Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Ms I A a STUDEBAKER NAMES OPERATIONS CHIEF SOUTH BEND, Earl M. Douglas, genera: manager ot the Studebaker Corp, plant in Los Angeles, has been appointed to take charge jebaker manuH. facturing S. operations? Stugebaker president, said Douglas' carries the rank office president he expects the board of directors to to that rank at its next niecting. The appointment effective immediately and will C5- tablish headquarter South Bend, Vance said.

His successor at the Los will be Howard Kyser, who gas been plant superintendent. Douglas has been swith the firm since 1927 in the engineering and manufacturing ions. Before going to Los Angelis in 1947, he was executive enginger for manufacturing and MERWIN. HOUSE SWP HOUSE PAINT lasts stives money It pays to be "choosy" when you select The price difference bit ween SWP House Paint and ordinary house paint la left than $5.00 for the average? house job, And years of extra wear make it one of the wisent, economies you can make You'll be money ahead when you dis cover there is a difference in house paint! FREE! Ask fora your copy of the 44-page Hame Decorator containing Gil facts on' SWP House Paint lots of decorating OPEN ALL DAY WED. Custer Lumber Co.

PHONE $1040 FREE PARKING IN REAR WILL ATTEND? CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY ASC. of the Grant County Agricultural Ralph Pearson, I office manager Stabilization announced yesterday that he would attend a district office managers meeting which will be held Wednesday at Columbia City. Pearson said that approximately 15 will attend the meeting that Carl Kohr, district field man, will be in JANITOR ORDERED RETURNED TO OHIO INDIANAPOLIS: (UP) Leroy Smith, 44, Columbus, Ohio, who was accused of taking $21,387 from the firm where he worked as a janitor, was ordered returned Monday to Ohio to face federal charges in connection with the safe robbery. V. Judge William E.

Steckler granted Smith's request to be removed toy his home state. Smith was held in $25,400 bond. Smith was accused of, taking the money from the Upper, Arlington branch of the Ohio Federal Sav. ings Loan Assn, at Columbus. Smith was" captured with.

most of the money at Terre: Haute, Ind. AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT to those with IMPAIRED HEARING Is unsatisfactory hearing retarding your business and 50- cial life? Sonotone offers you scientific bearing correction, with continuing care by 3 trained and qualified Consultant. JUNE HEARING CENTER SPENCER HOTEL, MARION JUNE 17th-1 7 p.m. John R. Mylet, Mgr.

of the Marion District. will be in charge. Take advantage of this opportunity for an amination bf your hearing problems. Consultation private, without charge or obligation. 514 East Delphi Street, Converse, Indiana Phone 72 SONOTONE THE HOUSE OF HEARING LET'S TAKE THE KIDS ALONG They need a vacation, too.

It's a little more costly, but a lot more tin, to take a family vacation. A loan on the FAMILY PROTECTION TIME PLAN will provide the necessary fends and can be repaid out of monthly income. Money spent for the health and happiness of a child if never wasted. AMERICAN SECURITY Division of A. S.

C. Corporation 315 S. Adamai St. 14 Phone 2500 Developed CAMERAS FILM FLASH BULBS HENDEY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT 508 Washington St. Like "TELETRAY" of "Serve with the ONCE and RELEASE- Just press will button then take your order.

Operator Chicken-ina-Box French Fried Shrimp Chicken, served a Shrimp. served One-quarter Jumbo. Louisiana $100 with French fried with our own potatoes, com co*cktail Sauce, bination salad. buttered roll. French fried Idaho Potatocs, One- Half Fried Chicken $1.60 combination salad, and buttered roll.

FISH AND CHIPS A toes, buttered bread, and our own special Golden co*cktail brown sauci perch, French fried Idaho SANDWICHES SOFT ICE CREAM CUTTERS STAND Trade Mayk Reg. State Rds. 9 37 FOR COMPLETE CARRY- OUT SERVICE PHONE NORTH 2-8771 COMMUNISTS SEEK. RELEASE ON BAIL CAPITAL TRANSIT LOUIS UP Five. Communists convicted of conspiring to advocate the overthrow of the government by force asked the U.

S. Court of Appeals Monday to permit their release on bail pending appeal of the case. The actual appeal ha's not yet been filed. The Communists, held in the St. Louis City Jail sincc they were sentenced to prison terms, claimed that" seyeral substantial questions of law were involved in the case and that Judge Roy W.

Harner erred in denying them bond. The defendants are William Setener, Robert Manewitz, Marcus All Murphy and James F. Forest. sentenced to five years each, and Forest's wife, Dorothy Rose fiorest, sentenced to three years. 14! SYSTEM 'NORMAL' INDIANAPOLIS (P) Patronage of Indianapolis city buses and trolleys.

was described as "'about for Monday on the first working day since a six-week drivers' strike wa's settled last Friday. Wemhoff, public relations director for the Indianapolis Transit System, said also the of returning bitterness drivers, showed "seemed no to be back at work." He estimated the firm's loss in gross revenue because of the strike. at about one million dollars. No estimate was given on the loss by the 1,000 striking drivers and maintenance workers, members of the AFL Motor Coach Employes union. The company 'announced it will discontinue the "owl" service it had operated on certain lines between 2 and a.m.

and that some other schedules will be curtailed for economy reasons. A Special Tuesday night shopping hours observed by many downtown stores during the strike are being discontinued, land police have resumed enforcement of parking restrictions relaxed to date motorists. The settlement gave the drivers an immediate 4-cent hourly increase and another 1-cent increase Nov. 1, bringing their scale to $1.79, now and $1.80 in November. Summitville Van Ness, local chairman for the Mental.

Health program, has announced the following workers from the Psi Iota Xi Sorority who will assist her in the soliciting of funds. Business district; Mrs. Margaret Vinson, and residential districts; Mrs, Mabel Bruning, Mrs. Rose Vinson, Mrs. Rosalind Morgan, Mrs.

Madalene Himelick. Mrs. Helen Nottingham and Miss Nelle Graham. Plans are being made for a building to house 'a permanent Youth Recreation Center, Committees appointed are, building; C. E.

Banther, Cletis Bair, Paul Ice and James Kirkwood, finance; Fred Bogue, James and Charles Melling, publicity; the Rev. H. S. Gearhart, Junior High; Mrs. Darwin Woodruff, Mrs.

Alice Bair, and Mrs. Lois Melling; High School: Mrs. Evelyn Cunningham, Mildred Pyle and the Rev. Gearhart and co*ke machine; Paul Ice. At the present time the Junior High group are meeting in the home economics room from 7 to 10 p.m.

Tuesdays. The High School group will meet from 7 to 11 p.m. Friday. Daily Vacation Bible Schools held at the Methodist Church will mect in the church basem*nt Thursday with Mrs. Nellie Inglis' division in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Small have received word that their son, Pic. Don Small, who has been confined in the U.S. Army hospital at Landstill, Germany, is improving.

He has been there since April 14th. They have received word that anson, Pfc. William "Billie" Small, of the U. S. Marines has landed at Pohang, SON GRADUATES The son of Mrs.

Spencer Cantrill, Fred Matter, was graduated from Cranbrook School, Bloomfield, where he has been a student since 1950. He was a member of the varsity track and soccer teams and the rifle club and he served on the school yearbook and newspaper. An observer at the latitude of New York City can see more stars than are visible from either the North or South poles. SUMMITVILLE. Mrs.

Wm. C. OUCH Author Ernest Hemingway grimaces at the mention of his airplane mishaps in Africa last Januarv. Dining in a Genoa. Italy, restaurant.

Hemingway and his wife expect to sail soon Marion, Indiana, Leader-Tribune June 15, 1954 5 AND AND ld 6d- RHODESIA NYASALAND POSTAGE THE QUEEN The same picture of Queen Elizabeth appears on three new Rhodesia and Nyasaland stamps to be issued July 1. The 10- shilling stamp is red-orange, the six-pence a bright purple, and the one -pence ultramarine. Reappraisal Of Situation By France May Be Forced WASHINGTON (INS) U.S. di-1 plomatic officials expressed" hope Monday that the new French cabinet crisis will force its own "agonizing reappraisal" of Indichina and the European defense community. Assistant Secretary of State Livingston T.

Merchant the Senate Foreign Relations committee that the outlook for French ratification of EDC is "excellent" despite the fall of the Laniel government. The summary of Merchant's cret testimony a in favor of continmutual aid funds to European nations that have ratified EDC quoted him as saying that the European army treaty issue was directly involved" in the vote which unseated Premier Joseph Laniel. He pointed out that three France's four "pre-conditions" for favorable action on EDC al ready have been met-all except a settlement of the SAAR dispute with Germany. He noted that. France and Germany.

appear close to agreement on this question. A high State Department official told International News Service that the consensus of U. S. diplomatic thinking at the moment is whoever becomes the new French premier will have to have position on EDC or an alternative which would be acceptable to both Germany and the United States. Hartford City HARTFORD CITY Rites will be conducted High? p.m.

Wednesday at 509 N. for George Moll, 66, who died Sunday night of a heart attack while watering the lawn at his home. The Rev. Ben Hershberger, Methodist pastor, will officiate and burial will be in the IO0F Cemetery. Survivors include the Lenna; two children, Mrs.

Robert Russell, Marion: Robert Moll, this city; six grandchildren and six brothers and sisters, Mrs. Margaret Comer, Medaryville; Chris Moll, -Lena Wray, Mrs. Kathering Underhill, all of Lafayette: Mary Sticcler, Attica and Mrs. Elizabeth Stover, Muncie. Funeral services for Harry Spears, 72.

retired school teacher, will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at 109 W. Winsor Montpelier. instead of at tht Church of Christ as originally planned. Robcrt Crose, pastor of the church, will officiate, and burial will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery, east of Montpelier.

He died Sunday morning at Montpelier of a heart ailment. Survivors are the widow, Edna; four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mrs. Gladys Hensier, both of Eaton; Mrs. Lena Kershner, Montpelier: Mrs.

Edith Gaunt, this city, and one brother, John Spears, Muncie. Charles Buckmaster, Montpelier, WAS named Monday by members of the Blackford County council to fill A vacancy created by the death of Ralph Hayden June 3. The council in the session also considered additional appropriations for various county departments. Ralph Gunckel, 50, Muncie, remained in critical condition at Blackford County Hospital Monday night with injuries sustained Saturday evening in a traffic accident 12 miles north of Hartford City His wife, Florence, 48, was killed Instantly. Elliott, this city, truck driver: hurt in accident.

was released from the hospital Monday afternoon. Announcement was made here Monday of the marriage of Miss Valentina Trehearne, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trehcarne, Sturgis, formerly of this city, and Rex A. Hiatt.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hiatt, Upland. The ceremony was performed Saturday in 1 the Trinity Lutheran Church at Sturgis with the Rev. Herbert Heindenreich officiating.

Births reported at the Blackford County Hospital include Mr. and John A. Wright. Fairmount, a boy; Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Brenner, a girl; and Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman, a boy. Miss Patricia Ann Threadgill, this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Threadgill, Fullerton, formerly of Hartford City, was united in marriage Sunday 10 Warren Hunter Westbrook, of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Westbrook. Ill.

D. E. Caslow, Indianapolis. officiated at the rites read at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church at Anderson. Sondra Vardaman and John Reynolds, both of Jonesboro, were granted a marriage license here Saturday.

He said there is al strong elementi of opinion that! the current crisis will force the French down to "brass tack" thinking about eurypopul pue woq cally and about "where the French stand in the world in general. And he emphasized the statement Secretary John Foster Dulles made last week that time running out for action on European unity. Li The official said that even Pierre Mendes-France, who in the past has favored withdrawal from Insell dochina and rejection of EDC. has the point where he could accept softened his, attitude on EDC to it without violating public statements he has made in recent weeks. The official stressed this is possibility rather than a probability, but added there always reof mains the possibility that a new French government present the United States with a in which France accepts EDC and abandons Indochina.

Mendes-France at is trying to form a new cabinet. U.S. officials refused to make any solid prediction about whether he would succeed because they said they were unable to judge the extent of the popular appeal of his demand that the French get out of Indochina. The United States cannot' wait much longer with the of indecision but the alternatives to EDC are distasteful. In effect they boil' down to the question of whether the United States is willing to write off France as a major ally and substitute Western Germany.

SLATE JOINT MEETING OF FARM BUREAU GROUPS Gas City GAS CITY A-1c William' Harris, who is stationed with the Air Force at McChord Air Base in Washington, is spending a 30-day furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris, and' daughters, '123 St. and with other relatives and friends. Mrs.

Charles Rutherford, state junior councilor, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Zook of Marion. and page for Mrs. Rutherford and Mrs. Lawrence Dumpert of Jonesboro, attended the, state Daughters of America convention at the Severn Hotel in Indianapolis on June 8, 9 and 10; Mr.

and Mrs. William Schwann of Boston, are guests of his parents Rev. and Mrs. Henry Schwann. The Womens Socicty of Chris-! tian Service will be entertained Thursdays.

at Fred the Garthwait, church annex Mrs. Fred Tavenner, and Mrs. Fred Hatfield as the hostesses. The devotions will be given by Mrs. Richard Taylor and the lesson by Mrs.

John Rhoday. The president, Edith Linn, urges all members to bel present. Joe Howard who is in the Air Force stationed at Chanute Field, 111.3 spent the weekend here. with parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Howard and family, 310 E. St. Cora Drider accompanied and Mrs. TP Otis Jay, Jonesboro, to Hillsdale, Thursday where they attended the commencement exercises at the high school. John Jay, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Jay, was a graduate. Mrs. E. H.

Candy a member of the Marion' Garden Club went to Michigan City Tuesday. She visited the International Friendship Gardens. Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church will meet Wednesday at the home of Miss Edith Linn, with Celia Hayworth as assistant hostess. Miss Hayworth will be in charge of devotions. The lesson will be presented is by.

Mrs. Virgil Dorcas Group of the First Christian Church held a carry-in dinner Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. P. Gray, Jonesboro.

She was assisted by Mrs. A. M. Dailey. Business session was in charge of Mrs.

Walter Berry, Devotions were given by Mrs. Fred Gore. Mrs. C. C.

Catterson, assisted by Mrs. Isaac Harter, Mrs. Smith Poor. Mrs. Moyers, and Mrs.

Rusa sell McKinney, presented the lesson. Those attending were the Rev. Dewey Hole, Mrs. Carrie Woodard, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs.

'Arlena Hayes, Mrs. Gore. Mrs. Chester Mason and guest, Mrs. I.

Harter. Mrs. Harry Underwood. Mrs. William: Adams, Berry, Mrs.

Poor. Mrs. Ida Jacks, Mrs. Meyers. Miss Amanda Oliver, Marion Mrs.

Cor- Luella Dickerson, Mrs. bin, Catterson, Mrs. Alva Peterson and guest, and Elizabeth Poor. The meeting will be held at the church. Mrs.

E. Candy and Mrs. Virginia Amos and son had as their guests Thursday Mrs. Vada Belcher. Mrs.

Maude Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Teays and daughters, Bowling Green, Ky, Mrs. Charles L. Taylor, Fowlerton, called on Edith Linn Friday.

James Smithson, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smithson, 129 W. S. was recently promoted to Corporal while serving with the 92nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion in Korea.

Cpl. Smithson is a cannoneer which in is Battery now of undergoing bat- Richland and Pleasant Township training as part of the Farm Bureau will hold a lity force. A former joint. meeting 'at the Sweetscr Owens-Illinois Glass Community Hall. Wednesday, tered the Army in 8:15 p.m.

it was 'announced yes- and completed basic A talent contest will be held Camp Rucker, for each township. Also a contesting overseas in August. for homemade cakes, (no box mix, Mrs. Luther Human will be held. The cakes will be ters, Kay and Wanda, divided into three classes, angel, relatives in Tennessee white and dark.

Ice. cream and Kappa Delta Phi cake will be served. Fred Barker hold their meeting and Loren township chair- homer. of Mrs. Melvin men, will be in charge.

Main St. TAKE IT EASY HAVERHILL, Mass. (UP) 103. Mrs. Amey A.

Kimball is able to do her own housework. At is ists, discovered that the still certain trees would rub 'cil marks, giving rubber DEXTER Twina Matic OUT PERFORMS ALL OTHERS! including Automatics Does all your wash in less than 60 minutes! 4. DEXTER DEXTER 1 WASHERS IN LY value America's Washer-with Finest Lifetime lair Tul Guarantee and Come in -let us show you! DEXTER happy Hundreds Dexter of owners thousands would of AS have no other. Learn the LOW secret 50 of 3 Amazing way savings washing of soap, method water and time Service free perA farmance. There's no other WEEK washer like Dexter Twin-ari Matic.

TEST WASH WITH A DEXTER ELECTRIC CO. 506 5 3011 WASHINGTON ST YOUR STANDARDS to perform an To. choose the man service: important personal First, consider his community for standing honorable and and fair dealing. reputation Second, satisfaction determine he has given those the amount of he has served. Our Service is public demands, We pledge founded on the high to quality every the family our conscientious effort to maintain these standards that you rightfully expect.

Worthy of a Sacred True DICES Maurice E. Kimball Earl R. Love W. Phone NOrth 2-2503 504 Oldest Funeral Homes One of Indiana's DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE LEO HUNECK DRUGGIST 1011 S. Washington Ph.

5917 CLEAN FINE RUGS, CARPETS, UPHOLSTERY In or Out of Your Home ED STEPHENSON 3512 S. Gallatin Phone 2530 NOW Can Forget MILD WEATHER STOKER WORRIES Revolutionary New Automatic CAMPBELL COAL STOKER 4 Automatic Electric Ignition Starts Its Own Fire Burns. Only When Your Thermostat Calls for Heat. ECONOMY SAFETY COMPLETE COMFORT -p HANDY INCINERATOR Available as Hopper or Direct Bin Feed A Investigate This Revolutionary Campbell Stoker Now On Display A. B.

C. Fuel Inc. 419 East 18th Street (12 Shop Before Noon 1 YOUR FASHION STORE Wednesday WE CLOSE AT 12 NOON WEDNESDAY One Lot TOTS NEEDS Values to 1.50 Sun Suits Dresses Cabana Suits--Infants topper -Sizes 9 mo. to 6 yrs. ea.

HILL'S Second Floor Ladies' Cotton DRESSES Made to sell 1.98 and more--All fast color 'pat terns--Many styles--Sizes to 44. HILL'S Main Floor "I Ladies' SHORTY P.J.'S Cool cotton plisse for easy laundering -fast color print patterns- -Regular sizes. HILL'S Main Floor Men's Nylon SPORT SHIRTS 1 69 Reg. 1.98 Puckered Nylon--Need no ironing Blue, green, yellow HILL'S Men's Store 39c Infants SHIRTS Tie side or pullover style--Short sleevesSizes 3 mo. to 36 mo.

4 for HILL'S Second Floor Also Jr. years- plisse Boys' colors HILL'S popover and Main Wash shirts--Sizes patterns. Floor 4 Shorts to 8 59 50 129 in. colors--Slight Lace wide-78 HILL'S in. irregulars.

Rasem*nt long--White Curtains--pr. or Ecru 88 36 in. -L Unbleached Muslin First ers-Seamed quality-29c HILL'S and many value Bascment for other mattress uses. cev 5. yds.

1 h- 1 1 3 I 9 UN securemployee of the he enFebruary, 1953, training at before, arrivand daughvisited with recently. Sorority' will tonight at the Huffman, Ml English! chemgum from out penits name:.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.