 Horizontal Alignment
Minimum radii and corresponding crown and super-elevations are shown in Table 4.4.1: GeometricGuidelines and Table 4.4.3 : Minimum Radii. The centreline alignment of the road shall be locatedon the centreline of the right-of-way.

Horizontal alignments, including road centreline and curb return chainage stationing, shall be fullyreferenced, and fully described, showing internal angles, radii, tangent and arc lengths, taper ratios,and other descriptions as may be necessary for orienting, design review, and constructability.

4.4.6 Taper Lengths
Narrowing or widening of lane widths or dropping/adding a lane(s) are road characteristics thatrequire appropriate and consistent pavement markings, signing and taper lengths based on speed.Centreline lane width transitions shall be as per TAC Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices andshown in Table 4.4.6 : Taper Values. Auxiliary lane development tapers shall be as per principles inTAC Geometric Design Guide and as shown in Table 4.4.6: Taper Values.

Table 4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines
ClassificationDesign Speed (km/h)Super Elevation % (max.)Radius m (min.)% GradeK-Value (min.)Sight Distance (min.)
MinDesired MaxMaxCrestSagStopping (m)Decision (m)
No Illum.Illum.
Public Pathway / Multi-Use Pathway----TAC 5.5.2--
Driveway, Single Family------1.0810 / 153----------
Driveway, Commercial/ Multi-Family20--201.0+6 / -4+10 / -422220--
Hillside Emergency Access20--121.0101522220--
Laneway202 / I.C.2200.58 / 1.0812 / 1533222080
LocalTable 4.4.22 / N.C.2Table / 101 / 153Table 4.4.4Table 4.4.5
Collector6 / 410.5610 / 81 / 123
Minor Arterial6 / 410.568 / 61 / 103
Major Arterial6 / 410.568 / 61
Provincial Arterial HighwayRoad Design to be accepted by MOTI


  1. Through roads at an intersection shall have the identified lower grades and increased radiiextended on each side of the intersection for a distance equivalent to the Stopping SightDistance.
  2. Inverted Crown (I.C.) and Normal Crown (N.C.) to be 0.02 m/m (2%).
  3. Within Hillside context maximum grade permitted where necessary due to topographicconstraints and as approved by the City Engineer.
  4. Tangent sections of Local roads, Collector roads and Minor and Major Arterial Roads shallhave a N.C., located along the centreline of the road.
  5. Reverse Crown may be considered in special circ*mstances.
  6. Maximum super elevation reduced to 4% where there are intersecting roads or privateaccesses.
  7. Changes in gradient more than 1% on Arterial roads and Collector roads, and over 2% on allother road classifications, shall be connected by vertical curves. Vertical curves shall bedesigned in accordance with the TAC Geometric Design Guide.
  8. If longitudinal grade of a lane is less than 1.0% a Concrete Drainage Swale Across Asphaltshall be used, see standard drawing SS-R23 -Concrete Drainage Swale Across Asphalt.
  9. The designer is responsible for establishing the appropriate combination of decisions todetermine the required decision sight distance.
  10. The combination of maximum grades with minimum horizontal and/or vertical curves shallbe avoided.
  11. Where there is a combination of horizontal and/or vertical curves combined with verticalgrades, the designer should consider the following equations, while still meeting maximumand minimum values in Table 4.3.1.

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (17)

Table 4.4.2: Design Speeds
Design Speed (km/h)1,2,3
ClassificationLand Use
RuralSuburbanHillsideIndustrialCore Area & Urban Centre
Collector505050 / 4045040
Minor Arterial705060 / 504--50
Major Arterial806060 / 504--50


  1. Design speed is the speed set for the design of the geometric features of the roadthat affect vehicle operation. Posted speed is the speed limit set by the City forreason of safety, economy, traffic control, and regulatory policy to encouragedrivers to travel at an appropriate speed for surrounding conditions.
  2. The City generally posts speed limits to the design speed, except where the design speed is ≥70km/h, where the posted speed is typically be 10 km/h lower.
  3. Where the existing posted speed is or exceeds 70km/h, maintain the posted speedunless otherwise directed by the City Engineer.
  4. Minimum permitted design speed, where necessary due to topographic constraints,and approved by the City Engineer.
Table 4.4.3: Minimum Radii
Design SpeedMinimum Radius (m)
Normal Crown 2%Reverse Crown 2%Superelevation 4%Superelevation 6%


  1. For radii less than 55 m, no parking shall be permitted on the inside of the curve.
  2. Intersection sight distance shall be provided for the approach and departure of anintersection, in accordance with the TAC Geometric Design Guide for CanadianRoads.
  3. In retrofit designs, when the curve radius does not meet the minimum identified inTable 4.4.3: Minimum Radii, the designer shall consider lane width widening toaccommodate the design vehicle.
Table 4.4.4: K-Values
Design SpeedK-Value (min)


Table 4.4.5: Sight Distance
Design SpeedMinimum Sight Distance1
30350 - 120
405020 - 160
506575 - 200
608595 - 235
70105125 - 275
80130155 - 315


  1. In addition to stopping and decision sight distance, intersection sight distance shallbe provided as per TAC Geometric Design Guide, Section, where warrantedor required by the City Engineer.
  2. Distances are subject to adjustment based on approach grade. Refer to TACGeometric Design Guide, Section 2.5.
Table 4.4.6: Taper Values
Minimum Taper
Design SpeedThrough Lane AlignmentAuxiliary Lane Development


  1. Through lane alignment tapers are made both by utilizing horizontal curves at thebeginning and end of transition that is 2x the radius indicated in Table 4.4.3:Minimum Radii.
  2. Auxiliary lane development taper is made by utilizing horizontal curves at thebeginning that is 2/3 and end of transition that is 1/3 the radius indicated in Table4.4.3: Minimum Radii
  3. Through lane alignment tapers shall not be used within horizontal curves.

4.5 Intersections

4.5.1 General

Intersections shall be designed according to TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads -Intersections Chapter. Intersections require specialized design, are often complex, and no onetreatment can be universally applied, nor do road cross sections simply apply.

Intersections shall be designed with roads intersecting as close to 90° as possible. The acceptablerange of intersection angle is between 70º and 110º.

4.5.2 Curb Returns

The minimum curb return radii for intersections at 90° angles shall be as follows in Table 4.5.1:Minimum Curb Return Radii. The designer shall consider the appropriate design vehicle expectedto utilize the intersection and follow the curve radius principles listed in TAC Geometric Design Guide and BC Active Transportation Design Guide. Curb returns located on roads within industrial,agricultural, and commercial areas may require a larger radius to facilitate truck traffic and bustraffic. For truck and transit routes, shown on OCP Map 13.4 – Truck Route Overlay and OCP Map 13.2 – Transit Overlay and in Industrial areas, as per OCP Map 13.1 – Functional Road Classification, turning path analysis is required at intersections.

Right turn channelization should not be used in Core Areas and Urban Centres. However, wherelarger design vehicles are expected (e.g., Industrial Land Use, Major and Minor Arterial Roads,Truck Routes), right turn channels shall be designed as Urban Smart Channels. An Urban SmartChannel is a hybrid right turn channel where vehicles enter the cross street at a sharper angle(typically ≥70°) and utilize a truck apron which accommodates larger design vehicles whilemanaging the speeds of general traffic. This reduces the turning radius, causing drivers to slowdown to complete the turn. This layout positions crossing pedestrians more directly in the line ofsight of oncoming vehicles, thereby increasing visibility. See standard drawing SS-R50 - SmartChannel Right Turn.

Table 4.5.1: Minimum Curb Return Radii
ClassificationIntersection with
LaneWith 3:1 flare to property corners
Arterial (Minor or Major)7.5m**

*The designer shall consider pedestrians, design vehicle, projected volumes, turningmovements, approach and receiving lane widths, intersection angles, design vehicle turnpath speed, and whether turning lanes are provided. When it is necessary to accommodateturning movements by large trucks, the use of offsets, tapers, and compound curves isrecommended in place of a larger simple radius to minimize pedestrian crossing distances.

Curb return layouts are Illustrated in standard drawings SS-R51 -Intersection Curb Extension –Higher Class Road No Parking and SS-R52 -Intersection Curb Extension – Higher Class RoadWith Parking.

Gutter elevations on curb returns and cul-de-sacs shall be shown on the drawings at the beginning,one-quarter points, and end of curb returns, and at minimum 7.5 m intervals around cul-de-sacs. Profile drawings may be required where vertical curves or complex geometry are present in designs.

4.5.3 Corner Cuts
A corner cut is a triangular area of dedicated land at the corner of a property located at theintersection of two roads. This triangular area is required to achieve sight distances and to providespace for vehicle turning movements and accessibility.

Corner cuts shall be sufficient to provide a minimum distance from curb face to property linethrough the curve of 4.0 m or 5.0 m within Urban Centres. For the Major Road Network, propertydedication shall be based on traffic control, axillary lanes and turn path analysis. Minimum cornercuts shall be as shown in Table 4.5.2: Minimum Corner Cut Areas.

Table 4.5.2: Minimum Corner Cut Areas
Intersection TypeCorner Cut
Lane to Lane5m x 5m
Suburban Hillside Lane to all other roadsNot Required
All other lanes to any road3m x 3m
Local3m x 3m
Collector5m x 5m
Arterial (Minor or Major)5m x 5m

4.5.4 Left Turn Lanes
Warrants for, and details of, left turn lanes shall be designed in accordance with the TAC Geometric Design Guide. Left turn lanes shall be required at signalized intersections. Left turn lanes shall be “opposing” in design style.

4.5.5 Sight Distance
In addition to sight distance requirements elsewhere in this and other Bylaws, intersection sightdistance shall be provided for the approach and departure of an intersection, in accordance with theTAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.

Supplementary devices, such as mirrors, shall not be an acceptable solution to inadequate sightlines for new construction.

4.5.6 Curb Extensions
Curb extensions, also known as bulges or bulbs, should be considered for vehicle speed reduction,reduced pedestrian crossing distance, and improved pedestrian visibility. Design of the curbextensions shall be in accordance with the TAC –Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming and Section 4.20 – Traffic Calming.

For the design of Local roads and Collector roads with on-street parking, curb extensions shall beincluded both at intersections and at pedestrian crossings.

See Standard Drawing SS-R51 -Intersection Curb Extension – Higher Class Road No Parking andSS-R52 - Intersection Curb Extension – Higher Class Road With Parking for general designlayout. Note that turn path analysis and site-specific design is required.

4.6 Roundabouts

A modern roundabout is a circular intersection in which vehicles travel counterclockwise around acentral island. Vehicles entering the roundabout shall yield to traffic circulating within the roundabout.As traffic speeds are slower than within a traditional intersection, roundabouts tend to be a saferintersection treatment.

Recognizing the safety, environmental, operational, and life-cycle cost benefits, modern roundaboutsshall be considered as the first option for greenfield situations where all-way stop control or trafficsignals are, or will be, warranted by traffic analysis at Arterial/Arterial and Arterial/Collector roadsintersections.

Roundabouts shall be considered for higher level intersection control for existing intersections withhigh turn volumes, intersections with a documented accident history, intersections that requirecomplex decisions and movements, and intersections where not all legs are constructed at once.

Roundabouts generally are not considered for intersections with low turning movements, little accidenthistory or potential, steep topography, or a significantly higher life-cycle costs than for a signalizedintersection.

Roundabouts shall be designed in accordance with TAC – Canadian Roundabout Design Guide.

4.7 Railway Crossings

Locations and details of railway grade crossings are subject to requirements included in the TACGeometric Design Guide and references noted therein. Railway crossing signs shall be in accordancewith TAC Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada and any other applicable Federal orProvincial standards for Railway Crossings.

4.8Traffic Control Devices

All traffic control devices, signs, pavement markings and warrants, shall be in accordance with the TAC Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada, TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, and British Columbia Active Transportation Design Guide.

All pavement markings (longitudinal, transverse, and symbols) shall be durable and in accordance withthe Approved Product List. Pavement marking types, locations, dimensions, and materials shall beprovided for review and acceptance by the City Engineer.

The developer is responsible to supply and install all sign sleeves and bases. The City, at their discretion,may produce the signs or provide the developer with a list of suppliers to have the signs made.

Traffic Control Device materials shall be as per the City’s Approved Products List.

Signage and pavement markings for roundabouts shall be designed in accordance with 4.6 -Roundabouts.

Traffic Signals shall be designed in accordance with Section 6 – Traffic Signals, of this Schedule.

4.9 Cul-de-Sacs

4.9.1 General
The following requirements are for all roads unless superseded by Section 4.9.2 –Hillside Cul-de-Sacs.

A cul-de-sac is required at the terminus of roads longer than 90 m and shall be designed as perstandard drawing SS-R53 - Cul-De-Sac Turnaround to permit safe and adequate space for theturning of vehicles. The maximum road length for a cul-de-sac (excluding Hillside areas) is 200 m,measured from the edge of the intersecting through road to the centre of the cul-de-sac bulb.

A pedestrian walkway shall be provided in each cul-de-sac to provide active transportation accessthrough the neighbourhood. The walkway shall conform to the standard drawing, SS-T02 -MajorMulti-Use (Urban) standards of this bylaw.

When a cul-de-sac is at the bottom of a hill, the longitudinal gradient of the first 50 m of road uphillfrom the cul-de-sac bulb shall not exceed 5%. The maximum longitudinal gradient for the rest ofthe hill shall not exceed 8%. When a cul-de-sac is at the top of a hill, the longitudinal gradient forthe road downhill from the cul-de-sac shall not exceed 12%.

The draining grade around the outside curb of a cul-de-sac shall not be less than 0.5% and notgreater than 5%. Longitudinal gradients of cul-de-sac bulbs shall not exceed 5%.

4.9.2 Hillside Cul-de-Sacs
In hillside areas, as identified in Map 13.1 Functional Road Classification, long streets may berequired to access developable pockets within areas of steep terrain. Due to the complextopography, it may not be possible for connectivity to be achieved at both ends of a street. However, in response to public safety:

  1. A cul-de-sac or a second point of access is required at the terminus of roads longer than 90 m.
  2. A Hillside Emergency Access is required on roads between 90 m and 360 m in length, servingmore than 100 units1.
  3. A Secondary Access Public Lane is required within the last 360 m on roads longer than 360 mand serving/designed to serve up to 100 units*.
  4. A Local road is required within the last 360 m on roads longer than 360 m and serving morethan 100 units1.
  5. Beyond 600 units, a third access route is required. Turn-arounds are required every 360 m.
    • 1Unit count total shall include all units that depend on a single point of access to the MajorRoad Network (see Section 4.2.1), including branching cul-de-sacs. The number of unitsshall include the maximum potential unit count of single family, multi-family, secondarysuite/carriage houses as permitted by zoning. For non-residential land uses, buildingoccupancy will be considered.

In general, temporary secondary points of access will not be considered. However, a HillsideEmergency Access may be considered, consistent with the limitations of this access type, where itis:

  1. Ultimately replaced by a permanent connection on another alignment or to higher standard(e.g., public lane, Local roads, etc.);
  2. Constructed over the applicants’ lands within a highway road reserve;
  3. Constructed to the Hillside Emergency Access standard (but unpaved); and
  4. Maintained by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Kelowna Fire Department.

Temporary secondary points of access will not be considered to defer the construction of ultimateworks on the same alignment. Maintaining street connectivity for safety reasons wherever possibleis a priority.

For Hillside Cul-de-Sacs, see standard drawing SS-R53 - Cul-De-Sac Turnaround. The City’s preference for turn-around is a Cul-de-sac. A hammerhead turnaround, as per standard drawing SS-R54 - Hammerhead Turnaround, may be permitted by the City Engineer in hillside areas wherethere are topographic constraints, upon demonstrated hardship.

4.10 Traffic Barriers

A traffic barrier is a concrete barrier that primary functions to prevent penetration and safely redirect anerrant vehicle away from a roadside or median hazard. The use of barriers within urban areas should beavoided and an appropriate clear zone should be provided.

If alternative design strategies are not viable and where warrants are met and approved by the CityEngineer, in accordance with the Roadside Safety section of the TAC Geometric Design Guide and BC Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide, Section 610 – Safety Barriers, traffic barriers may beinstalled as per Section 640 – Highway Safety Drawings.

4.11 Sidewalks and Pedestrian Crossings

Appropriate allocation of pedestrian facilities through sidewalks and pedestrian crossings is animportant multi-modal consideration as part of transportation infrastructure.

4.11.1 Sidewalks

Sidewalk requirements vary by road class and shall be as outlined above in Table 4.3.1: Road Crosssection Summary. Sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian facilities shall be designed in accordancewith the following guidelines:

For sidewalks crossing accesses, the sidewalk grade shall be maintained across driveway crossingsusing methods outlined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide and as per SS-C7a -Driveway Crossing for Barrier Curbs – Separate Sidewalk and Letdown and SS-C7b DrivewayCrossing for Barrier Curbs – Combined Sidewalk and Letdown.

4.11.2 Pedestrian Crossings

Safe and accessible pedestrian crossings are crucial to ensuring that people of all ages and abilitiescan navigate the transportation network. Pedestrian crossings present one of the greatestchallenges for vulnerable road users, as they are exposed to conflicts with motorists and other roadusers. Geometric design elements, signage, pavement markings, and traffic control devices can beused to assist pedestrians and reduce these conflicts.

The provision and design of pedestrian crossings shall consider existing and future site conditions,pedestrian and traffic volumes, network connectivity, and pedestrian accessibility. The warrant fora proposed crosswalk shall be evaluated using the TAC Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide. Newdevelopments shall include future site conditions in the crossing warrant analysis.

The pedestrian crossing width can range from a minimum of 2.5 m to as wide as 4.0 m (TAC Design Guidelines, Section The pavement marking and signage configuration for crossings shallbe designed in accordance with the TAC Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada.

4.11.3 Accessibility

Accommodating people of all abilities is a primary objective of the City when designingtransportation facilities. Universal design principles ensure that the built environment is accessibleto people of all ages and abilities, regardless of any type of physical or cognitive impairment.

Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI) shall be required on new or upgraded curb letdownswithin urban and village centres, adjacent public institutions, or crossing Active TransportationCorridors. TWSI shall be installed on curb letdowns of any new or upgraded crosswalk with a higher-level treatment, including rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB), protected centre medianpedestrian refuge, pedestrian signal, overhead flashers, or any crossing enhanced beyond a signedand marked crosswalk. See standard drawings SS-C8 - Sidewalk Ramp Details and SS-C9Sidewalk Ramp Layouts. Refer also to the CSA Accessible Design for the Built Environment fordesign guidelines.

4.12 Cycling Infrastructure

Cycling infrastructure shall be designed in accordance with the following guidelines:

There are several types of cycling infrastructure that can be applied in various contexts. These facilitiesinclude on-street facilities (neighborhood bikeways, protected bicycle lanes, painted and bufferedbicycle lanes, advisory bicycle lanes, bicycle accessible shoulders, shared-use lanes, and Shared Street)or off-street facilities (multi-use pathways or bicycle pathways).

The OCP Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay identifies the City’s planned cycling network and facility type.Designers should consider motor vehicle speeds and volumes as the most important considerations inselecting the appropriate bicycle facility design. Higher motor vehicle speeds and volumes necessitate agreater degree of separation between motor vehicles and bicycles.

Cycling infrastructure requirements shall be as outlined in Table 4.3.1: Road Cross Section Summary,Schedule 1 – Works and Services Requirements of this bylaw, and OCP Map 13.3 – Biking Overlay.

4.13 Transit Facilities

Transit is an important component of the transportation system, facilitates growth in urban areas,helps to protect residents’ quality of life and sustains economic growth. All transportation designs shallmake provisions for existing bus routes and stops, as well as accommodate future services andassociated transit facilities.

Transit facilities shall be designed in accordance with the following guidelines:

Infrastructure for transit is dependent upon current and planned transit services, service level type(Rapid, Frequent, Local), current and planned fleet vehicles, land use, road classification, and roadperformance. Requirements for transit infrastructure including station or stop locations, furnishingsand other amenities, bus bays, queue jumper lanes, and signal equipment, shall be coordinated with theCity Engineer and BC Transit based on OCP Map 13.2 – Transit Overlay. Transit stop intervals shall beas per BC Transit’s Infrastructure Design Summary, as per Table 4.13.1: Transit Stop Spacing below:

Table 4.13.1: Transit Stop Spacing
Transit ServiceTypical Spacing (m)

Spacing Range

Urban Centre200200 - 300
Core Area230200 - 365
Suburban / Industrial / Hillside300200 - 760
Rural380200 - 800

Note: For Rapid Bus stop spacing, consult with City Engineer.

Where transit vehicles are to be accommodated within the road design, appropriate lane widths,turning radii, gradients and sight distances shall be incorporated. Geometric designs shall consider theimplications on transit users, specifically addressing accessibility constraints, safety, and capacity at busstop locations. Transit infrastructure shall be located such that it does not interfere with pedestrianmovements on the sidewalk.

For detailed transit stop requirements, see Table 3.2 – Bus Stop Amenities within the BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines. For the Frequent Transit Network and Rapid Transit Routes, stoprequirements shall be as shown in Table 4.13.2: Transit Stop Requirements and shown in standarddrawings SS-R59 – Urban Transit Stop Layout and SS-R60 – Urban Transit Stop Details.

Table 4.13.2: Transit Stop Requirements
Road ClassService LayerAmenityPassenger / Shelter Pads8
Shelter1BenchTrash CanElectricalWithin BoulevardBack of WalkStructural Requirements
ArterialRapidConsult City / BC Transit
FrequentAvg. weekdayboardings > 20Required if shelter not warrantedWithin Urban Centres & 2 50m of commercial food service2Where shelters are warranted39m x 3.5m47m x 2.25m5Consult City6
LocalAvg. weekdayboardings > 15Avg. weekdayboardings > 5
CollectorFrequentAvg. weekdayboardings > 20Required if shelter not warranted9m x 3.5m4
LocalAvg. weekdayboardings > 15Avg. weekdayboardings > 5
LocalFrequentAvg. weekdayboardings > 20Required if shelter not warranted9m x 2.4m77m x 2.25m7
LocalAvg. weekdayboardings > 15Avg. weekdayboardings > 57m x 1.8m7

Average weekday boardings are based upon historical transit data for existing stops or forecastedactivity for new transit stops. Consult with the City Engineer for values.

  1. Shelters shall be required at all transit stops located on Transit SupportiveCorridors, within Urban Centres, or nearby secondary schools, community centres,or low-income housing, regardless of current average boardings.
  2. Trash receptacles shall be required at all transit stops within Urban Centres andwithin 250 m of commercial food services. Food services includes restaurants,convenience stores, service stations, cafes, and schools. Consult City for types ofreceptacles.
  3. Electrical service shall be required where shelters are required and at all transitstops located on Transit Supportive Corridors or within Urban Centres.Requirements: duct from slab to junction box with grounding and connection tonearest City streetlight. Where shelter installations will be deferred, duct to bestubbed at Junction Box. Refer to detail on standard drawing SS-R60 - UrbanTransit Stop Details.
  4. Where combined width of boulevard, sidewalk, buffer is greater than 6.0 m, consultthe City Engineer for possible reconfiguration of elements within right-of-way.
  5. A minimum 9.0 m by 2.25 m shelter pad behind the sidewalk, and a 9.0 m longpassenger platform in the boulevard shall be required at all transit stops located onTransit Supportive Corridors or in Urban Centres. Refer to standard drawing SS-R59 – Urban Transit Stop Layout.
  6. Where transit shelters are warranted, model specific foundations shall be required.Consult the City Engineer. Refer to standard drawings SS-R59 – Urban TransitStop Layout and SS-R60 - Urban Transit Stop Details for required standard busstop elements.
  7. Consult City for possible reconfiguration of above-curb elements to accommodatetransit stops. Area reflects required shelter pad back of sidewalk -minimum 9.0 mlong passenger platform in boulevard is also required.
  8. Where articulated buses are expected to operate in the future, landing pad andshelter pad length shall be 15 m.

4.14 Driveways

Driveways are intended to provide functional access to property while minimizing conflict and speed.Opportunities to consolidate driveways with shared accesses easem*nts should be considered wherepossible.

4.14.1 Residential Driveways

Residential driveway access to an Arterial road is not permitted unless alternate access onto a lowerclassification road is not possible. The dedication of new Local Roads or Lanes shall be consideredfor Subdivision applications to preclude residential driveways accessing directly onto ArterialRoads.

4.14.2 Number of Driveways

For ground-oriented residential developments, only one driveway is permitted per lot. A seconddriveway may be permitted for a corner lot, if that driveway is not on an Arterial Road or CollectorRoad.

When two or more new lots are created through Subdivision, lots with frontages less than 14m shallshare a common driveway on the shared property line on Local Roads, Collector Roads, or whereadjacent to an Active Transportation Corridor.

Where access onto a lower classification road is not possible and two or more new residential lotsare created through subdivision on an Arterial road, driveway accesses shall be consolidated intoone common access with shared access agreements.

For commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, comprehensive, and multi-familydevelopments, only one access is permitted. A second access may be permitted upondemonstrated need, if supported by engineering analysis acceptable to the City Engineer.

When multiple sites consolidate into a single development site, the resulting parcel’s accesses shallbe consolidated to bring it into conformance with this Bylaw. Where several parcels operate as asingle site, consolidation of accesses should be considered.

4.14.3 Driveway Location and Widths
Where a lot abuts roads of different classifications, the driveway shall access the road of the lowerclassification. Where possible, driveways shall be placed outside Functional Intersection Area, asidentified in TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.

Accesses across an existing or planned Primary Bike Route, as defined on Map 13.3 –Biking Overlay of the OCP, shall not be permitted unless alternate access is not possible.

Ground-Oriented Housing:

  • Driveways located on corner lots shall be at least 7.0 m from the property line cornernearest the intersection.
  • Minimum and maximum widths of residential driveways shall be as shown in Table 4.14.1:Driveway Widths.

Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Comprehensive, and Apartment Housing:

  • Driveways to corner lots shall be located no closer than 15 m from the property line of theadjoining road.
  • Consideration shall be given to the turning design vehicle in establishing the drivewaywidth.
  • The minimum width of a driveway to a property having one or more accesses is 4.0 m forone way access and 6.5 m for two-way access with a maximum of 11 m, as shown in Table4.14.1: Driveway Widths.
Table 4.14.1: Driveway Widths
Access TypeDriveway Throat Width (m)
Lower LimitUpper Limit3
Residential Zones4.06.0
Commercial / Industrial with a single access

4.01/ 6.52

Commercial / Industrial with multiple access4.01/ 6.529.0


  1. One-way access width
  2. Two-way access width
  3. Upon demonstrated need (turn path analysis or capacity analysis), a variance tothese standards may be considered by the City Engineer.
  4. Where lot frontage width is less than 13.5 m a shared driveway with the adjacent lotwith a total width of 7.5 m is required.

4.14.4 Driveway Grades

General limits on driveway grades shall be as indicated in standard drawing SS-R58 -DrivewayGrades and Table 4.4.1: Geometric Guidelines.

4.14.5 Driveway Letdown and Curb Return

Driveway letdowns shall be designed to conform to standard drawings SS-C7a -Driveway Crossingfor Barrier Curbs – Separate Sidewalk and Letdown and SS-C7b - Driveway Crossing for BarrierCurbs – Combined Sidewalk and Letdown.

At the discretion of the City Engineer, access to large parking areas for commercial, industrial, andapartment housing may be designed as intersections per Section 4.5, including curb returns,provision for adequate sightlines, turning path analysis, and laning.

Auxiliary lanes may be required for access off major roads for safety reasons and to minimizedisruption to traffic flows. Designs of such access shall be in accordance with the TAC GeometricDesign Guide.

4.14.6 Access Management

In addition to the above access guidelines, access management techniques including drivewayconsolidation, medians, and turn restrictions should be applied in accordance with the AccessSection of the TAC – Geometric Design Guide and the requirements of the City Engineer.

4.14.7 Queuing Storage

Minimum queuing for on-site storage at parking lot driveways, measured from driveway exit at theproperty line to the closest parking stall or aisle, shall be as identified in Table 4.14.2: DrivewayStorage Requirements with Parking or as informed by Transportation Assessmentrecommendations:

Table 4.14.2: Driveway Storage Requirements with Parking
Number of Parking StallsLength of Storage (m)
7 to 1006
101 - 15012
151 - 20018



Storage requirements for Drive Throughs shall be determined generally by Zoning Bylaw No. 12375Section 9.4, however, a Transportation Assessment may be required by the City Engineer, to ensureimpacts the road network are mitigated.

4.14.8 Sight Distance
Driveway accesses on Arterial Road and Collector Roads shall achieve Intersection Sight Distance – Case B, as defined in the TAC –Geometric Design Guide, and may be required to be achieved onLocal Roads if warranted.

4.15 Clearances

4.15.1 Aerial Utilities
Clearances requirements for electrical and communication utilities are contained within theCanadian Electrical Code and can be impacted WorkSafe BC requirements. Additionally, anElectrical or Communication Utility may have additional clearance requirements. The followingclearances are recommended separations for municipal infrastructure and may not be adequate tomeet the requirements of a Utility, the Canadian Electrical Code, or WorkSafe BC requirements. Designers should confirm clearance requirements with a Utility prior to commencing design work.

4.15.1: Table Clearance Requirements
TypeVertical Clearance
Communications and guy wires5.0m
Electrical Conductors to 750v5.5m
Electrical Conductors over 750vConfirm with FortisBC

Horizontal clearances to be designed in accordance with FortisBC’s Service and Metering Guide,Section 1.19, Limits of Approach. Signs and Poles.

For roads with design speeds of 60 km/h or below, the horizontal clearance for signs and poles fromthe edge of the travel lane to the edge of a utility pole or sign shall be:

  • • Roads without curbs: ≥2.0 m.
  • • Roads with curbs and boulevard: Signs and Poles - 0.9m preferable, 0.3m minimum.
  • • Roads with curbs and boulevard: Utility Poles - 0.9m preferable, 0.75m minimum.
  • • Roads with curbs and monolithic sidewalk: located behind sidewalk.

For roads with design speeds above 60 km/h, refer to TAC Geometric Design Guide for CanadianRoads Chapter 7- Roadside Design.

The use of minimum clearance may be justified when using safety appurtenances such as poleswith break-way or frangible bases, or sign poles of light weight fabrication.

Horizontal clearance to lighting and signal poles and signal controller cabinets shall be inaccordance with Section 5 – Roadway Lighting and Section 6 – Traffic Signals.

4.15.2 Trees

Refer to Section 7 – Landscape and Irrigation for minimum setbacks for trees.

4.15.3 Drainage Structures and Traffic Barriers

Clearances to drainage structures and traffic barriers shall be in accordance with the RoadsideSafety section of TAC Geometric Design Guidelines and the BC Supplement to TAC GeometricDesign Guidelines.

4.16 Utility Locations

The locations of utilities within the road right-of-way may vary within the road cross section. However,they are to be generally located as shown on Road Cross Section Drawings XS-R01 to XS-R89 and asper Schedule 4: Section 0 - General Design Considerations, Part 0.4 - Utility Rights-of-Way and 0.5 -Utility Separation.

Additional Guidelines include:

Manholes, valve boxes and underground structures shall be clear of wheel paths;

All utilities shall be clear of curb and gutter;

Third-party utilities (gas, underground telecommunications, and underground power) shall beplaced based on the third-party Joint Trenching detail as identified in FortisBC Specification for Installation of Underground Conduit Systems, as close to the property line as possible with aminimum utility offset of 200 mm from the property line.

Third-party utilities shall not be located under planted boulevards. If no outer boulevard exists,third-party utilities shall be located under the sidewalk, with vaults and junction boxes installedoutside of the sidewalk where possible.

In rural areas, where identified in Schedule 1 of this Bylaw, overhead power andtelecommunications shall be located at the back of walk, or back of ditch, and as close to theedge of right-of-way as practical.

Where insufficient space or conflicts between shallow utilities exist, an alternative electrical,communication, or gas trench location on private property within a Statutory Right of Way, or within analternate alignment within the Road Right of Way, may be required in consultation with the CityEngineer.

4.17 Pavement Structures

4.17.1 General
Pavement design shall include consideration of the subgrade soil type, frost susceptibility, moistureconditions, subgrade drainage provisions, Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL) and anticipatedtraffic type and volumes.

4.17.2 Subgrade Preparation

Subgrade preparation shall be considered integral for construction of new roads.

Frost Susceptible Soils (ML - Silt):

The susceptibility of soils to frost heave is commonly classified using the US Corp of ArmyEngineers four categories, as shown in Table 15.2 of the 4th Edition of the Canadian FoundationEngineering Manual, 2006. All geotechnical reports shall address the frost susceptibility of thesubgrade soil.

Swelling Soils (CH - Clay):

Pockets of soils known to change volume with variation of moisture content are known to exist inseveral locations within the limits of the City of Kelowna. These soils are typically identified as highplastic clays (CH), using the Unified Soil Classification System and Atterberg Limits index testAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D4318. Where these soils are encountered assubgrade, special subgrade preparation considerations shall be required, as outlined below.

Scarification should render the subgrade to cohesive pieces of a maximum size of 20 mm to allowadequate moisture conditioning of the soil. The soil should be moisture conditioned to achieve ahom*ogeneous moisture content between 0 and 3% over optimum. Following moistureconditioning, the subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum of 95% of Modified Proctordensity, as determined by ASTM D1557.

The subgrade should be covered with granular sub-base as soon as practical to minimize thevariation of the moisture content in the subgrade. The contractor should be aware that additionalmoisture condition and compaction may be required, at the contractor's expense, should themoisture content be allowed to vary significantly from optimum prior to placing the sub-base.

4.17.3 Pavement Design

Designers of pavement structures shall consider four primary factors in undertaking a specificdesign. These factors are:

  • Subgrade support quality (geotechnical report);
  • Design life (20 years);
  • Traffic loading (expressed in ESALs); and
  • Climate.

New pavement structures shall be designed in accordance with the methodologies presented inAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) AASHTO Guide forDesign of Pavement Structures, 1993. The pavement structure shall be designed for a twenty (20)year design life.

The AASHTO design method is based on a Structural Number (SN) for the entire pavementstructure (i.e., hot mix asphalt, granular base, and granular sub-base). The method incorporates thesubgrade strength expressed as the Subgrade Resilient Modulus (Mr), and design loading (ESALs).Each component of the pavement structure is assigned a layer coefficient.

Subgrade strength is frequently characterized utilizing the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testprocedure (ASTM D1883). This test should be performed on soaked subgrade soil specimenscompacted to 95% of Modified Proctor density as determined by ASTM D1557. The ResilientModulus may be approximated from the soaked CBR test values using the following relationships:

  • Mr (MPa) = 10.3 CBR, or
  • Mr (psi) = 1,500 CBR

The soaked CBR properties of subgrade soil should be determined at a frequency of at least onetest per every 150 lineal metres, or a portion there of, and for each major soil type encountered.Where more than one test is required, the tests should be evenly spaced.

The required SN for the pavement structure is the sum of the product of the layer coefficient, thecomponent thickness, and a drainage coefficient for each component:

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (18)

Road classifications, design traffic values and minimum depths of hot mix asphalt and granular basecomponents of the total pavement structure shall be as shown in Table 4.17.1: Minimum Asphalt &Granular Base Depth.

Table 4.17.1: Minimum Asphalt & Granular Base Depth
ClassificationMin. Design Traffic (ESALs)Minimum Depth of Hot Mix Asphalt (mm)Minimum Depth of Granular Base (mm)
Walkways / Multi-Use Pathway--5075
Local, Lanes, Accesses & Emergency Access2.8 x 1045075
Collector2.8 x 10510075
Arterial (Minor & Major)1.0 x 10610075


  1. See Part 1, Chapter 1 of AASHTO for definition of ESAL.
  2. Special design reviews may be requested by the City Engineer

Standard pavement structures, including required SN values, shall be as provided on Table 4.17.2:Standard City of Kelowna Pavement Structures for three strengths of subgrade. The standardpavement structures incorporate the minimum depths of hot mix asphalt and granular base shownin Table 4.17.1: Minimum Asphalt & Granular Base Depth, above.

Table 4.17.2: Standard City of Kelowna Pavement Structures
ClassificationStructural ComponentThickness (mm) for Soaked CBR1of:
3.04 < CBR ≤ 5.05.0 < CBR ≤ 10CBR > 105
Asphalt – surface505050
Granular Base757575
Granular Sub-base3150150150
Required SN ValueN/AN/AN/A
Local, Lanes,Accesses &Emergency AccessAsphalt – surface505050
Granular Base75751102
Granular Sub-base32757650
Required SN Value584735
CollectorAsphalt – surface505050
Asphalt - base505050
Granular Base75751002
Granular Sub-base33518530
Required SN Value846953
Arterial (Minor &Major)Asphalt – surface505050
Asphalt - base505050
Granular Base757575
Granular Sub-base5353551553
Required SN Value1048666


  1. 1. Soaked CBR value shall be at 95% of Modified Proctor maximum dry density andoptimum moisture content, as determined by ASTM D1557.
  2. Placement of equivalent sub-base layer is not practical and shall be replaced withadditional granular base.
  3. Maximum aggregate size of sub-base material shall be no more than 50% of totaldepth of sub-base.
  4. Where the top 1.0 m of subgrade has a soaked CBR value of less than 3, then thesubgrade strength should be supplemented with an additional thickness of granularsub-base material in order to achieve a soaked CBR value of 3 or greater. Thethickness of the supplemental sub-base and the corresponding composite CBRvalue for the top 1.0 m of composite subgrade can be determined by the followingformula:
  5. Schedule 4 - Design Standards (19)
  6. For design purposes, the maximum subgrade soaked CBR value shall not exceed 10.

Design pavement structure to be placed on a prepared subgrade or compacted fill embankment.Refer to the MMCD and Schedule 5 – Construction Standards of this Bylaw.

Granular base and granular sub-base to have a minimum soaked CBR value of 80 and 20,respectively (refer to City Supplemental Specifications to MMCD).Required physical properties for granular base and granular sub-base are given in Schedule 5 – Construction Standards.

Table 4.17.2: Standard City of Kelowna Pavement Structures provides standard pavementstructures for roads constructed on only three strengths of subgrade. Alternate pavement structuresmay be designed based on the SN determined using Figure 4.17.1: AASHTO Structural Number(SN) Values for Kelowna Street Classifications as a Function of Soaked Subgrade CBR Value.

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (20)

4.18 Bridges

4.18.1 General

Bridges, including culvert structures that span larger than 3.0 m, shall be designed in accordancewith the latest version of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN/CSA S6, and the BCMOTI Supplement to Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Consult with the City Engineer toestablish design criteria for each structure prior to commencing design.

Bridges shall be designed with a minimum 75-year life span and to BCL-625 Live Loadingspecifications.

4.18.2 Road Clearance

Minimum vertical clearance to bridge structures shall be 5.0 m over paved road surfaces. Theminimum vertical clearance to any lightweight structures spanning the road (pedestrianoverpasses, sign bridges, etc.) shall be 5.5 m.

4.18.3 Flood Clearance

For creek crossings, the minimum clearance between the soffit and the Q200 design flood elevation(including a 15% increase in Q200 for climate change) shall not be less than 1.5 m.

4.19 Hillside Standards

4.19.1 General

Hillside standards are incorporated throughout this Bylaw section, including Sections 4.2 – RoadClassifications, 4.3 – Cross-Section Elements, 4.4 – Alignments, 4.9 Culs-De-Sac. Additionaldesign guidance is provided in Table 4.19.1: Hillside Alignment Design Criteria.

The hillside standards have been designed for environmental sensitivity with reduced physicalimpacts in mind. The street standards proposed herein have been drawn from the followingprinciples:

  • The public interest requires safe, liveable, and attractive streets that contribute to theurban fabric;
  • Streets should be designed to suit their function. Many streets, especially local ones, havepurposes other than vehicular traffic; and
  • A hierarchical street network should have a rich variety of types, including bicycle,pedestrian, and transit routes.

In Hillsides, rollover curb is only permitted in front of ground oriented residential development.

Table 4.19.1: Hillside Alignment Design Criteria
Horizontal Curve Radii (m)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Roadway Crossfall
Normal Crown (-2%)2601659025
2% superelevation2051206525
4% superelevation150804522
6% superelevation120------
Through Intersections2001207040
Superelevation (%)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Max. superelevation6444
Max. superelevation at intersections4444
Superelevation Transition Lengths (m)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Transition length (2/4 - lane roadways)
Normal Crown to +2%24 / 3622 / 342020
Normal Crown to +4%38 / 5433 / 503030
Normal Crown to +6%48 / 72------
Min. Tangent Length between reversing curves
2% superelevation15 / 2213 / 201212
4% superelevation28 / 4226 / 402422
6% superelevation42 / 64------
  1. Values for transition lengths include tangent runout applied at the same rate assuperelevation runoff.
  2. 60% of superelevation runoff occurs on the tangent approach and 40% on the curve,resulting in a minimum length of tangent between reversing curves of 120% of thesuperelevation runoff length.
Gradients (%)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Minimum Grade0.
Maximum Grade
On horizontal tangents811021212
On minimum radius horizontal curves3891012
Grades through intersections
With design speed on major road8%8%8%--
Approach distance for major road415m / 5m55m0--
With design speed on minor road5%65%6%6%
Approach distance for minor road720m15m5m5m
  1. Under special circ*mstances, grades up to 10% may be permitted.
  2. Under special circ*mstances, grades up to 12% may be permitted.
  3. Applies where radius is less than 1.5 times minimum allowable radius.
  4. Minimum distance back from the gutter line of the minor road that the specified grademay not be exceeded.
  5. Distances for design road approach to intersection with collector road / local road.
  6. 4% desirable.
  7. Minimum distance back from the gutter line of the major road that the specified grademay not be exceeded
Vertical Curve K Values60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Minimum Crest15842
Minimum Sag10742
Crest/Sag on approach to stop condition4322
K values listed assume that new roadways will be illuminated.
Stopping Sight Distance (m)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Decision Sight Distance (m)60 km/h50 km/h40 km/h30 km/h
Minimum decision sight distance175 - 235------
  1. Note that decision sight distance applies only to multi-lane roads at intersections.
  2. The range of values recognizes the variation in complexity that occurs at various sites.For less complex situations, values towards the lower end of the range are appropriateand for more complexity, values at the upper end are used.

4.20 Traffic Calming

Traffic calming provides a standardized approach to challenges associated with maintaining theappropriate traffic volumes and speeds for specific road classifications. Increased volumes and speedsmay result from road users navigating around areas of congestion or moving more rapidly through aparticular road to get to a destination.

As traffic calming requirements are location specific, the designer shall work with the City to identifythe type and location of appropriate traffic calming devices. The design of traffic calming measuresshall be consistent with the TAC Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming. The use of trafficcalming measures shall be considered within the context of the neighbourhood, to ensure short-cuttingtraffic is not moved from one neighbourhood street onto another.

The designer shall use appropriate design elements to limit vehicle operating speed to the requireddesign speeds.

In general, restrictions include:

  • No vertical deflections permitted on Arterial Roads, where transit routes are present orwhere a road is the only/primary access to a neighbourhood.
  • No vertical deflections permitted on roads with grades >6%.
  • No vertical deflections permitted on new roads, unless approved by the City.
  • In rural areas, consideration for agricultural activities may limit the use of verticaldeflection.

Pedestrian bulges or curb extensions shall be designed on Local Roads and Collector Roads with on-street parking to improve pedestrian visibility and shorten crossing distances, as per 4.5.6 – CurbExtensions.

If new development traffic is anticipated to negatively impact the speed and volume along existingLocal and Collector Roads, as determined through a Transportation Assessment, traffic calming shallbe included at developer's cost to mitigate anticipated impacts.

Priority shall be given to traffic calming measures on roads near elderly and child-oriented spaces andfacilities.

4.21 Street Parking

Where conditions allow, the provision of parallel street parking enables access to the surrounding areawhile maintaining the safe and appropriate traffic throughput of the road design. The designer shallconsult the City to confirm the requirements for on-street parking.

Parking lanes shall be designed as per Table 4.21.1: Parking Lane Width, in addition to the TACGeometric Design Guide.

Table 4.21.1: Parking Lane Width
ClassificationParking Lane Width1(m)
LaneNot allowed
Local Road2.2 - 2.4
Hillside Roads2.4
Industrial Roads2.7
Minor Arterial2.4
Major Arterial2.42


  1. Parking lane widths are measured from the face of curb.
  2. Street Parking is not recommended but may be considered in Urban Centres.

The location of parking areas shall not encroach within the Parking Distance Restrictions, as identifiedwithin Schedule K of City Traffic Bylaw 8120.

4.22 Road Safety

Road safety shall be considered in all designs to ensure that all users, particularly vulnerable users suchas pedestrians and bicyclists, are accounted for and accommodated safely. Road safety shall considerexisting and future safety issues within each design. The design phase is the easiest and most cost-effective time to address road safety.

At the discretion of the City Engineer, a Road Safety Audit may be required for designs of newsegments of Arterial Roads, signalized intersections, roundabouts, Major Road Network bridges, andwhen making changes to an existing Arterial Road that include any of the following:

  • New road features such as lanes, intersections, traffic control devices, or changes in alignment;
  • The presence of vulnerable road users such as the elderly, children, cyclists, schools, or ActiveTransportation Corridors;
  • The proposed design cannot meet Bylaw or TAC Design guidance; or
  • The intersection or road segment has higher than average collision frequency.

The Road Safety Audit process shall be conducted in accordance with the TAC Canadian Road Safety Audit Guide. To support a clear and efficient process, a Terms of Reference or Work Plan shall bedeveloped identifying scope, schedule for completion, team requirements, audit tasks, formal auditreport contents and format, and response report expectations aligning with the TAC Canadian Road Safety Audit Guide process.

4.23 Transportation Assessments

4.23.1 General
A Transportation Assessment (TA) analyzes the likely impacts a proposed development will have onthe transportation system and identifies potential mitigation measures to accommodate theadditional trips and provide adequate network connectivity for all road users in a satisfactorymanner. The City Engineer may require the completion of a TA in combination with otherinformation to inform the transportation-related Works & Services requirements of a developmentapplication.

4.23.2 Requirement
Typically, an applicant is required to complete a TA when a proposed application is anticipated togenerate 100 or more trips in the peak hour (unadjusted). A TA may be required for all AreaStructure Plans (ASP), updates to ASPs, amendments to the OCP, or at the discretion of the CityEngineer. Where a TA was previously completed, an update is required when a previouslycompleted TA contains assumptions that are no longer valid; this may be due to, but not limited to,any of the following:

  • When traffic data used is over three years old;
  • When the previous TA contains a site access plan that has changed significantly; or
  • When a modified development proposal results in a trip generation estimate for the currentsite plan that is 10% higher or lower than the previously analysed development proposal.

4.23.3 Study Process

The first step is for the applicant’s traffic consultant is to establish the Terms of Reference (TOR) forthe TA with the City prior to proceeding with analysis. The scope of the study shall be determinedbased on the scale, characteristics, and location of the proposed development. The keyassumptions and methodology shall be outlined in the TOR, based on, but not limited to, 4.23.4Study Components.

Any development within 800 metres of an intersection with a Provincial Arterial Highway shall besubject to requirements of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. In these cases, jointscope development and TOR acceptance is required by MOTI and the City before the TrafficAssessment is undertaken. Any additional terms for completion of the analysis will be coordinatedby the City Engineer.

4.23.4 Study Components

The TA shall be specific to the proposed development and in general include the following items:

  • Development Plan: a current site concept plan identifying development location, proposedland use, size of buildings/uses, phasing of development, timing of phases, proposed multi-modal access plan, internal roads, truck loading and parking layout for vehicles andbicycles;
  • Peak Hours: Typically, weekday a.m., mid day and p.m. peak hour periods shall beanalyzed. Commercial developments may require Saturday midday peak hour. Schoolsshall require analysis at all pick up and drop off times;
  • Horizon Years: For single-year buildout, the opening year and 10 years hence shall beanalyzed. Interim horizon years shall be analyzed for multi-phased developments;
  • Study Area: The study intersections and network locations shall be identified based on thelocation, access plan and scale of the development;
  • Analysis Software: Software applications for analysis and modelling shall be confirmedwithin the TOR. All analysis files shall be submitted electronically with the report for Cityreview;
  • Background Traffic Volumes: Traffic count data less than three years old shall be used andincluded with the report. Available count data may be obtained from the City, as perMiscellaneous Fees and Charges Bylaw 9381.The TA shall identify the appropriate annualtraffic growth rate and future background traffic from approved and anticipateddevelopments in the vicinity;
  • Site Trip Generation: The TA shall identify the appropriate vehicle trip rates based upon thecurrent Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Manual or local tripgeneration survey. Where appropriate, the TA shall include pedestrian, cyclist, transitridership estimation methodology;
  • Trip Adjustment: Mode splits from the City’s model, based on the Regional HouseholdTravel Survey, may be applicable throughout the City of Kelowna. Developments alonghigh-quality transit routes (≥15 min frequency FTN’s, multiple routes), adjacent PrimaryBicycle Routes, and within OCP Urban Centres may be eligible for up to a 10% tripadjustment. Additional reductions to vehicle trip generation shall be tied to specificimprovements associated with the development;
  • Network Connectivity: The TA shall identify:
    • Pedestrian network gaps on-site, and within a 400 m radius of the outer perimeterof the site,
    • Bicycle network gaps on-site, and within an 800 m radius of the outer perimeter ofthe site, and
    • Vehicular gaps within the study area to meet the OCP Map 13.1 – Functional Road Classification and well connected Neighbourhood Street Network, lanes need foraccess and access management for Major Road Network and other relevant OCPand City policies (such as Urban Centres Roadmap);
  • Transit: The TA shall identify the scale of impact to the transit facilities and network in thestudy area;
  • Safety Analysis: The TA shall include accident history for all intersections and conflict pointsin the study area. Evaluation of the safety data and recommended modifications shall beincluded;
  • Intersection Performance Criteria: The operational performance of the transportationnetwork is assessed with and without the development. The vehicle capacity analysisresults shall be reviewed based on the following benchmarks (as per Highway CapacityManual):
    • Signalized Intersections and Roundabouts:
      • Overall intersection Level of Service (LOS) – LOSD,
      • Overall intersection Volume to Capacity (v/c) ratios –0.85,
      • Individual movement LOS – LOS E,
      • Individual movement v/c ratios – 0.90, and
      • 95th Percentile queue lengths do not exceed the available storage length.
    • Unsignalized Intersections:
      • Individual movement LOS is LOS D, individual movement v/c 0.90, and
      • 95th Percentile queue lengths do not exceed the available storage length; and
  • • Warrant Analyses: the TA shall include as appropriate:
    • Intersection control determination - Consistent Section 4.6 - Roundabouts,roundabouts are the preferred treatment. Where a roundabout is determined bythe City to not be viable, the TAC traffic signal warrant analysis shall be used,
    • TAC pedestrian crossing warrant analysis – to identify the appropriate level oftreatment ranging from zebra marking with flashers, curb bulb-outs, centre refugemedian or pedestrian-activated signals,
    • Left turn phase warrant analysis – If a signal is warranted, use the MOTIspreadsheet tool.

4.23.5 Report Submission

The Transportation Assessment report and all supporting data and analysis files shall be submittedelectronically, signed, and sealed by a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) registered within the Provinceof British Columbia. Options to mitigate the assessed impacts and provide adequate networkconnectivity for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users shall be comprehensively evaluated, clearlytabulated, and include proposed responsibilities and trigger thresholds.

4.24 Linear Park Trails

The design of Linear Park Trails shall be based on the context of the trail the classification of thetrail based on OCP Map 10.1 -Linear Corridors and be guided by the Linear Parks Master Plan.Design shall consider siting, experiential components, vegetation, bridges and boardwalks, safety,accessibility, trail access including trail heads, signage, and parking, and integrating viewpoints andrest areas. Trail Design shall follow guidelines in Table 4.24.1- Trail Design Guidelines asreferenced in Figure 4.24.1-Trail Design Guidelines Label Reference and standard drawings SS-T01 to SS-T06.

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (21)

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (22)

5.0 Roadway Lighting

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5.1 General

Street Lighting (also referred to as Roadway Lighting) generally refers to lighting of streets and roadwaysincluding sidewalk, crosswalks, intersection, roundabouts, walkway and tunnels. The principal purpose ofstreet lighting is to enhance visibility at night. For a pedestrian, street lighting improves visibility of thesurroundings and the sidewalk, while for the driver of a motor vehicle it increases visibility resulting inmore time to stop or to maneuver around an obstruction. Good lighting has been shown to significantlyreduce night-time collisions specifically on urban streets, urban and rural intersections, roundabouts andmid-block crosswalks.

This bylaw is intended to provide some basic lighting and electrical criteria and guidelines to aid in thedesign of street lighting. Further information should be obtained from the most current edition of theTransportation Association of Canada (TAC) Guide for the Design of Roadway Lighting. Thoseundertaking street lighting design must be knowledgeable of all parts of the TAC guide.

These design guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge, experiencein street lighting design and the Canadian Electrical Code. Roadway lighting designs should be preparedunder the direction of a design professional registered with Engineers and Geoscientists of BritishColumbia ( EGBC).

5.2 Codes, Rules, Standards and Permits

Street lighting shall be designed to meet the required levels of illumination and uniformity at the lowestannual cost to the City. Streetlight materials selected must be based on minimizing energy demand, longterm annual costs, including replacement costs and maximize service life. Street lighting systems shall bedesigned in general conformance with the following.

5.2.1 Codes Rules and Regulations

  • Canadian Electrical Code, latest edition, and bulletins issued by Electrical Safety Branch of the
  • Province of British Columbia.
  • AASHTO Standard Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and
  • Traffic Signals or CAN/CSA-S6-00 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code,
  • WorksafeBC,
  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA),
  • Local Power Utility Company regulations,
  • Regulations issued by municipal, provincial and federal Authorities.

5.2.2 Standards and Guidelines

  • TAC-Guide for the Design of Roadway Lighting,
  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA),
  • Local Power Utility Company regulations,
  • MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings, plus Supplementary Specification Drawings,
  • Approved Products List and Council Policy 265.
  • IESNA RP8 (current revision)

5.2.3 Permits

• Electrical Permits as required by provincial or municipal inspection authorities

5.3 Roadway and Pedestrian Criteria

Street lighting illumination levels are defined by the road classification and the pedestrian activity level onthe sidewalk adjacent to the roadway..

Street classifications are defined as follows:

  • Arterial: Serves a continuous route primarily for inter-community through-traffic.
  • Collector: Performs the dual function for traffic of land access and movement betweenarterial and local streets.
  • Local: Provide direct land access and is not intended to carry through traffic.Night-time pedestrian activity levels on sidewalks and in crosswalks are defined as follows.
  • High: Areas with significant numbers of pedestrians expected to be on the sidewalks or crossingthe streets during darkness.
  • Medium: Areas where lesser numbers of pedestrians utilize the streets at night, Typical aredowntown office areas, blocks with libraries, apartments, neighbourhood shopping, industrial,parks, and streets with transit lines.
  • Low: Areas with very low volumes of night pedestrian usage. These can occur in any of the citedroadway classifications but may be typified by suburban single family streets. Very low densityresidential developments, and rural or semi-rural areas.

The choice of the appropriate pedestrian activity level for a street should be based on engineeringjudgement. If needed, one-hour pedestrian counts can be taken during the first hour of darkness onselected days, to estimate average pedestrian traffic counts. A section of typical land use can be sampledby counting one or two representative blocks, or a single block of unusual characteristics can be counted,perhaps at a different hour, such as discharge from a major event Recommended pedestrian activitylevels are defined as follows:

  • Low- 10 or fewer
  • Medium – 11 -99
  • High – 100 or more

These volumes represent the total number of pedestrians walking in both directions in a typical block or
200-meter section. Additional definition are as follows:

  • Sidewalk: Pedestrian movement adjacent to the street
  • Walkway: Pedestrian movement away from the street
  • Crosswalk: Marked pedestrian access across a street
  • Bikeway: Marked area between the sidewalk and street. From a lighting perspective a bikewayshall be considered part of the street and streetlighting levels shall there fore apply to the streetand bikeway.

5.4 Light Measurements

5.4.1 Illuminance
When lighting is incident upon a surface, it creates “illuminance” on that surface. Illuminance is a measureof the light landing on a defined area therefore, the more lumens on a given surface area, the greater thelevel of illuminance. The illuminance method of design is used for lighting sidewalks, crosswalks,intersection and roundabouts and curved streets. Illuminance can be calculated using two methodsvertical or horizontal.

5.4.2 Luminance
Luminance is the concentrations of light (intensity) reflected towards the eyes per unit area of surface. Asroad surfaces do not reflect light uniformly, reflectance varies depending on the angle of the incident lightin both the vertical and horizontal plane, and, on the angle that the driver views the pavement. For aLuminance calculation the driver’s viewing angle is fixed at one degree below the horizontal and anobserver distance of approximately 83m. The luminance design method is suitable for straight sections ofa street and tunnels.

5.4.3 Veiling Luminance
Veiling luminance (also referred to as disability glare) may be numerically evaluated. Because of contrastreduction by disability glare, visibility is decreased. Increasing the luminance level will counter act thiseffect by reducing the eye’s contrast sensitivity. As glare limits our visibility, veiling luminance is animportant consideration. The effect of veiling luminance on visibility reduction is dependent upon the average lighting level, oraverage luminance level, of the pavement.

5.5 Variable Lighting Criteria

5.5.1 Light Sources and Luminaries

Light sources shall be LED and selected from the City of Kelowna Approved Products List, which is subjectto change from time to time. The list is based on a review of energy efficiency and cost/benefit ofinstallation and ongoing operation. The City is sensitive to light pollution and selects luminaires that arenight sky friendly, meaning that they minimize glare while reducing light trespass and skyglow.

5.5.2 Light Loss Factor (LLF)

A Light Loss Factor of 0.8 is to be applied.

5.6 Street Lighting

Street lighting levels for various street types and night-time pedestrian activity levels are defined in thethe Transportation Association of Canada Guide for the Design of Roadway Lighting. Luminance calculations should be used for straight sections of roadway but are not practical on curvedand steep grade roadways. Lighting for curved sections (less than 600m radius) and steep grades (6% orgreater) should be calculated using horizontal illuminance values. Use R2/R3 pavement classification for typical asphalt streets, For a definition of other pavementclassification refer to the Transportation Association of Canada Guide for the Design of RoadwayLighting.

5.7 Sidewalk Lighting

Sidewalk lighting levels for various pedestrian activity levels are defined in the Transportation Associationof Canada Guide for Design of Roadway Lighting. Refer to TAC guide for grid set-up and spacing.

5.8 Intersection Lighting

Intersection lighting levels for various street types and pedestrian activity level are defined in theintersection Horizontal Illuminance Table found in the Transportation Association of Canada Guide forDesign of Roadway Lighting.

5.9 Crosswalk Lighting

Visibility of crosswalk users can be best achieved by placing poles in advance of the cross walk to createhigh levels of vertical illumination thus improving driver visibility of pedestrians. This is covered in moredetail in the Transportation Association of Canada Guide of the Design of Roadway lighting.

This is primarily aimed at mid-block crosswalks and crosswalks at free turn lanes where island are present.It is doubtful crosswalk levels will be achieved for the main road crossings at signalized intersections;however, by placing the first lighting pole on the approach roads (away from the intersection) within onepole mounting height from the crosswalk, partial vertical Illumination levels can be achieved at thecrosswalk. Refer to the Transportation Association of Canada Guide of the Design of Roadway lighting.

5.10 Walkways

Walkways between roadways where the roadway is lit at either end and there is a straight line of sight willnot have additional lighting added.

5.11 Roundabout Lighting

Roundabouts have more complex visibility consideration than typical intersections. Key deignconsideration in lighting roundabouts include the following;

  • The effectiveness of motor headlights is limited in a roundabout due to the constrained curveradius, making the street lighting system a necessity to aid in the night time visibility ofobstructions, hazards and pedestrians in crosswalks.
  • Where there is no lighting on the approach streets, lighting should be added on the approachesfor a distance of approximately 80m in advance of the roundabout crosswalk.

Lighting for a roundabout street surface shall meet or exceed the levels for an intersection. Crosswalksshall meet vertical lighting levels listed for crosswalks. For further information on Roundabout Lightingrefer to the Transportation Association of Canada Guide for the Design of Roadway Lighting or IESNARP8-18.

5.12 Tunnel Lighting

Lighting for streets and sidewalks in tunnels less than 25m in length shall meet the lighting levels requiredfor the approached street and sidewalk. Lighting may be required in daytime depending on the amount ofdaylight penetration. Lighting for tunnels over 25m in length are covered in the IESNA RP-8-18.

5.13 Poles

Pole types and heights are to be as specified in the Approved Products List.

Where poles are mounted on top of service bases they shall be supplied 0.9m shorter. For rural roads, ifapproved by the City and the power company, light may be installed on the power poles. Poles shall be located at the outer edges behind curb and gutter or edge of pavement, or in specialcirc*mstances, in the median of the street. The exact offset of the pole (behind curb, edge of pavement orsidewalk) is typically defined via standard local authority road cross-section drawings which show allutilities and equipment locations for various road types. Where standard cross sections are not availablethen poles and foundations shall be located to:

  • Provide at least 0.3m clearance from the back of curb of roadway
  • Maintained wheelchair access on sidewalk
  • Not to be in conflict with other utilities or overhead powerlines as defined in CSA standards andby the local utility.

Poles shall be located within 0.6 meters of the property corners and shall not conflict withdriveways, underground services and fire hydrants

In areas where speed is over 60km/hr with no curb and gutter clear zones shall be considered inaccordance with the Transportation Association of Canada Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads.Pole Spacing patterns include staggered, opposite and one side arrangements, depending on theroadway classification, road geometrics and lighting level design criteria.

5.14 Pole Foundations

The MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings define typical bases to support standard lighting poles.The designer is responsible for determining the suitability of these standard foundations for the given soilconditions. Where soil conditions are in question a geotechnical engineer should consulted to define thesuitability of the base. Where foundations are not suitable, customs foundations will be required.

5.15 Luminaires

Refer to City of Kelowna Approved Products List.

5.16 Power Supply and Distribution

The designer shall confirm voltage and locations of suitable power sources for the proposed lightingsystem. Roadway lighting systems shall be serviced from a 120/240-volt single phase 3 wire system.

Power is generally supplied by the utility though an unmetered service when servicing only street lights,however, in some instances the utility power provider may require a metered service. Meteringrequirements must be confirmed with local utility provider. Where tree lights and pole receptacles areincluded, the utility company may require a metered service. Power will be controlled from an approvedservice disconnect point allowing electrical isolation for de-energized work. If an installation calls formultiple streetlights the system should be designed to minimize the number of service disconnectsrequired.

The lighting system shall be fed via a service base which shall contain panel boards, breakers, lightingcontactor(s) and photocell bypass switch as per MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings. Thelighting shall be controlled by a single photocell located on a luminaire nearest the service panel. Power distribution requirements include;

  • Wiring to be installed in minimum 50mm Rigid PVC conduit
  • Wiring to be stranded copper with RW90 insulation.
  • Wiring to be Colour coded per Canadian Electrical Code.
  • Conduit burial depth as specified in the Canadian Electrical Code.
  • Conduit alignments shall be designed to avoid tree roots.

5.17 Design

5.17.1 Lighting

Lighting design requires a computer lighting design software such AGI32 or Visual Roadway Tool andlighting supplier photometric files in IESNA format. Typically, luminaire photometric files are based on areference lamp which can vary from the actual lamp used in the test, provided it is similar. This is referredto as “relative” photometry. LED photometric files must be “absolute” which means the photometric filemust be for the exact luminaire being tested.

5.17.2 Decorative Lighting

Where decorative street lighting is required to enhance the streetscape it will be limited to the palettespecified in the Approved Products List.

When installed in front of a property luminaires will be supplied with house side shields as standard.

5.17.3 Electrical

Design requirements include:

  • Meet all requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), latest edition, and bulletins issuedby Electrical Safety Branch of the Province of British Columbia.
  • Maximum voltage drop from branch circuits: 3%
  • Provisions for future expansion.
  • Conductor sizes: maximum #6 RW90, minimum #10 RW90 for branch circuits
  • For branch circuits the load not to exceed 80% of the breaker rating (as per CEC).
  • Accommodation of loads for pole receptacles, if applicable
  • Junction boxes to conform to City of Kelowna standard drawings.
  • All empty conduits shall have a 6mmnylon pull string installed and the ends capped.
  • Traffic signal interconnection / communication conduit design shall be common trenched withthe streetlighting conduit system

5.17.4 Drawing Requirements

Lighting design drawings shall show all civil drawing information such as curbs, sidewalks, property lines,all physical features that may impact the lighting design, as well as the lighting poles, service/controlequipment and wiring. Lighting drawings shall fully describe the proposed installation and all relatedexisting lighting and electrical information. The detailed information required on the drawings shallinclude, but not be limited to the following:

  • • Site plan drawings at a scale of 1:500 showing poles locations, conduit and service equipment. Forbeautification type projects, which have more electrical features such as pedestrian scale lightingand pole/tree receptacles, site plan drawing at a scale of 1:250 may be required. Poles and serviceequipment shall all be located by station and offset. Conduit shall be located by offset from edgeof pavement or face of curb and gutter:
  • Legend and notes:
  • Completed Lighting Design Criteria Figure 6.6 for each road, walkway, intersection orroundabout:
  • List specific product such as luminaires, pole anchor bolts and related hardware, junction boxesand service panels by manufacturer, make and model number.
  • Drawings shall include sufficient street name and land or block location information to identifyparticular sections ofroad referenced in the lighting design summaries.

All lighting drawings shall be signed and sealed by a professional Engineer registered with the EGBC.Design drawings shall be submitted for approval along with signed and sealed computer lightingcalculations.

The electrical systems must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate utilitycompany.

Where overhead distribution is permitted, pole and anchor locations must be approved by both the CityEngineer and the appropriate utility company. Care must be taken to avoid aerial trespass.

Plans and agreements for rights of way for anchors, pad-mounted transformers, etc., must be providedand registered by the Developer.

The City’s requirements for allowing overhead or underground wires is as follows:

  • a) In all Town Center and Village Center areas as identified by the Official Community Plan all wiresshall be buried and installed in conduits.
  • b) All streets and highways that are created as a result of new development shall have all wiresburied underground.
  • c) Outside of these areas where existing overhead wires parallel the existing road the developershall have the option to bury or to leave overhead the wires.
  • d) On roadways identified in the City’s 20YearServicing Plan for upgrade and urbanization, allservice wires crossing the roadway must be buried.

6.0 Traffic Signals

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6.1 General

The purpose of these design standards is to establish the traffic signal design standards used for allprojects undertaken within the City of Kelowna.

These guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for sound engineering knowledge and experience.

Traffic signal designs are highly specialized therefore all designs are to be prepared under the directionof a design professional who has a minimum of five years of traffic signals experience.

Lighting requirements for intersections are defined in the City of Kelowna Roadway LightingBylaw.

6.2 Standardization

Traffic signal details are standardized throughout British Columbia to avoid potentialconfusion of the travelling public, both local and visiting and are defined in the BCMotor Vehicle Act

6.3 Codes, Rules, Standards and Permits

Traffic signal systems are to be designed in general conformance with the following:

6.3.1 Codes, Rules and Regulations

  • • Canadian Electrical Code, latest editions, and bulletins issued by Electrical Safety Branch of theProvince of British Columbia.
  • • AASHTO Standard Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires andTraffic Signals or CAN/CSA-S6-00 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code,
  • • WorkSafeBC,
  • Local power utility regulations,
  • Regulations and policies issued by municipal, provincial and federal authorities.

6.3.2 Standards

  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA),
  • Local power utility standards,
  • MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings, plus City Supplementary Specifications andDrawings.
  • BC Ministry of Transportation Electrical and Traffic Engineering Manual
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
  • National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) - Traffic Controller Assemblies
  • Canadian Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
  • British Columbia Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual.
  • City of Kelowna approved products list.

6.3.3 Permits

  • Electrical permits as required by provincial or municipal inspection authorities
  • Right-of-way and utility crossing permits for crossings of electrical transmission lines, railways,highways and regional, provincial and federally regulated pipelines.

6.4 Signal Heads

Signals should be mounted on vertical posts or horizontal mast arms

General locations of signal heads are as follows:

Primary: Mounted over the roadway which a vehicle is travelling upon. (refer to MUTCD formounting)

Secondary: Mounted to the left of the roadway which a vehicle is travelling upon (Refer toMUTCD and City Supplemental Specification drawings for mounting)

Auxiliary: Mounted at any other location to enhance visibility. (Refer to MUTCD and CitySupplemental Specification drawings for mounting)

Pedestrian: Mounted on the far side of the intersection in line with the painted crosswalk. (referto MUTCD and City Supplemental Specification drawings for mounting)

Bicycle: Mounted in a location clearly visible to an approaching cyclist. Used in specialcirc*mstances and in consultation with the City.

Each signalized vehicle movement (phase) at an intersection requires a minimum of one primaryand one secondary signal head. Additional signal heads may be required if visibility is a concern.

Signal visibility distance is defined as the distance in advance of the stop line from which a signalmust be continuously visible for approach speeds varying between 40 and 80 km/h. Refer toCanadian Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCDC).

Visibility of a signal head is influenced by three factors:

Vertical, horizontal and longitudinal position of the signal head.

Height of driver's eye

Windshield area

Lateral vision is considered to be excellent within 5°degrees of either side of the centerline of theeye position (10° cone) and adequate within 20° (40° cone). Horizontal signal position shouldtherefore be as follows:

Primary heads within the 10° cone

Secondary heads within the 40° cone.

Vertical vision is limited by the top of the windshield. Signal heads should be placed within a 15°vertical sightline. Overhead signals should be located a minimum of 15mbeyondthe stop line.

Refer to Canadian Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCDC) for additional details.

Drivers of vehicles following high vehicles must be able to see at least one signal head uponreaching the dilemma point. The dilemma point is defined as the location where a driver's visibilityof the signal indication goes from green to yellow and driver must decide either to bring thevehicle to a safe stop or proceed through and clear the intersection prior to the start of theconflicting green.

Major factors to consider in assessing signal head visibility are road geometry, design speed,spacing between vehicles, and the horizontal and vertical signal head locations.

Signal heads need to stand out from the surroundings in order to prevent confusion due todistractions. Primary signal heads should have backboards. Backboards are optional for secondaryand auxiliary heads. Backboards should be yellow with a reflective surface. A 75mm fluorescentyellow retro-reflective tape border (ASTM Type 9sheeting) on the outside edge of the entirebackboard shall be installed

Signal head materials will be yellow polycarbonate for primary heads and greenpolycarbonate for secondary and pedestrian signal heads.

Signal head sizes are to be as indicated in Figure 6.4.1 below.

Figure 6.4.1 Signal Head Sizes
Signal Head Type

Area Classification

Lens Size and Shape

Primary300 mm round
Secondary and300 mm round
Auxiliary300 mm round
Bike300 mm round (bike symbol)
PedestrianCombination walk/don't walk indication300mm square (12” x 12”)
Combination walk/don't walk indication with countdown timer 450mm x 406mm(18” x 16”)

Combination walk/don’t walk heads to be installed where there is a high volume of youngchildren or the elderly crossing and on all roadways with two lanes or more in each direction.

All signal displays shall be LED and ITE approved. Tunnel visors are required on all signal heads.

Figure 6.4.2 Signal Head Placement
Straight Through Lanes
No. of LanesNo. of Primary HeadsPlacement of Primary Heads
OneOneCentered over through lane
TwoTwoCentered over each throughlane
ThreeThreeCentered over each throughlane
Left Turn Lanes
Protected/Permissive4 Sections with FlashingGreen Arrow and SteadyYellow ArrowCentered over left-most throughlane
Protected – Single LeftTurn Lane3 Section with Steady GreenArrowCentered on the left turn lane,either post mounted in medianor mast-arm mounted
Protected – Dual Left TurnLanes3 Sections with Steady GreenArrowCentered on the left turn lane, either post mounted in medianor mast-arm mounted

6.5 Pole Placement and Writing

6.5.1 Pole placement

Signal poles should be placed between 1m and 3m from the face of curb or edge of pavement,preferably behind the sidewalk. Pole arms should be oriented at 900 to the centerline of theroad, except where the intersection is skewed. When laying out a skewed intersection, ensurethe arms do not block the view of the signal heads for other approaches.

Other key considerations for pole placement are:

  • Ease of access to pushbutton for pedestrians, handicapped and the visually impaired inaccordance with the TAC -Guidelines for Understanding, Use and Implementation ofAccessible Pedestrian Signals.
  • Maintaining 1.2m wheelchair access around poles and from pushbuttons to wheelchairramps.
  • Minimizing the number of poles required.
  • Locating poles outside vehicle turning radii to avoid damage.
  • Underground and overhead utility conflicts.
  • For optimum visibility of vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian heads

6.5.2 Conduit

  • Conduit should be installed parallel or perpendicular to the roadway and routed to run in adirect line between poles and junction boxes. Skewed road crossings are to be avoided.
  • Conduits shall be installed by qualified personnel and certified with the BC Technical SafetyAuthority as an underground raceway installer (UR)
  • Ninety-degree bends are to be kept to a minimum and not exceed the maximum as per theCanadian Electrical Code. If this is not possible an additional junction box shall be installed.
  • All conduit will be RPVC.
  • For each road crossing two 75mm and two 50mm diameter conduits shall be run.
  • Communications conduit shall be 75mm in diameter.
  • Shall be installed to conform to the Canadian Electrical Code.
  • All empty conduits will have a pull string installed and be capped.

6.5.3 Junction Boxes

Will be installed:

  • At each pole and controller for splicing and have bonding installed, as per SupplementarySpecification Drawings.
  • Concrete junction boxes will have a galvanized lid marked with “KELTS” for traffic signals and“COMM” for communication conduits, as per Supplementary Specification Drawings.

6.5.4 Conductors

For signal control:

  • Stranded, multi conductor, IMSA cable will be used to connect the controller cabinet to eachof the junction boxes on the corner nearest to the traffic signal pole. The wire will runcontinuous with no splices between the controller and the destination junction box.
  • Single conductor stranded #14 RW90 will be installed from the junction boxes to poles. Thewire will run continuous with no splices between the junction box and the signal head.
  • Signal wiring to be spliced in junction boxes only.
  • Streetlight wiring will have an in-line fuse installed in pole hand-hole and be of the typenoted in the approved products list.
  • All conductors to be bundled and marked as per the City color coding

6.6 Left Turn Phasing

Left turn phasing options are numbered as follow in the NEMA convention: Phase 1 for SBLT, 3for WBLT, 5 for NBLT and 7 for EBLT. This is in conjunction with straight through phasing asfollows: Phase 2 for northbound, 4 for eastbound, 6 for southbound and 8 for westbound.

Left turn phasing options are as follows:

  • Permissive - Green ball display. A Permissive left turn has no signal indication other than agreen ball, which permits a vehicle to turn left when there is a gap in the opposing traffic.
  • Protected - Green arrow display. A Protected left turn presents a continuous green arrowindication while all opposing traffic is held by a red ball. A Protected Left Turn is alwaysterminated with a yellow ball.
  • Protected left turns are typically used in the following circ*mstances: Dual left turn lane.
  • Limited sight distance to oncoming vehicle.
  • High pedestrian volumes.
  • High speeds.
  • High collisions.
  • Left turn phase is in a lead-lag operation.
  • Split phasing.
  • When crossing more than 2 lanes of traffic.
  • Protected/Permissive - Yellow/Flashing Green arrow display. A Protected/Permissive left turnpresents a flashing green arrow and yellow arrow followed by a green ball. During the flashingphase (advanced movement), opposing through traffic is held by a red ball. After the left turnphase has timed out, left turn traffic is presented with a green ball permitting the movementwhen safe. The protected green arrow is always terminated with a non-flashing yellow arrowindication.
  • Protected/Permissive left turns are appropriate in cases where:
    • Single left turn lane.
    • Good sight distance to oncoming vehicles.
    • Volumes warrant it.
    • Low collisions probability.
  • Care should betaken when considering a left turn phase, as it can impact the intersection level ofservice by increasing the total cycle length.

6.7 Advanced Warning Flashers

Advanced warning flashers (AWF) should be used where sight distance and grade to anintersection is less than optimal, or where design speed of the road is sufficiently high to justifywarning motorists of signal status. Follow Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Electricaland Traffic Engineering Design Guidelines for the design and placement of Advance WarningFlasher Signs.

Where AWF are required a back up power supply (UPS) will be installed.

6.8 Signal Pre-emption

Consult with the City to determine if pre-emption equipment is required at theintersection. The City shall supply and install all equipment, other than the cable,which the City will supply to the contractor for installation.

6.9 Audible Pedestrian Signals

Where required by the City, use audible pedestrian signals to assist visually impairedpedestrians.

The City will supply all equipment. The contractor will install the wiring and pushbutton unitsand the City will install the cabinet equipment.

6.10 Control Types

Traffic signals will be designed to be fully actuated, meaning they require trafficdetectors for all phases. Fully actuated controls allow for the maximum flexibilityof signal control.

6.11 Detection Methods

Traffic detection for signal actuation is typically accomplished through one of the followingmethods:

  • Vehicle detector loops (induction). -If detector loops being installed, they must be of thepreformed type, as per approved products list, and laid in the crush under the asphaltlayers.
  • Image sensor(video detector system).City will supply and install equipment. City willsupply the wire to the contractor for installation.

Other methods are available and will be at the discretion of the City as to the choice of systemused.

6.12 Signal Timing Plans

The City will create and or approve signal timing plans.

6.13 Signal Coordination

The City will create and or approve signal coordination plans.

6.14 Pedestrian Controlled Signals

There are two styles of pedestrian controlled signals, a traffic signal with a green-yellow-redindication, and a special crosswalk signal. The requirement for a pedestrian signal and the type ofsignal to be installed will be established by the City and should be supported by warrants asindicated in the BC Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual.

  • a) Pedestrian signals serve pedestrian traffic only and are generally placed in areas of highpedestrian traffic or in school zones.A full pedestrian signal has heads placed on the main road only. Cross street traffic is controlled bysignage. When not activated, the signal presents a flashing green ball indication to drivers. Whenthe signal is activated by a pedestrian, the flashing green ball indication becomes a steady greenball, followed by a yellow and then red ball. Pedestrian heads provide the Walk/Don't Walkindications to the pedestrian. Pedestrian signals as above will have vehicle detection installed on the main street. This willallow the signal to extend the green time during periods of heavy traffic, to ensure moreefficient flow.
  • b) Special Crosswalk Signalsconsist of signage and pedestrian controlled lighting designed to drawdriver attention to the crosswalk. See TAC guidelines for pedestrian crosswalks and City supplemental drawings to match thecrosswalk with the road type. See approved products list for the type of controller to be installed. Where a suitable power source is not available or is costly to deliver to the site, solar poweredcrosswalks can be considered.

6.15 Poles and Foundations

The MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings define typical signal poles. Traffic signal polesshall be designed to accommodate the weight of the arms and the items mounted on the poles, aswell as wind and ice loading, arm length, anchor bolt size and concrete base size.

The MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings define typical bases to be used with standardsignal poles. The designer is responsible for determining the suitability of these standardfoundations for the given soil conditions. Where soils are in question a geotechnical engineershould be consulted to define the suitability of the foundations for the given soil conditions. Where foundations are not suitable, custom foundations will be required.

Refer to the City supplemental drawings for any additional information.

When selecting pole location identify and avoid possible utility conflicts. If installing close to atree, the base should be outside of the drip line

The identification numbering of bases/poles for traffic signals on plans will start at one andincrease in a clockwise direction starting at the base/pole nearest to traffic controller location.

6.16 Controller Cabinets

The City shall supply and install controller cabinets.

Cabinets should be located entirely within the road right-of-way, including the concrete padand door swing. Location should be safe and reasonably protected from motor vehicle damage,with access door on the side away from the sidewalk where possible and the signals visible fromthe access.

The cabinet will have a concrete pad allowing a safe platform while accessing and working inand around. See City supplemental drawings.

Adequate working space from other equipment and structures will be provided as per theCanadian Electrical Code.

6.17 Traffic Controller Equipment

The City shall supply and install all controller equipment.

6.18 Power Supply and Distribution

A metered power supply is required from the electrical utility. The designer shall confirmvoltage and locations of suitable power sources for the proposed signal system. Signals systemsare serviced from a 120/240 volt single phase 3 wire system.

Refer to City supplemental drawings for installation of meter and service panel.

Grounding shall be as per MMCD Standard Specifications and Drawings.

Contractor to consult with local power authority of any special installation requirements andservice location.

6.19 Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS's)

The City shall supply and install UPS equipment.

6.20 Signs

Overhead street name signs shall be installed on signal pole arms. Signs to be banded withmanufactured wind dampening sign brackets. Signs shall be blue background with 215mm highwhite clear-vue font (alternate colours may be required by the local jurisdiction). Sign sheetingshall be ASTM Type 9. Other signs mounted on signal poles may include turn restriction signs,lane use signs, one-way signs, etc. as required by the BC Motor Vehicle Act and defined in theMUTCDC.

6.21 Drawing Requirements

Signal design drawings shall show all civil drawing information such as curbs, sidewalks, propertylines, utilities, pavement markings, all physical features that may impact the signal design, as wellas the signal and lighting poles, detector loops, service/control equipment and wiring. Signaldrawings shall fully describe the proposed installation and all electrical and lighting information.The detailed information required on the drawings shall include, but not be limited to thefollowing:

Plan/profiles or underground drawings.

  • Scale is 1:200.
  • The plan will have the north arrow oriented at 0 degrees.
  • Existing and proposed civil information including roadway, sidewalks, letdowns, undergroundutilities, signing and road markings
  • The designed signal including pole locations, controller, conduits, power and communicationsjunction boxes, wiring/cabling, point of electric service.
  • Poles and service equipment shall be located by station and offset. Conduit shall be located byoffset from edge of pavement or curb and gutter;
  • General notes
  • Existing signal equipment to be retained and/or removed
  • City colour code chart.)
  • Pole coordinate table
  • Signal display schematic
  • Signal phasing diagram
  • Intersection illuminance table
  • Loop detector coordinate table (if applicable)
  • Image sensor table (if applicable)
  • References to Supplementary Standard Drawings

Plan view or Elevation

  • Scale 1:75
  • Elevation and description for each signal pole including corresponding concrete base type,signal displays, luminaire, push buttons, signs and image sensor (if applicable)
  • Pre-approved product list for applicable equipment to be supplied
  • Reference to Supplementary Standard Drawings

All signal drawings shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer.

Design drawings shall be submitted for approval by the City.

7.0 Landscape and Irrigation

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7A & 7A.1 Landscape and Irrigation Water Conservation & General

7A.1 General

7A.1.1 Application

For purposes of this bylaw, an automatic irrigation system means any outdoor watering device that includes atimeclock, connected valves opened by the timeclock, and underground distribution pipe to water outlets used forwatering plant materials.

These landscape standards and specifications shall apply:

  • (a) To all landscape areas within highway limits in the City of Kelowna including: medians, soft landscape areasbetween the curbs and the highway limits, and plantings in urban plaza and sidewalk areas.
  • (b) To new construction and rehabilitated landscapes for City projects including all utilities and facilities forwater, sanitary sewer, drainage, electrical and communication Works and Services infrastructure.

The following exemptions to the requirements of Section 6 apply:

  • (a) Projects where the sum of all new or renovated landscape areas does not exceed 100 square metres in areaare exempt from the requirement for landscape and irrigation plan and detail submittals set out in theserequirements.
  • (b) Projects without an automatic irrigation system are exempt from the irrigation system design guidelines, butthe landscape, grading and soil management requirements and related drawing submittals other thanirrigation drawings still apply;

Landscape and irrigation shall be designed, installed and operated to meet the requirements of the City of KelownaWater Regulation Bylaw No. 10480, including the requirement to not exceed the Landscape Water Budget forlandscape areas of the project and to calculate the Estimated Landscape Water Use.

The standards specified herein reflect the City’s minimum expectations and are intended for most applications.These standards may be enhanced or revised by the City or the Owner at the discretion of the City Engineer wherethe Works and Services are intended for large, complex, unusual and innovative applications and provided they meetthe intent and objectives of the requirements herein.

7A.1.2 Qualifications

The Owner, at their expense, shall retain as a Qualified Professional a Landscape Architect registered with the BritishColumbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) to design, inspect and certify all landscape Works and Servicescovered by this section.

The Owner, at their expense, shall retain as a Qualified Professional a Certified Irrigation Designer registered with theIrrigation Industry Association of British Columbia (IIABC) to design, inspect and certify all irrigation Works andServices covered by this section.

With proper qualifications from both BCSLA and IIABC, one individual may serve as both the Landscape Architect andCertified Irrigation Designer.

For the Works and Services covered by this section the Landscape Architect(s) and/or Certified Irrigation Designer(s)shall have the powers and responsibilities prescribed elsewhere in this bylaw to the Contract Administrator.

7A.2 Water Conservation Requirements and Report

All subject applications shall include a Landscape Water Conservation Report – either as a set of drawings or a boundreport - that defines how the development will meet the design requirements for water conservation. The report shallmeet the requirements of the City prior to “Issued for Construction” Documents or Building Permits under this bylaw.

The Landscape Water Conservation Report shall:

  • (a) Include the calculations for the proposed landscape area of Landscape Water Budget and EstimatedLandscape Water Use in the format as required by the City of Kelowna (equivalent to Schedule C in the City ofKelowna Water Use Bylaw No. 10480).
  • (b) Indicate by drawings, notes, specifications and if necessary other written materials how the applicationcomplies with or varies from the Design Criteria 6A.2.1and 6A.2.2 below.
  • (c) The City may, at its discretion, accept the information in two stages: Stage One requires the report and aconceptual landscape drawing with corresponding hydrozone and Landscape Water Conservation Report –and may be submitted at the Preliminary Layout Review or Application for Subdivision Approval stage forSubdivision Projects, or Building Permit application stage for Works and Services in Development Projects.Stage Two requires detailed landscape and irrigation drawings and specifications, and update to the reportand calculations, to be generally consistent with and substituting for the earlier design concept submission –Stage Two must be submitted and approved prior to City Engineer’s “Issued for Construction’ documents inboth Subdivision and Building Permit processes.

7A.2.1 Landscape Design

The Applicant shall appoint a Qualified Professional to create and submit a Landscape Plan and supervise
installation to produce a landscape installation that:

  • (a) Groups planting areas into ‘hydrozones’ of high, medium and low or unirrigated/un-watered areas.Submit a plan diagram and table showing the extent and area of hydrozones in the project.
  • (b) Shows appropriate use of plant material with similar water demand within hydrozones.
  • (c) Maximizes the percentage of landscape area that is unirrigated/un-watered area,commensurate with landscape aesthetics and plant survival e.g. using pervious paving,unplanted stone or organic mulch, pervious deck (strive for a minimum of 25% of the total landscapearea).
  • (d) Maximizes retention or replanting of vegetation with low water-use requirements after theestablishment period e.g. existing native vegetation to remain, wildflower meadow, rough grass,xeriscape plant species (strive for a minimum of 25% of the total landscape area).
  • (e) Designs to minimize mown turf areas that are high water use areas (strive for 25% of total landscapearea, and consider a maximum of 50% of the total landscape area) – substitute with areas of lowerwater use treatments.
  • (f) Provides mulch cover to shrub and groundcover areas, to reduce evaporation from soil.
  • (g) Uses recirculated water systems for any water features such as pools and fountains.
  • (h) Ensures landscape installation standards including growing medium depth and quality to meet therequirements of this bylaw. A submitted soils report or notes on the plans shall indicate proposedgrowing medium depth, amendments, and shall refer to appropriate sections of the reference orsupplementary specifications, or the qualified professional shall supply a custom specification ofsimilar detail.
  • (i) Includes the following written declarations signed by a licensed Landscape Architect qualified bythe British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA):
    • At the time of application: “This landscape plan is subject to and complies with the Landscape WaterConservation Design requirements of the City of Kelowna for the efficient use of water”.
    • At the time of substantial performance of the construction: “This landscape installation compliessubstantially with the submitted water conservation and landscape plans, specifications and reports.”

7A.2.2 Irrigation Design

If irrigation is to be installed, the Applicant shall appoint a Qualified Professional to create and submit an IrrigationPlan and supervise installation to produce an irrigation system that:

  • (a) Groups irrigation circuits/ zones into ‘hydrozones’ of high, medium and low or unirrigated areasconsistent with the landscape planting plan.
  • (b) Uses reclaimed or recycled water or rainwater capture from roofs or rain barrels for outdoor water usewhen such is available, as a substitute for use of potable water.
  • (c) Minimizes use of high-volume spray heads, and employs drip or low volume irrigation where practicalto meet the watering needs of hydrozones.
  • (d) Uses surface or subsurface drip irrigation or low volume irrigation technology to water long, narrow orirregularly shaped areas including turf areas less than 2.4m in width.
  • (e) Keeps drip, spray and rotor heads (different precipitation rates) on different irrigation circuits.
  • (f) Designs with irrigation head-to-head coverage in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
  • (g) Ensures matched precipitation rates on each irrigation circuit.
  • (h) Minimizes the elevation change in each irrigation circuit –and where required provides pressurecompensating devices to minimize pressure variations or check valves to stop low head drainage.
  • (i) Ensures irrigation mainlines are proved leak-free with hydrostatic tests, as a part of the constructionquality assurance review. Re-test irrigation mainlines after major repair or nearby excavation work.
  • (j) Provides pressure regulating devices to ensure irrigation outlets are operating at the manufacturer’soptimum pressure range.
  • (k) Designs head placement and type, and adjusts head radius, arc and alignment to avoid overspray ofpaved surfaces or buildings.
  • (l) If irrigating slopes greater than 25%, designs an irrigation system with a precipitation rate not greaterthan 20mm/hour.
  • (m) Provides automatic shut off devices that shut off the system in cases of pipe leak or breakage, andthat shut off the system when rain is present.
  • (n) Installs - and programs to minimize water use – one or more ‘Smart Controllers’ with water-conserving functions. Acceptable Smart Controllers are identified in the City of Kelowna WaterRegulation Bylaw 10480. Includes a written Irrigation Schedule or equivalent instructions foroperation of the Smart Controller, with a copy stored with the controller cabinet, that adjusts theamount of applied water scheduled to be applied on a daily basis –schedule different run-times asweather changes, by using the weather-sensitive features of a Smart Controller. In cases wheremanual irrigation
  • (o) program adjustment is temporarily required, adjust water programming at least once per month torecognize that highest water need is in July and lower water needs exist in other months of thegrowing season.
  • (p) Ensures irrigation design and installation standards including adjustments and scheduling meet therequirements of the Supplementary Specifications in , Schedule 5 Construction Standards, or acustom or alternate irrigation specification at a similar level of detail provided by the QualifiedProfessional.
  • (q) Includes the following written declarations signed by a Certified Irrigation Designer qualified by theIrrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC):
    • At the time of application: “This irrigation plan is subject to and complies with the Irrigation WaterConservation Design requirements of the City of Kelowna for the efficient use of water.”
    • At the time of substantial performance of the construction: “This irrigation installation compliessubstantially with the submitted water conservation and irrigation plans, specifications and reports”.

7B Landscape & 7B.1 General

7B.1.1 General Landscape Requirements

The general design and construction of the landscape shall be in accordance with the standards set out in this section

Street Tree plantings shall be required on streets and highways in all subdivisions where new roads (including cul-de-sacs) or road extensions are required.

All soft Boulevard and Median Areas within the highway limits shall be landscaped to the standards of Section 6B.2Boulevard and Section 6B.3 Medians.

Rough grass or wildflower mixture may be used on all or part of boulevards visually backed by areas of woodland orrural appearance - subject to the approval of the City Engineer.

The Landscape Maintenance Period for landscape establishment shall be one year from the date of SubstantialPerformance of the landscape components of the work. All landscape areas shall be provided establishmentmaintenance which shall include irrigation maintenance and watering, mowing, weeding, pruning and supplementalfertilization until the end of the Landscape Maintenance Period. The Landscape Maintenance Period shall continueuntil a Certificate of Acceptance of all Landscape Works and Services is issued by the City upon the expiration of theLandscape Maintenance Period.

Plants or other materials that fail in the Landscape Maintenance Period shall be replaced at no cost to the City.Replacement trees shall be guaranteed for a further year after planting, with maintenance and replacementsrepeated until trees are provided that are acceptable to the City at the end of the Landscape Maintenance Period.

The use of Naturescape or similar wildlife habitat principles in landscape development is encouraged. Refer toNaturescape Kit Southern Interior, available from Naturescape British Columbia.

Site and planting design shall co-ordinate with watering ‘hydrozones’ and irrigation plans in accordance with Sub-Section 6C – Irrigation.

All landscape and irrigation products, installation and operations shall be completed in accordance with therequirements of Schedule 5 of this Bylaw.

7B.1.2 Landscape Plan Requirements for Works and Services

For landscape Works and Services that will be owned by the City of Kelowna, the Owner’s Qualified Professional isrequired to submit the following plans, gain City ’Issued for Construction” documents, and certify construction qualityassurance. Landscape plan and design submittals required are:

  • (a) Landscape Plan
  • (b) Landscape Grading Plan
  • (c) Landscape Water Conservation Report as required by the Water Regulation Bylaw.

The following information shall be shown on the Landscape Plan:

  • (a) property lines and easem*nts.
  • (b) buildings, edge of pavement, curb lines and curbs, sidewalks, lighting fixture locations, surface utilities andrelated service boxes or other elements that would affect the landscape and street tree location.
  • (c) Location of all existing vegetation to remain.
  • (d) Location of retaining walls and existing or proposed slopes that exceed 3:1 vertical.
  • (e) Location of all proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover and lawn areas.
  • (f) Indication of which areas will be seeded grass vs sodded lawn.
  • (g) Plant list showing botanical name, common name, size at planting, quantity, typical spacing, and root zonevolume of supplied growing medium for trees.
  • (h) Location of all proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover and lawn areas.
  • (i) Hydrozone information table for the project.
  • (j) Planting hydrozones – delineate and label each hydrozone by number, letter or other method and identifyeach area of similar water requirement e.g. high, medium, low, or no supplemental water after establishment.Hydrozones may be shown on a separate drawing if required for clarity.
  • (k) Water features, if applicable.
  • (l) Type of mulch and application depth.
  • (m) Growing medium depths for each planting type.

The following information shall be shown on the Landscape Grading Plan.

  • (a) Spot elevations of top and bottom of retaining walls and at top and bottom of any slopes exceeding 3:1
  • (b) Drainage patterns by slope arrow and percent slope. Drain inlets or culvert inlet elevations.
  • (c) Finished floor elevations if applicable.
  • (d) General shaping of finished grades by a combination of proposed contour, spot elevations and slope arrowsfor landscape areas that are bermed, dished, or that have noteworthy grading constraints or design intents.
  • (e) Stormwater retention or infiltration facilities if applicable.
  • (f) Rain harvesting or catchment technologies if applicable.

The general requirements used by the City for review of the Landscape and Grading Plan is specific to the site and usethereof. The landscape design shall:

  • (a) respond functionally and aesthetically to existing and proposed land uses, utilities, terrain and flood patterns,drainage facilities, roads, driveways, cycle, transit and pedestrian facilities;
  • (b) promote accessibility as it relates to pedestrians, cyclists and people with limited physical or visual abilities
  • (c) consider appearance of the proposed plant material and site landscape, including appropriateness, aesthetics,visual screening, sight lines and functionality
  • (d) provide access for maintenance equipment and personnel;
  • (e) allow for cost effective maintenance methods and practices;
  • (f) provide access to park, recreation or environmental opportunities;
  • (g) incorporate protection of existing trees where feasible;
  • (h) consider protection of the natural environment and restoration or enhancement of natural habitat;
  • (i) coordinate with engineering site drainage, water levels, ponding and overland flow;
  • (j) consider design features that minimize the opportunity for crime and undesirable behavior;
  • (k) provide for weed control;
  • (l) coordinate with sediment and erosion control practices;
  • (m) follow fire hazard reduction principles.

The completed Landscape and Grading Plan(s) shall be considered part of the package that forms the “issued forConstruction” documents.

7B.1.3 Landscape Construction

Prior to the start of construction the Owner shall provide the City with a schedule of construction of the landscapeand irrigation Works and Services and Related Work. In addition, the Owner shall provide the City with the name andcontact information for the Consulting Landscape Architect and Engineer, Certified Irrigation Designer, the generalContractor and the Landscape Contractor of the site, as well as the designated Contract Administrator for each of theLandscape and Irrigation works.

7B.2 Boulevard Landscape

Unless specified otherwise herein boulevards shall be vegetated with sodded lawn or densely planted groundcover.Rough grass and/or wildflower seeding may be used on boulevards and side slopes that are visually backing ontonatural or rural areas, or for temporary boulevard treatments, subject to the approval of the City Engineer.

For the boulevards of arterial and collector roads within Urban and Village Centre DP areas, the treatment shall be asper the streetscape improvement plan for that area.

For boulevards adjacent to commercial property and locations outside Urban/Village Centre DP areas, or where noplan is in place, the boulevard treatment shall generally be turf or hard-surfaced, and shall include street trees andirrigation. Acceptable hard surface materials for the boulevard may include:

  • (a) unit pavers
  • (b) exposed aggregate concrete;
  • (c) stamped and coloured concrete;
  • (d) irrigated turf; or
  • (e) xeriscape or dryland landscaping

For boulevards where the land use of the adjacent property is industrial, institutional or multi-family the boulevardtreatment shall generally be street trees and turf or dryland landscaping, serviced and maintained by the Owner ofthe parcel with the boulevard frontage.

For boulevards where the land use of the adjacent property is one, two or four-family residential or park, and wherethe boulevard is accessible for maintenance mowing and watering from the adjacent property, the boulevardtreatment shall generally be street trees and turf,

For boulevards where it is unlikely that the adjacent property owner will be able to adequately maintain theboulevard, the boulevard treatment shall generally be hard surfaced and may include street trees. Acceptableboulevard materials in these cases may include:

  • (a) unit pavers; or
  • (b) exposed aggregate concrete

7B.3 Median Landscape

The landscaping of medians shall be designed and constructed generally as follows:

  • (a) for Highway 97 and Highway 33 - with sloped aprons of concrete unit pavers with irrigated street trees andirrigated landscaping;
  • (b) in Urban Centre and Village Centre DP Areas - except as described above or per the approved streetscape
  • improvement plan for that area, with sloped aprons of concrete unit pavers and irrigated street trees; or
  • (c) elsewhere -with sloped aprons of exposed aggregate concrete, concrete unit pavers or stamped and colouredconcrete and irrigated street trees.

The landscaping of roundabouts and cul-de-sac islands shall have a hard surface material or landscaping with lowshrubs or groundcovers, and should feature:

  • (a) a single specimen tree;
  • (b) a group of like trees; or
  • (c) public art if the roundabout or cul-de-sac is in an Urban or Village Centre. The selection, design andplacement of public art shall be made in cooperation with the Public Art Committee.

Lighting of trees or public art in a median shall be provided as required by the Parks Division or the Public ArtCommittee.

7B.4 Utilities Coordination with Planning

Underground utilities shall be aligned and buried to provide a continuous 1.0m deep utility-free trench beneath treeplanting locations.

Planting and paving design shall be co-coordinated with the design and construction of surface utility boxes, such thatboxes fall entirely within either a paved surface or entirely within a planted surface but not partly in paving and partlyin planting and that grades and alignment of boxes match the final design and construction of all elements to createa co-coordinated and orderly appearance, free of trips and hazards.

7B.5 Plant Material

7B.5.1 Urban Trees in Pavement

Select urban trees in pavement in accordance with Section 7B.5.6.

Select and site urban trees in pavement to eliminate long term above-ground and below ground conflicts withutilities, buildings and structures, and pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

7B.5.2 Planting Details and Procedures

Landscape Drawings shall specify the appropriate planting detail standard from the City of Kelowna Standard Details.

All planting shall meet the City of Kelowna Specifications in Schedule 5.

7B.5.3 Planting Provisions in Single Family Subdivisions

Street trees and landscape finish of the public highway fronting occupied homes shall be completed no later than thedate that 85% of the homes in a single family development are completed and occupied. Earlier completion dates areencouraged provided that landscape maintenance and repair is provided at no cost to the City until such time as unitsare occupied.

Planting of street trees in the hot dry summer period of June, July and August is discouraged, due to the risk of failureof the planting caused by heat and drought.

Minimum number of boulevard trees shall be calculated as follows:
(a) Medium Trees (± 10 - 20m ht. at maturity) Greater of 1 per lot or15m.
(b) Small Trees (Under 10m ht. at maturity) Greater of 1 per lot or 10m.
(c) Plantings of trees closer than 6m on centre shall require the written concurrence of the City Engineer.
(d) Locate trees fronting on single family lots in locations that avoid all utility service alignments and driveways.Generally this will lead to tree placement in the half of the lot frontage away from the driveway side, and notat either the lot centerline or at a lot line.

7B.5.4 Plant Material Selection

7B.5.4.1 Plant Materials:

  • (a) Plants shall have the ability to withstand adverse conditions such as airborne pollutants,maximum sun exposure and reflected heat from pavements, high winds and abrasive forces,occasional snow loading and exposure to salt from road clearing operations, and limited rootzone soil volumes.
  • (b) Plant hardiness requirements vary by elevation. Plants shall be hardy to Canadian PlantHardiness Zone 5A to 1A as site conditions dictate.
  • (c) Plants shall be capable of reduced water demand following a one year establishment period.
  • (d) Plants shall have relatively low maintenance attributes including: fine to medium leaf size andcanopy density; non-fruit bearing or having only berry-sized non-staining and non-toxic fruits;low susceptibility to disfiguring or fatal diseases and infestations; infrequent demands forpruning, fertilizing and other cultural requirements.
  • (e) Plants shall be of appropriate size and form at maturity to meet criteria in Section 6B.5.6 StreetTree Selections and Soil volumes.

7B.5.4.2 Lawns/Fine Grass, Rough Grass and Wildflowers:

  • (a) Sod shall be used on all lawn/fine grass areas. Seeding, as an alternate, shall require approval ofthe City Engineer.
  • (b) Rough grass and wildflower areas shall be seeded. Seeding method shall be noted on drawings.
  • (c) Areas to be seeded with grades greater than 3:1 and/or highly erodible soils shall behydroseeded with a nurse crop seed mix, a hydraulically applied erosion control mulch, orerosion control blanket. Erosion control method to be noted on drawings.

7B.5.4.3 Trees

  • (a) Boulevard or ‘street’ trees shall be of a single species/cultivar on either side of the street within agiven block. Median tree species may vary.
  • (b) Street tree species shall vary between intersecting streets. Street tree selection will be madewith consideration of maintaining a diverse and varied street tree distribution across aneighbourhood to minimize disease risks.
  • (c) All street trees shall have:
    • i. A compact or upward branching structure.
    • ii. Ability to withstand pruning for pedestrian, vehicle and/or building clearance withoutcompromise to tree health or form.
    • iii. Absence of species/varietal characteristics of structural weakness, susceptibility to winddamage, or thin, easily damaged bark.

7B.5.5 Street Tree Size, Spacing and Location

Trees shall be minimum 5 cm caliper measured at 300mm above the rootball at the time of planting, and of uniformsize if planted in a boulevard row.

Tree branch clearance requirements are 5m over the traveled portion of road and 2.25m over the sidewalk.

7B.5.6 Street Tree Selections and Soil Volumes

Refer to City of Kelowna website for requirements for tree species selections:

Trees for directly under Hydro lines

  • (a) Minimum allowable soil volume per tree is 4 cu.m. with 1m depth pit.
  • (b) Mature height not greater than 7.62m.

Trees for beside hydro lines

  • (a) Minimum lateral distance from nearest line 2.75m.
  • (b) Minimum allowable soil volume per tree is 4 cu.m. with 1m depth pit.
  • (c) Mature spread not greater than 5m.

Trees for limited available soil volume

  • (a) Minimum allowable soil volume per tree is 4 cu.m. with 1m depth pit.
  • (b) Mature height not greater than 10m.

Trees for available soil volumes of 9 cu. m. or greater

  • (a) 1m pit depth
  • (b) Mature height not greater than 20m.

Trees for a wide boulevard or wide median use only

  • (a) Minimum available root zone of 20 cu. m. per tree
  • (b) Minimum boulevard or median width of 3.5m

7B.5.7 - Setbacks for Trees

Minimum setbacks for trees to objects in new developments shall be as follows:

  • Underground street light conduit or irrigation main 0.6m
  • Other underground utilities 3.0m
  • Lamp standards 6.0m
  • Steel and wooden utility poles 3.0m
  • Driveways 1.5m
  • Catch basins 1.5m
  • Manholes, valve boxes, services 3.0m
  • Sewer service boxes 3.0m
  • Fire hydrants 2.0m
  • Road intersection 7.0m
  • Curb face (see SS-L3 for Root Barriers required) 0.5m
  • Sidewalk 0.85m
  • Curb face and sidewalk with root barrier 0.60m
  • Buildings - fastigiate (columnar) tree 2.0m
  • Buildings - regular crown tree 3.0-5.0m

The City Engineer may consider custom setbacks where trees are being installed in existing streets with established utilities.

7B.6 Landscape Maintenance Schedule

The Owner’s qualified professional shall submit a maintenance schedule with the Certificate of SubstantialPerformance. It shall include timing and arrangements for:

  • (a) Routine inspection
  • (b) Aerating and dethatching turf areas
  • (c) Replenishing mulch
  • (d) Fertilizing
  • (e) Pruning
  • (f) Weeding

The project applicant is encouraged to implement sustainable or environmentally-friendly practices for overalllandscape maintenance.

7C Irrigation & 7C.1 General Irrigation Requirements

  • (a) A complete and working automatic irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas within a high,medium or low hydrozone of a Highway, utility parcel or utility facility. Temporary watering provisions shallalso be made for planted areas of a ‘non-irrigated’ hydrozone – to allow for watering through a maximum 1year establishment period or in severe drought.
  • (b) Boulevard trees, shrubs and ground covers shall be watered from an automatic irrigation system.
  • (c) Urban trees in pavement shall be irrigated with an automatic irrigation system that may include bubblers ordrip elements.
  • (d) Sleeves shall be provided under sidewalks and driveways, and to medians / islands, as required for installationand maintenance of the irrigation system without removing surface paving.
  • (e) Provide a flow sensor and master valve, both connected to the controller, that will stop flow to the system orirrigation circuit in cases of an irrigation water leak. Provide an isolation gate valve upstream of all automaticsprinkler valves.
  • (f) Design to water plant materials with different watering requirements (e.g. grass vs. shrub areas and high vsmedium vs low water use shrub areas) on different valve circuits.
  • (g) Where surface sprinklers are used, ensure unobstructed sprinkler coverage to tree bases from at least twosides.
  • (h) Every drip system shall be designed with a filter, pressure regulator, flush valve and air relief valve. The dripcomponent manufacturer’s instructions for installation and maintenance shall be included in the projectspecifications.
  • (i) The Irrigation System shall perform to within 15% of the targeted application efficiency standards forirrigation systems, as determined by the Irrigation Association and the Irrigation Industry Association ofBritish Columbia, as follows:
    • i. Spray Zones: 75% or higher;
    • ii. Rotor Zones: 80% or higher;
    • iii. Microjet Irrigation Zones: 85% or higher.
    • iv. Drip Irrigation Zones: 90% or higher.
  • (j) Sprays and rotors shall be designed with head to head coverage to meet the application efficiency standards.
  • (k) It is the responsibility of the Certified Irrigation Designer to identify to the Owner and to the City of Kelownaany landscape impediments, existing or planned, that will impede reaching the targeted efficiencies. At thediscretion of the City of Kelowna, irrigation system design audits may be performed to ensure designefficiency has been met.
  • (l) The Irrigation System shall be designed with minimal pressure losses where possible. Pressure lossesbetween any two sprinklers on the same zone shall be less than10%.
  • (m) Pipes shall be sized to allow for a maximum flow of 1.5m/sec.
  • (n) The Irrigation System shall be sized and designed to 80% of Point of Connection available flow and pressure;allowing for 20% growth of system or 20% reduction in operating pressure while retaining targetedoperational efficiencies.
  • (o) Locate Point of Connection or Pedestal to meet the following requirements:
    • i. No Pedestal or Point of Connection locations will be permitted with medians without the explicitwritten consent of the City of Kelowna.
    • ii. No Pedestal location shall be subject to application of irrigation watering.
    • iii. No Point of Connections shall be placed within a sidewalk without the explicit written consent of theCity of Kelowna.
  • (p) The irrigation design shall include voltage loss calculations to the electrical control valve furthest from thecontroller. The drawings are to include:
    • i. A chart comparing the actual voltage drop to the allowable voltage drop on common and zone signalwires;
    • ii. Voltage loss shall not exceed the maximum voltage loss as specified by the manufacturer of theirrigation controller;
    • iii. Indicate wire locations, wire gauge required, spare wires and necessary splice box locations on theContract Drawing.
  • (q) Install one spare control wire for every five (5) electric control valves connected to the controller;
  • (r) Install one spare common wire for every ten (10) electric control valves connected to the controller.
  • (s) Irrigation sleeves shall be installed to route irrigation lines under hard surfaces and features. Non-metallicCSA approved electrical conduit shall be installed adjacent to irrigation sleeves.
  • (t) Electric control valves used in the design of the Irrigation System are to remain consistent in size andmanufacturer, where possible. Renovations or additions to the Irrigation System shall use the samemanufacturer, model and size that exist on site. It is permissible to use an electric control valve from adifferent manufacturer for specialized applications. In general:
    • i. Electric control valves must be sized to the design flow;
    • ii. Drip and Micro irrigation zones must include filtration and pressure regulation to manufacturers’specifications. Drip and Micro zones must have an isolation valve prior to zone valve for maintenanceof filtration.
    • iii. Unless it has deemed not possible, valves are to be located on the periphery of green spaces andwhere available, within planting beds.
    • iv. Design approval will be required to insert valve locations within hardscape surfaces.
  • (u) Sprinklers used in the design of the Irrigation System are to remain consistent in size, nozzling andmanufacturer. Renovations or additions to the existing Irrigation System shall use the same manufacturer,model and size that exist on site. Sprinkler choice is based upon:
    • i. Available operating pressure at the base of the sprinkler;
    • ii. Desired radius;
    • iii. Type of landscape/plant material to be irrigated.
    • iv. Preference will be given to sprinklers incorporating pressure compensating devices.
    • v. Preference will be given to sprinklers incorporating check valves to reduce low head drainage.
  • (v) Sprinkler arcs, radius and alignment are to be designed and capable of adjustment to minimize oversprayonto adjacent surfaces outside of landscape areas.
  • (w) Drip line and emitters must incorporate technology to limit root intrusion.
  • (x) Specify all irrigation components from a coordinated manufacturer’s line listed in the Subdivision,Development & Servicing Approved Products List.
  • (y) All irrigation products, installation and operations shall be completed in accordance with the requirements ofSchedule 5.
  • (z) The Landscape Maintenance Period for landscape establishment shall be one year from the date ofSubstantial Performance of the landscape components of the work. All landscape areas shall be providedestablishment maintenance which shall include irrigation maintenance and watering.

7C.2 Irrigation Plan and Irrigation Design Report Requirements for Works and Services

For irrigation Works and Services that will be owned by the City of Kelowna, the Owner’s Qualified Professional isrequired to submit the following plans and reports, gain City ”Issued for Construction” status, and certify constructionquality assurance:

  • a) Irrigation Plan
  • b) Landscape Water Conservation Report (in accordance with Water Use Regulation Bylaw 10480)
  • c) Irrigation Design Report
  • d) Maintenance Schedule

The following information shall be shown on the Irrigation Plans and Landscape Water Conservation Report

  • (a) Name and contact information for the IIABC Certified Designer.
  • (b) Name and contact information for the water utility provider and the electrical utility provider.
  • (c) property lines.
  • (d) buildings, edge of pavement, curb lines and curbs, sidewalks, lighting fixture locations, surface utilitiesand related service boxes or other elements that would affect the irrigation system –but with an objectiveof minimizing drawing clutter.
  • (e) Location of all existing vegetation to remain.
  • (f) Location of retaining walls and slopes that exceed 3:1 vertical.
  • (g) Landscape Water Budget, and Estimated Landscape Water Use and calculations (in accordance withSchedule C of the Water Regulation Bylaw No. 10480 -may be a separate Landscape Water ConservationReport).
  • (h) Hydrozones shall be designated by number, letter or other designation.
  • (i) Designate the areas irrigated by each valve (irrigation zones) and assign a number to each valve.
  • (j) Indication of which irrigation zones will be automatic vs manual watering systems. Clearly identify any‘temporary zones’: those zones which are intended to operate for less than a two (2) year grow in period.
  • (k) Schematic layout showing all points of connection, backflow prevention, water meters, electrical supplyand meters, winterization facilities, timeclocks, heads, valves, piping, sleeves, sensors and other elementscritical to construction and maintenance of the irrigation system.
  • (l) Irrigation legend describing brand, model and size of timeclocks, heads, valves, piping, sleeves, sensorsand all other elements shown on the irrigation plan.
  • (m) Any details specific to the project that are not included in Schedule 5.

The Irrigation Design Report shall be submitted with the Irrigation Plans, in booklet form on 8.5 x 11 paper and shall

  • (a) Static water pressure obtained either by pressure gauge reading from the site; or from the City of Kelowna.
  • (b) Design flow calculations indicating maximum water flows required to irrigate the proposed site in the desiredwater window;
  • (c) Water utility jurisdiction; inclusive of any regulations or restrictions imposed by the said water utility that willaffect the operation of the Irrigation System.
  • (d) The electrical requirements necessary to operate the proposed Irrigation System. Verification from theapplicable electrical utility that the service is available and what is required to route it to the necessarylocation(s);
  • (e) Identification of the micro-climates throughout the proposed site;
  • (f) A chart illustrating a zone by zone breakdown of the following items;
    • i. Type of plant material
    • ii. Product Type (micro, spray, rotor); and area based calculated precipitation rates.
    • iii. Required operating pressure
    • iv. Required zone flow
    • v. Zone valve size
  • (g) Scheduling data utilizing a maximum ET value of 7”/month (Kelowna July ET); taking intoconsideration soil type, slope and micro-climate. Show the cumulative watering time required to water allcircuits in the project. Except where otherwise required or approved, the irrigation water window shall not begreater than 6 hours per day on an odd or even schedulingformat.

7C.3 Establishment Watering Provisions in Single Family Subdivisions

Watering provisions are required for establishment of all street tree planting. Automatic irrigation systems to beprovided to the boulevard area as an extension of privately held irrigation systems on the fronting lot. Provideirrigation sleeves across the sidewalk at the lot centerline and across the driveway as necessary to accommodate theirrigation pipe connecting all landscape areas and the fronting boulevard and medians.

In cases where boulevard landscape and related irrigation is being installed in advance of single family lots beingoccupied, the developer is to install a temporary irrigation system to water the boulevard. When private homes areconstructed and occupied, within 6 months of occupancy the developer must arrange to have the boulevard irrigationfronting each lot removed from the temporary irrigation system and attached permanently to the irrigation system ofthe fronting lot. Design of the temporary irrigation system may follow one of two general arrangements:

FULL LANDSCAPED BOULEVARD: generally in accordance with Schedule 5 Standard Drawing “TemporaryBoulevard Irrigation”, based on a spray or drip irrigation system to serve grass, groundcover, shrubs andtrees in the boulevard, OR

TREES ONLY BOULEVARD: if trees only are being planted, with dryland or paved landscape in between, a RootWatering System (Double) on public property shall be provided that meets the requirements Schedule 5 StandardDrawings.

  • (a) For temporary boulevard irrigation systems, and/or for permanent median irrigation systems, water supply,backflow prevention and irrigation smart controller shall be provided in central location(s) in the subdivision,with valves and distribution piping designed in accordance with Section 6C –Irrigation. Water supply may beobtained from the services of the new lots. A water billing account must be established prior to use.
  • (b) Irrigation sleeves for the temporary or permanent boulevard and median systems shall be provided under alldriveways or other paved areas to provide pipe access to all landscape areas within the highway forinstallation and maintenance of the irrigation system without removing surface paving.
  • (c) The City will withhold part of the maintenance bond at a value of 140% of the cost of connecting temporaryirrigation in boulevards to permanent irrigation systems on fronting private lots, and abandonment of anytemporary irrigation system. If this conversion is not completed by the Developer within 6 months of homeoccupancy, the City may if necessary at the Developer’s expense undertake the connection of the boulevardirrigation system to the adjacent private lot system and decommission the temporary irrigation with its ownforces.

7C.4 Irrigation Service Connections

Except as required otherwise all landscaped areas of a Highway or Utility Facility shall be serviced with a meteredwater service (50mm diameter, and a metered electrical service (120/240 volts, 60 amps minimum). Provision ofwater and electrical services by the Owner shall include the establishment of service accounts with the utilityproviders, all necessary permits, testing and certification, and all materials, labour, fees and utility costs necessary toprovide the service until the end of the Landscape Maintenance Period.

Schedule 4 - Design Standards (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.